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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Yeah, FFCC for Cube was pretty but it was repetitive, boring and got you an empty feeling. I'm not looking forward to a Rev version really, the Cube version was the first and one of the few dissappointments I've had with the Cube (don't by that many games).
  2. GameCube games will probably (pretty definite for full backwards compability) have the system clocked back to GameCube specifications. The game will have to run in Revolution mode for extra graphics power, and I don't think that's worth spending time on. At zeldafan2020: Please stay off drugs - you're getting hallucinations.
  3. The controller will be light, and most of the weight will be in the lower part of the controller, that's where the batteries will be and probably the rumble too. The part sticking out won't put it off balance at all.
  4. Yeah, asking money for online quickies on a handheld is impossible. People simply won't pay. Though on Revolution, I can see MMORPGs asking fees, and maybe the occasional online shooter game (Battlefield and the likes), because people'll be more willing to pay for a game they play at home, games in which they put more time. I don't expect asking money for online will happen much at all though.
  5. It'd be unreasonable for any other game than an MMORPG to ask money for it. Online play is a feature a developer provides, and if the developer can't afford it, he shouldn't include it. They can't go asking money for Metroid Prime 3 online or something like that.
  6. I thought this was worth the minor bump and double post: IGN: Every Revolution Game We Know About Interesting - Mario Kart Revolution.
  7. Nintendo will have to assume that anybody using WFC has a broadband connection, otherwise it's not doable. With that, support for 16 players is easy. If CS can do it, MP3 can too.
  8. Yeah, $ony must not ghet thiz!111! Letz quicly remove teh thread be4 $ony haxxorz it?!? Seriously though, this isn't a major patent.
  9. I know, but you seem to want to reply to anything said on this forum and it's getting quite annoying that you post something and ten seconds later (I'm not kidding) you see Nintendork has commented on your post.
  10. Sixteen players online is perfectly possible on current-gen consoles and the PC, so why wouldn't it be in MP3? I'd be dissappointed with anything less really.
  11. You're getting annoying lately, Nintendork...
  12. Stabby, you just want it too much. All those comments that, if you bend them enough, vaguely hint to a different display system are really all destroyed by the comments like 'Rev games will look beautiful on any TV', 'I've tested the Rev to work on every TV' and the picture of the Revolution in front of a normal LCD TV.
  13. Do you think Nintendo will put in so much improbvement, like framerate boosts and sword-fighting? I'm expecting Rev gimmicks such as fishing and a few bonus items/areas, but nothing more. The three Zeldas planned is confirmed. The DS Zelda has been confirmed to be in actual development several months ago by Aonuma, I guess we'll see more of that at the E3.
  14. Nintendo France seems pretty reliable to me. But yeah, two versions of TP in development seems ridiculous. I'm wondering though, maybe the DS and Rev Zelda caused the Twilight Princess delay?
  15. Heh, I thought the Cube (being pre-DirectX 8.1 and all that) had no shaders whatsoever but apparently there's a workaround. They could, with a lot more shaders (as in 16 or something) and bump mapping, pimp up the graphics a lot, without messing with models and the textures. Games like Conker for the Xbox used the same models as in the N64 version, but due to bump mapping and loads of shader overkill on them, they looked very pretty.
  16. They'd have to change it, and I'm sure they will ask before starting a game. I doubt there is actual Rev swordfighting though. Some minigames if we're lucky, but with revmote swordfighting it'd be a completely different game. If it's for fishing or stuff like that, it doesn't matter which hand you use, because you're supposed to hold the rod with two hands anyway.
  17. They could add actual pixel shaders I doubt the French guy should be taken literally though. Even if a Rev version would push better graphics, there's no point in making seperate discs for it. They could make a better looking version on a Cube disc. The extra development time seems a waste for a slightly better looking version though.
  18. It would be a shame if they left it out. There are a lot of ideas for the Revolution controller that simply don't need a big disc (and probably aren't worth the 50 euros). Also, I hope Nintendo will support downloadable extras. Like instead of having Mario Party 8-13 on Revolution, release one Mario Party and have new features downloadable for it every year (costing €10-15).
  19. Link please? Seems far-fetched to me really.
  20. It's not bad to get hyped but if you start fantasising about the fantasticness of it, you WILL get dissappointed, because stuff in your head work out much better than they could in real life. Today, I watched all 3 trailers again and started playing OoT again so I'm getting quite hyped again. I'm not going to say things like 'TP better than OoT' or have any expectations about that, however. You can't say that when you haven't played it like OoT, and when it comes out they'll probably be incomparable anyway. @ Ninja Mullet and Pedrocasilva - I doubt Zelda or Link actually dies. It seems too unZeldish to do that, and they both need to get children for TWW. It would feel unsatisfying to beat the game to see Hyrule flooding nonetheless. Damn, now I'm hyped about the story
  21. There's usually a few kilobytes (sometimes megabytes) of memory that is writable. It's used for saves. Opera will probably use as much writable memory as possible in the cartridge.
  22. Releasing a new console every two years is a very nice plan. It means a lifespan of each console of 6 years and constant competition for Sony and Microsoft. It might strain the handheld market too much though.
  23. There's no way Nintendo goes announcing the Lite and Zelda ideas when they are going to announce a new Game Boy at the E3. There's still much to come for the DS and a Game Boy 3 is just useless for Nintendo. I think that a Game Boy 3 would be a perfect opponent for a PSP 2, but that's still years off.
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