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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. Okie dokey sounds good I best start reading up on how to play.
  2. I will never you worry you got an eta on start date?
  3. Shit I must of been having the wrong stuff that would explain why i didn't drop a jean size:heh:
  4. I'm looking to get myself a laptop don't want anything to impressive it will be used to browse the net etc. I think the most i'd spend would be £350 i'm looking for like 120gb hdd, 1gb ram, 1.8 ghz processor or something like that and a reasonable battery life. Any recommendations?
  5. Thats because Scotland are used to not qualifying. In all seriousness I generally find it impossible to feel even remotely patrotic in my opinion this country is going more and more downhill by the day.
  6. Just made my first level i'm quite happy with it every time i play on it I notice a little thing a want to change. I think i'm gonna get hooked on building levels
  7. Its a shame that this small minority of muslims ruin it for the rest of their people. They aren't doing their people any favors they are just turning us the British public against them and their people
  8. A random little thing that I tried out you don't actually have to be on the wii menu when you insert the freeloader i've inserted it on the start up screen where its waiting for you to press A. I've also done it mid load as the wii channels screen is half way appearing and it all works fine.
  9. Animal Crossing is a good shout i'm thinking that will be the first pay to play online game as well
  10. I feel you on that one had a lot of special k when halo 3 came out made it a much better game. Haven't had any in a long time though need to have some soon lol
  11. Just had my first match online it was with random people was laggy like a second delay i would say but this is cause they were US people. Anywho I still managed to win hehe
  12. There is no way to make a mistake there is literally one button that says update now and yes freeloader plays jap games
  13. First thing you need to do is put freeloader in twice then insert smash it will say it requires an update do that then your wii will restart. You then need to insert the freeloader again as the wii has just restarted then insert smash and you are good to go. From then on whenever you want to play smash you only have to insert the freeloader the once.
  14. Here's my friend code for Smash if you add me send me a PM with your code cheers all
  15. Heres my friend code if all that add me can PM me their friend codes or just post in here i'm gonna add Shadow now as his code is in his sig
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