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Everything posted by DCK

  1. I hope it's Call of Duty. The more shooters, the better.
  2. I loved the gravity gun Half-Life 2 and it would fit Metroid Prime so well It'd be cool if they used an air pressure gun that could flip really distant switches and push huge boxes out of the way.
  3. Hehe *pictures home shopping ads selling the Revolution* 'Wow Carl, this just feels MUCH MORE natural than the things you buy in a regular shop' 'Order now and get FREE toilet paper to keep it white and shiny'
  4. Agreed. It's ridiculous how some people say 'no nintendo would never do/make/allow that' or 'what BS' for every negative piece of news and then go start believing silly stuff (Halo 3 Revolution? No way!) when positive rumours show up.
  5. DCK

    E3 2006

    Actually, in the interview with Reggie in the other thread, he seems to be saying that they will reveal quite a bit of the console, but that they won't go all out yet.
  6. DCK


    Aren't we forgetting that Saturn games are up to 650 MB big and games like Shenmue DC are four 1 GB discs big? Those don't fit in the Rev's internal ROM, and I doubt people want to spend so much SD cards on that.
  7. I'm thinking Nintendo might be waiting for those brand new Intel XScale processors - 1.25 GHz on an ARM-based CPU? Oh yeah baby Seriously though - Sony has done good stuff with the PSP and Nintendo's pushed seriously to beat that on graphics. If the PSP would've never been there I doubt the next Game Boy would've pushed more than Cube graphics. Now it has the potential to be on par with the Revolution (I will get flamed for saying this but so what).
  8. No they probably were never true, but hey, who cares? Bottom line is that the Game Boy 3, due to the DS's success is likely only to release in 2008 meaning that everything they might've planned or developed before the DS's launch has been thrown away. There's no use in developing internal hardware that's only to be launched four years later.
  9. Heat dissipation is measured in watts too, and they're only talking about dissipation here. It wastes 3.5 watts when used in heat, that doesn't mean it uses only 3.5 watts. They could get a lot out of the 65nm process, but using dedicated handheld hardware would probably be a better fit. Isn't 6 or 9 volts in a handheld quite common by the way?
  10. I could imagine that you could actually speak with people in the game if this works out REALLY well. But that's just my imagination really
  11. Pedrocasilva, the Gekko will still be a CPU designed for being connected to a power plug. Even if they'd manage to get the level of the new 14W (idle) G5s it's still not near the level of handheld CPUs. The ARM9 in the DS uses less than half a watt when idle - 30 times less than any PowerPC is to make in the near future. The battery life is still only ten hours with that, and the DS doesn't even have a dedicated GPU. Using GameCube based hardware is just not doable for a handheld. The idea is fantastic but it doesn't seem possible
  12. Of course he wouldn't say anything good about Nintendo, but next time, he'd better only say 'no comment'
  13. A handheld Game Boy way isn't doable because the GC discs aren't portable. UMDs are cartridged because it protects them - GC discs are scratched easily and not portable at all. Also, even on 65nm processes, the GameCube hardware still sucks too much power, take too much space and create too much heat to attractive to put in a handheld - it'd be more like a laptop and that way we could probably better use a Revolution with an LCD attachment. Let's not forget that Game Boys could never pass the €200 pricepoint and putting old home console hardware in it (along with the top notch LCDs/OLEDs and really expensive batteries) won't help with that. Game Boy 3 will probably beat the GameCube on tech level, but seeing the PowerPC architecture hasn't settled on the handheld level, we'll probably see an ARM / StrongARM (Intel XScale anyone?) based CPU in it, like in the GBA and DS. It won't run GC games - it'll probably even use cartridges. -updated-
  14. If they could translate stuff (voice to computer understandable data) on the fly that'd certainly be cool stuff. This may be the other revolutionary aspect.
  15. There's only been slight interest in that (if there ever was, the story could be BS) - and Hiroshi Yamauchi made very clear that he wasn't selling his part of the shares. There never were concrete plans of buying Nintendo. Even if they said no (and they won't do that because Microsoft 'sucks') there is always a way to take legal action against holding shares. Another option would be to buy pretty the shares that aren't Yamauchi's (or whoever won't sell them) and become a major share holder. This means you can partly control the company. The reason why Nintendo was never bought by Microsoft is probably that it wasn't worth the investment and investing in the Xbox was more feasible. Nintendo costs more money than the money it costs to make your own console, so they chose the second option. Cisco, not being a major software house with the technology or manpower to run a part of the game industry, would gain that stuff if they'd buy out Nintendo though. Buying out Nintendo could be a good move if they wanted to make profit out of the game industry.
  16. Even though Nintendo is pretty big (let's not exaggerate about that) they aren't close to the size of Microsoft or Sony. Nintendo has the smallest stamina of the big three and that's why I think DiemetriX made this thread. If there wasn't some reason that making consoles is a good thing for Sony and Microsoft they would've stopped with it already, but apparently Microsoft is willing to make ridiculous losses (rumoured to be $300+ on a Premium 360) to compete in the market. Nintendo couldn't compete like that, and therefore, if one was to step out of the market it would be Nintendo. The chance that any company steps out is very, very small though.
  17. Nintendo could easily be overtaken by Cisco. It seems a bit odd for Cisco to do it, but claiming 'Nintendo will never be overtaken' when you don't know how it works is just stupid to say.
  18. I like that message down left 'Done, but with errors on page.' on the program's own promotion site. Firefox all the way for me
  19. Broadband is really common nowadays so, sorry to say, but the chances you'll get your retro games on the Rev are pretty slim. Although I guess you could have a PC with a WiFi card pass through the data downloaded from a 56k internet connection. Just don't try playing online games :wink:
  20. Yeah buttons work fine. I hardly use the DS's touch screen at all in menus. The Rev's controller is great for simulating motion and stuff, but for menus it doesn't seem to be the best thing. There's still the d-pad though.
  21. I guess the reason that we see those menu hoaxes is that they're a lot easier to fake than screenshots.
  22. I liked Everything or Nothing. But I guess this will turn out as an FPS considering the Rev controls.
  23. Yeah, I'd be surprised if it wasn't coming. It's a good sign they're starting to be allowed to announce games now though
  24. Obviously fake. Not even Nintendo designs them that bad.
  25. I can't see the Revolution not making at least the level of the Cube, but if they fail it could be over soon. My guess would be some between gen console in 2009 (like the Dreamcast) that might save them. I'd expect them to do better than Sega at it. It'll be a major blow though, but I don't expect it to fail - I'd be very surprised and dissappointed.
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