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Everything posted by DCK

  1. Beside the point that I simply don't believe you did that survey (and the fact that a year ago nobody no info was released yet about the Revolution), what makes you think there won't be games like Singstar and Buzz for the Revolution at launch? A fair guess is that Nintendogs will be a launch game for the Rev and that certainly would be a title to take that role - and then we're not even mentioning third parties. I don't care what Game Informer says, I can perfectly wave a remote sitting. ZeldaFreak, you're just looking for tiny possible downsides of the console, which remain to be seen. You could also be looking at the good points, and just see if those small bad points actually come out as downsides to the console. And please, please show some respect to the rest of us by making you're posts easy to read.
  2. Tell that to all the other people here who got waaay more hyped about Twilight Princess than about the Wind Waker (which, artistically, I think is the most beautiful game ever). Your sensible mind makes you think that way, but technical achievement and realism keeps on being very important in games. I find it useless to deny.
  3. @The_fish: Xbox 360 games will still look far better on an SDTV than Red Steel. The games out now, except Oblivion, don't push the hardware at all. When the Revolution is out the difference will be clearly visible.
  4. Pro Evolution Soccer 6, that I must get whenever it's released on the Revolution. ZeldaFreak - the problems you're giving exist for every console. The wireless controllers are deadly if they come to close to an artificial pacemaker, and a person with arthritis won't use any controller. The statement that Red Steel should be played standing sounds nonsense to me. What is there you can do with the FHC standing that you can't do sitting?
  5. So they're saying expensive = good? Damn, they do like hurting themselves don't they?
  6. You're confused with the Conroe/Merom/Woodcrest, Intel's next line of processors. The Core Duo gets outperformed by the Athlon 64 X2 (and the Turion 64 X2) in pretty much every area, but it's a perfect laptop chip. The Core Duo would've been such a good chip for the Revolution...
  7. This only confirms a Q4 release this year. Magazines always to get to review a month or so beforehand, especially if it concerns big stuff like a console launch. I'm sure they don't know about release dates, but that they're assuming they can review games by then.
  8. Obviously it was someone completely convinced by the supposed Ubisoft clip. Wikipedia can't really count as source for unconfirmed news.
  9. I admit that most of it looks quite like Half-Life 2 on a semi powerful machine (the big screenshots are far more impressive than Halo 2 though) but there are some shader effects that are not possible with the Hollywood's old hardware lights. The final hardware will probably be a bit more powerful than the IGN specs, and have an updated GPU. I now think IGN has given out specs from devkit version 1 or 2 which really only were updated debug GameCubes. The final devkits only ship in June, so there's a lot of room for improvement. Honestly, if you cut away the HD resolution (such a leech on the hardware for huge games like Oblivion), and consider some more advanced hardware for the Revolution it could be doable. It's not going to happen though.
  10. @Stefkov: Those 'new' images are developer FHCs. Shots from the GDC last month show it's pretty much unchanged since TGS: Sorry I compressed them too much
  11. Anywhere between September and November. I hope it's in September so I can spread my expenses There's already so much I have to get this year and E3 hasn't even been yet
  12. Iwata has said there won't be a microphone on the controller. I suspect them of wanting to make extra cash on a controller plugin <_<
  13. You're mixing up the Pentium M (the Core Duo) with the Pentium 4. The Pentium 4 is the most powersucking processor of all times (the P4 EE sucked about 200W at peak). The Core Duo is so power efficient however, there are plans of implementing it in handheld devices and stuff like that. It's real good stuff by Intel. But let's stay on-topic now
  14. I'm with you. Digital surround = godly. The fact that some of us start believing Wikipedia edits is a sign we really need the E3.
  15. Which have been smashed by the Red Steel screenshots. I think those IGN specs were an outdated devkit, there's no way Red Steel could look this way with that setup. I think it could run Oblivion actually, with some scaling down of course. I'd certainly want it. Bethesda is too close to Microsoft for it to happen though.
  16. Yeah, MacBooks are definetely very hot. Such a shame they're so bloody expensive - you can get a similar setup in a normal laptop for €500 less. It won't have the design though Matt goes up my list again By the way what puts you off the Intel processor, Nintendork? The Core Duo is so much better than that G4...
  17. Oh well, if they're going to say 'no, theirs is better' they might as well start cleaning their desks today. Nintendo has far bigger budgets and better R&D teams. Of course the Revolution controller exceeds the Gametrak in every way.
  18. There is much more than an FPS. The controller lends itself really well for RPGs (very much like pointing and clicking), racers (FHC = steering wheel), flying games (FHC = plane) as well as action adventures. Someone posted an excellent description of how Zelda would work with the FHC and nunchuck several months ago, but I can't find it. The only thing I'm slightly worried about are platformers, but there's always the controller shell and I'm sure Mario 128 will be a good example for FHC platformers.
  19. Low The Revolution's third secret is a pain simulator in the FHC. It doesn't only vibrate, it gives you shocks too on game over.
  20. He's needs attention. These people (Insider and that The_Man person) should be banned. BigTac was believable at some point and now they think they can do the same. It's sad, really.
  21. Medium Nintendo announces Nintendogs Revolution and Reggie spends 95% of the press conference blabbering about its innovativity.
  22. Yeah, it'll only be 2-3 for me, too... Around that time there's Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass and also Tales of the Tempest and Children of Mana which I must get.
  23. Yeah, that's it! Termina just keeps on being new and fresh. Nintendo could use Termina again in a Revolution title. I'm really curious about what Link did after [insert MM's spoilers here]. Too bad chances for this are near to zero. Nintendo has never reused their spin-off worlds
  24. Thanks. The roughness of the scan makes it look like it's in slow motion.
  25. I'd love a sequel to Majora's Mask. Termina has something special about it.
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