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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. I'm very tempted to get this game but still unsure hoping maybe price may come down also tempted by sega bass fishing at the mo £18 on play
  2. From what i've played about with so far you can't even go into residential areas
  3. I'm a bit late on the Endless Ocean bandwagon but finally decided to pick it up got it for £15 from play.com and what can I say other than I love it. I haven't even bothered doing the missions yet i've either explored random areas or followed up on the hints they send you in the email. I haven't found much treasure yet but i'm sure I will the more I explore. For anyone that hasn't got this yet for £15 now is the time!!
  4. Fantastic probably the greatest thing since google earth
  5. There is no court case because the majority of people just believe what they are told. Even if there was a court case its a cover up much like Diana being murdered.
  6. Whos watched Loose Change then? Certainly makes 9/11 look like the biggest cover up of all time
  7. I stopped watching Wrestling around the Invasion time then when I went to Orlando in April I went to watch TNA live and it was awesome. It was a great show and i've been hooked on TNA since. Got all some great wrestlers that were big back when I watched WWE like Booker T, Kurt Angle, Dudleys now called Team 3d plus more
  8. People bang on about stuff being illegal and how they don't download games but I bet they don't have a problem downloading music? My view on things is if its that easy to get it for free why pay?
  9. Glad they're doing a recap episode I really need to watch that
  10. I would really reccommend getting into the wii homebrew there are some excellent things out and about. I have a fantastic homebrew app which allows me to load games off of an sd card so no need to waste space on the wii.
  11. All the twilight hack allows you to do is run the wad installer which allows you to install virtual console games. You download the VC or WW games from your comp.
  12. I don't mind casual games like carnival but only as long as they are a good price. I picked up carnival for £15 bargain!!
  13. Just gave it a quick bash actually not as bad as I thought. Yes graphics are shocking but as an old school arcade racer for £7 i'm pretty happy.
  14. Has anyone actually played the game yet. Saw it on play.com for £7 so thought i'd give it a go obv for the price not expecting anything special.
  15. After reading interviews with the writers it really does look like this theory has a leg to stand on.
  16. That is a fantastic theory!!
  17. A friend of mine told me last year after the season 3 final that who was in the coffin was in it and I took his word for it then mentioned it at various gatherings last summer and people rubbished it and today my friend was proven right lol.
  18. 110% agree with you there. Most of the time I come away disappointed but as you say there is always the one OMG moment to keep you coming back.
  19. Definatly deserves higher than a 5. From what i've played i'd at least put it in the 7's.
  20. I found this to be another dud episode
  21. Got hold of this one yesturday did the first level which was pretty much a tutorial but i'm very impressed the whole wii mote jumping adds a nice little twist to platforming. So far i'm very impressed with Wiiware
  22. Who is this Bill O'Reilly guy?
  23. I kind of assumed that as the date on Jins grave was the date of the crash they were doing it to keep the outside world thinking there were only the 6 that survived. I'm also assuming Locke will manage to move the island as in a flash forward Whitmore said to Ben that he will find the island again.
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