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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. Just had a couple of friends over for my first local smash bros multiplayer match was so much fun. Its my mates 19th tomorrow so we're hooking my Wii up to his cinema screen he has in his garage tomorrow nothing like a bit of smash bros pre drinks before a trip to town
  2. Just to add to my gateway argument. I stick by what I said that it is a gateway I think this is mainly due to the people you have to go through to get the stuff. I think if it was legal like booze then no way would it be a gateway.
  3. Hehe hit a nerve there did I. I listen to all sorts of music listend to all that wrist slitting rubbish a few years back but grew out of it.
  4. Another pretty funny one is chronic masterbation its a spoof of that new snoop dogg song
  5. Google crank dat homeless man funny as fuck
  6. Its true though all the people on here critisise rap music yet listen to a load of American trash with people crying about how shit their lives are. Sure it was cool way back when I was 15 but then you kind of realise hold on something aint right here and wise up
  7. Twas a joke. What music you into then mate? Songs where they whine about not being able to get a girlfriend? Or maybe about how shit their life is? BORING
  8. I am proud to say I have never tried crack and never will it is a dirty addictive drug and best to stay away from. I think a lot of people here need to wise up and talk to frank.
  9. Why does what he said deserve an infraction. His comment was completely tongue in cheek no harm done
  10. I chose to ignore jaysevens for some reason i'd rather not make it public knowlodge what i did how much i did and how much i paid for it.
  11. I have a couple of East 17 albums from my childhood I do believe they are pretty rare now as most people destroyed all evidance of liking them to save embarresment
  12. Lol love the Buzz lightyear comparison there:bowdown:
  13. Do nothing went through a little stage of doing weights and jogging last year but then for some reason just stopped all of a sudden. Although it probably won't make any differance i'm going to be trying this new work out regime called Wii Fit I think any of you heard of it?
  14. Floyd Mayweather is no tool he's a bloody clever guy. Certainly knows how to promote.
  15. I think the only thing needed to be said to that one is YAHH
  16. Yes it doesn't happen to everyone but it is safe to say that it happens to a big majority. I'm not gonna expect you guys to agree with me if you lot are still using. I would love to be proven wrong on this but i've seen it so many times.
  17. We should already be alright for Mario Kart and Wii Fit as an update released a while ago was in preparation for the game specific channels. As for WiiWare thats what the shop channel update was for so we're all fine there. Also what is this I keep reading about Nintendo being the only console with region coding. I don't know about the PS3 but the 360 has region coding on pretty much all of the games. Strangely though Microsoft normally don't bother region coding thier published games
  18. AMEN to that I am currently banned from the apple thread for simply stating my opinion that I prefer the N95 over the Iphone. I was given an infraction for that so then decided to tell the mod to grow a dick as he was abusing his power
  19. None at present no need to superman them cause they all wanna fuck me:D
  20. I'm speaking from life experience and people I have met. At the end of the day at 16 you are still a kid you're not gonna see things as I see it. After a bit of life experience and meeting more people you will realise. I've seen it happen to so many people first its a joint every now and then, then it turns into a couple of joints at the weekend then it slowy creeps into the week then eventually they want something a bit stronger like a pill or a tab of acid.
  21. Some have self control but most don't. With all do respect I see you are only 16 years old so more than likely haven't been on it for very long. Give it a few years of regular smoking and eventually it will get old and you will want something harder.
  22. Gotta love a bit of ignorance.
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