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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. I think people are just jealous that he is enjoying his Wii to the fullest. Stop being such killjoys and chill out
  2. I'm still waiting for confirmation think i'm gonna pop into the store tomorrow
  3. Right so you can't get on the net to update consoles yet you are whineing about not being able to save VC games to your SD card. How are you gonna get the VC games without going online?
  4. Im going to put mine on top of my TV
  5. He must be in bed right now the screens black
  6. Its odd isn't it the way many retailers seen to think there will be shortages of games as well. Unheard of in my day other than with OOT
  7. They are on the hard drive or memory card
  8. After sitting through that Gamespot launch thing earlier I have lots of faith that Nintendo are going to do very well. Its very funny over at the Xbox board they all like to make out that Xbox is going to outsell Wii and PS3. NO CHANCE
  9. Where in the Zelda timeline does TP fit in?
  10. Cool cheers for that only asked about a second one as my mate wants to get rid of his and he won't get much for it on ebay
  11. Oh right excellent do you know if they'd let me trade in two Gamecubes?
  12. So whats the 15% trade in 15% of what?
  13. Just ordered my component from amazing just need to buy one of these now w.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-2q-77-z-49-en-15-component%2B-70-3cb.htmljust wondering does anyone know if using this will affect the quality of the picture?
  14. Ahhh I see did the Wii card come with the letter?
  15. Hey all i'm under the impression that those that got the confirmation letter from Game were also told about a good trade in offer on the cube £30 pounds or something like that. Is this when you buy your Wii or do you need to trade it in before? Also i've heard about some sort of Wii card could someone explain this. Just want to get all the information I can as I haven't recieved a letter and am going to write to head office.
  16. Make sure you get there first thing if you're going on Saturday
  17. Does anyone agree with me that the black mii's look really suspicious
  18. Lol at the Wii event today i didn't have the strap on and the bloke said "you gotta wear that at all times mate we don't want any accidents"
  19. I was there this morning played Tennis, Bowling, Golf and on Wii Play played Table Tennis and That laser hockey thing Tennis and Bowling were great fun was having trouble with Golf for some reason it wasn't swinging how I was swinging but I put that down to configuration. All in all i'm now so glad i've got mine pre-ordered and i'm more excited than ever
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lol well spotted i never noticed that
  21. Anyone thats going to bluewater on Thursday look out for me and my mate (its me on the right) and shout Scuba!!!!!
  22. Can someone explain to me spiderman being consumed or covered in that black stuff and then having a black suit? Or is that meant to symbolise his anger or something?
  23. Isketch aka WiiSketch
  24. I did indeedy put my pre-order down on 25/09/06 at 13:12 which is the day they started taking them
  25. So were Nintendo there first thing in the morning? I'm heading to Bluewater on Thursday and hoping they will be there early so I don't have to wait long
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