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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Perhaps I just had bad N64 controllers I found the N64 controller quite good but the analogue just kept breaking on me all the time. Especially when I got Super Smash Brothers - it cost me three controllers.
  2. Well, that's missing the entire point of the Virtual Console. From a company point of view you can dump your old junk on the net and get 'free money' for it. If they were to edit and recompile it for PowerPC hardware or make a transition to an interpretable language like Java it would cost the company more than they want. The sheer size of Dreamcast games makes it an impossible task to distribute - Dreamcast games often filled the 1.2 GB discs they had (Shenmue even spread across four of them) and there's no way Nintendo or Sega can expect us to have the space or time to download such games.
  3. There's several ways you can look at it: 1) Nintendo don't launch worldwide and Europe and Australia are pushed to 2007 2) Nintendo do launch worldwide but they only do it because they can and not because Sony and Microsofts plans made them do it. 3) They will launch closely after eachother though not on the exact same day Because he says there's no plans for a 'worldwide launch' it makes me think it's option one though. In that case my series of Nintendo dissappointments is piling up to way above healthy.
  4. Do you think Sony could've showed up or kept on with the flawed D-pad? No. Those things were a brilliant move by Nintendo. They set a new standard for the gaming world by improving the game consoles. There's no way Sony (or Microsoft, or Sega who copied it just as bad but then again they aren't quite as evil, right?) could have showed up with the standard SNES type controller again. This time Nintendo has taken another path. They can't improve the old way of consoles anymore so they invent a new way. If Sony copied the FHC they would go the new way, too. That means Sony could run the risk of losing their old market (which is pretty damn huge) while they don't know if the new market is going to work. Sony will not copy the FHC. From the PS1 perspective, the analogues easily beat the N64 stick that only lasted one week of Super Smash Brothers, leaving your thumb looking like you put it in a pencil sharpener.
  5. The Revolution doesn't have the power to emulate the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was only so much weaker than the GameCube and the Revolution is supposedly only two times faster than the Cube so I doubt they'll get a decent emulator for it. And then there's the special format (the GD-ROM) Dreamcast games were released on - that's an entirely different medium.
  6. Yeah, that'd be great - if Reggie only blabbered about the DS and it's Brain Training. Then at the end of the show there will be a five minute trailer on the Revolution and its games and then at the end 'see you tomorrow on the showfloor'. Now that is hyping
  7. Sony copied only logical, easy to implement functions of Nintendo's consoles. Those things weren't even invented by Nintendo, they were just late with the Nintendo 64 and advances allowed them to implement stuff like analogue sticks and rumble. Then Sony 'stole' them and improved over them, offering dual shoulder buttons, improved rumble and improved analogues. Sony innovated themselves with the Eyetoy and dancepads but people tend to forget that. Look - because Nintendo made logical improvements on normal gaming hardware, which only made sense and only became affordable some years into the Playstation's lifetime doesn't mean that Sony will copy the Revolution controller because Sony always copies Nintendo. That just doesn't make sense.
  8. Well, being a 2D console, the TurboGrafx games weren't that big, so it should be easy to compress them enough - probably even to the size of SNES games.
  9. Starcraft Ghost has been delayed again, after its original release date of winter 2002. Now Blizzard announced this: They're postponing it to the next generation consoles. Maybe they'll have a Revolution version as well - the Cube version got canned because of 'online focus' not present on the Cube, while the Revolution will have a big online service. Let's hope it will get a version - being a third person shooter/action game the FHC will do well with sneaking around and sniping the enemy.
  10. I suddenly stopped caring for Twilight Princess when I saw the Phantom Hourglass trailer. Now it's back though Interesting to see that Phantom Hourglass might be a direct sequel to the Wind Waker, judging by the boat you see near the end of the trailer.
  11. Come on people, quit being so paranoid. Just because you think Sony always steals Nintendo's stuff (which they don't) doesn't mean they'll do it this time. Sony just can't copy it and I'm sure they don't even want to.
  12. CD-ROMs shouldn't be a problem if it's going to play DVDs as well. Propietary formats probably only require a tweak here and there in the disc reading system.
  13. Unless we get a direct sequel to Majora's Mask we'll never know though
  14. The Go in Nintendo Go is probably meant to be the download service for previous consoles, bringing the five home consoles together in one service. This can't be the name for the Revolution, if it would be it'd seem as though Nintendo likes hurting itself
  15. Market share is very important to a third publisher - even moreso than it means to Nintendo the way Iwata makes it seem (of course he's PR talking there) - because their game sales depend on it. EA doesn't make games to entertain, EA makes games to make money, but every publisher in the world does that.
  16. Yeah, fairies are cool. As long as they don't shout 'Listen' and 'hey' to you. Then they are cool.
  17. ... The fanboyness against Sony and EA is getting quite sad now. Iwata's said what I expected him to say. Still a final name would fit in the GDC speech I guess.
  18. Weird to see how many expect Sony to copy the FHC out of sheer evilness <_< Seriously, the FHC doesn't fit in Sony's strategy, Sony's audience or Sony's ideas at all. They won't copy it because they don't think it works well and will only get their mind changed by good Revolution sales.
  19. I hope Nintendo has a decent lineup of titles. If Nintendo can be on the show with 6-12 titles (3-5 for launch) and have another 20 third party titles they would be doing great. @ King Boo: I edited it
  20. What BS, the Twilight Princess team is hardly bigger than the Wind Waker's. The graphics are not competing with the likes of Kameo and Oblivion. Perfect games don't exist, like there are no perfect films and neither is there perfect music. The worst part is is that you claim it to be absolutely perfect while you are part of the six billion people that could only see three f***ing trailers of it. Think about what you're saying for once. Twilight Princess is just another one of the other 300 games in development that are out there, only it has the name Zelda in the title. Only judge when you have thoroughly played without your pink glasses on.
  21. Heh, right, I was wondering where are the GDC buzz was today until I read the GDC thread in the Revolution forums... I hate Nintendojo (and R-E) for shamelessly hyping this with 'Twilight Princess will be perfect'. Miyamoto clearly only meant that he was very happy with the progress, he didn't claim it to be a perfect game.
  22. Yeah that's a shame. Metroid Fusion still ranks top on my list of best games ever, so Metroid Dread would be an instant-buy for me. I'm mostly looking forward to Zelda Cube and Zelda DS, because I don't know what to expect from the Revolution. I think it's best to be surprised by it
  23. Oh please no. Sonic isn't worth it to be put in a game alongside Mario.
  24. Yes there is too little info. For a game to be released later this year we know little. We only got the opening sequence which was promised only to be a small fraction of the game. Nintendo wants hype and therefore is cutting the information until they decide the time is ripe (which is E3). I'm pretty confident Nintendo will give us a new trailer in the next 12 hours though, it's GDC after all.
  25. US is +8 to +10 hours compared to mainland Europe, so it might be until deep in the night until we hear something
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