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Everything posted by KingJoe

  1. I reckon there is a responsibility to contact these people, and have a chat. Let 'em do what they want, but let's not hide from them to preserve their way of life like a museum piece. They are human beings, let's allow them to join the party instead of dicking about in the garden all day.
  2. holy fuck that 12 year old can sing.
  3. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I live in Japan, I'm supposed to be able to show off now! Bought it today, hot dawg it is awesome. I got leathered by some Jappos earlier, the steering wheel is definitely both more difficult and more fun.
  4. I'm not mad (because I live in Japan). I am VERY upset I will have to wait for the C64 channel though...
  5. I was trying to do the trick that changes samus into zero-suit samus yesterday for ages and I couldn't do it. Bum.
  6. This game is brilliant. I bought it despite my lack of a wii so I can only play it round at my friend's house (this makes me sound about 12 when I am, in fact, 25). There is a story but I won't bore you with it. I have only managed to play multiplayer, and I went out and bought a GC controller for it too, the local Wondergoo shop has just got loads in, presumably for smash bros. It plays a lot like melee, but I'm not an expert so if you are linking, waveriding or anything like that then maybe it will play differently. Luigi's "let's go" makes him sound like a paedophile.
  7. I was expecting a totally different theme running through this thread
  8. Stupid, stupid, stupid not being in the UK.
  9. Patent law?
  10. NFL on the bbc? What the hell is going on?
  11. There are an awful lot of teachers on here! Technically I am employed as a maths teacher (they still owe me one paycheque) but I'm moving to Japan to teach English starting in a week.
  12. and they have huuge spoilers in
  13. What's your point?
  14. This series is utterly amazing! I got totally addicted to it in January. Ashley, any idea when series 2 is getting shown in the US?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r81LOlVC6vA hilarious
  16. To Haden: I didn't miss the point, I agree with him. I'm not quite sure how I demonstrated his point though. Just to clarify: I'm not a teenager, I was brought up Catholic, lapsed, lapsed further and then gave up on Catholicism totally. I used to firmly believe in a God (that is, a benevolent, omnipresent consciousness) but now I don't. To me, and many others, a personified God just doesn't fit. I don't believe in things that I have not seen evidence of. I cannot see how this could be interpreted as unintelligent behaviour.
  17. except nintendo exist...
  18. I quite enjoyed the episode, but it was a bit rubbish too. I hated the 'Voodoo Child' bit, far too silly and self-indulgent. I've just found myself tapping out drum beat on my mouse, it's mind control!
  19. And excellent deerstalker hat.
  20. I believe he said conservative, not Conservative...
  21. Murray, I usually find your posts hilarious, but Jeff is a step too far. There's a load of stuff about Jeff on 6 music and I reckon a fair portion of tomorrow will be spent listening again on t'internet while I do some computery work. And hallelujah is possibly the closest thing to a perfect song I have ever heard.
  22. Teachers have to fill in estimated grades to the exam boards just in case this sort of shit happens. I reckon it's about 90% certain that you'll get graded.
  23. The exam board should award you a grade based on any other exams/coursework you've done for the subject and predicted grades. Shouldn't be a problem and the school should sort it out for you. Your teacher peobably spoke to a fuckwit at the board (and not the head fuckwit). I've seen estimated grades handed out to people in far less serious situations (i.e. a mate who fell asleep in the middle of the exam!). If they are utter nobjockeys, there's always appeals or resits.
  24. This is postmodern.
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