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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Wonder if these will launch with the updated Wii-motes? Black Wii - Launch with Metroid Prime 3 (bundle)? Red Wii - Launch with Mario Galaxy (bundle)?
  2. Yeah that's the only thing making me question buying a 360 now!I've been looking around for 360 bundles and there are 2 great ones at play.com; This is the best one but is currently SOLD OUT! - Worth waiting around for?? http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/GENBRW/3-/3294018/XBox_360_Premium_Console_+_Gears_of_War_+_Entertainment_Pack/Product.html £299.99 - Premium Console, Gears of War, PGR3, XBox 360 Live Arcade game, 20GB Hard Drive, 2 Wireless Controllers, Headset - Voice Communicator, Component HD AV Cable (with SCART adaptor) Then there's this one which I think is the same as has been listed before in this thread; http://www.play.com/Games/Xbox360/GENBRW/3-/3274399/XBox_360_Premium_Console_Entertainment_Bundle/Product.html
  3. I'm looking into getting a 360 and the future titles that I reckon will be great are; Halo 3, GRAW 2, Banjo Kazooie, Resi 5, Too Human, PGR4, Burnout 5, Turok, BIA: Hell's Highway, Virtua Tennis, Alan Wake, Stranglehold, Assassins Creed, HL2: Orange Box, Star Wars: Next Gen, Mass Effect, and probably more aswell!
  4. Very true what you say about the VC, I keep forgetting about that when I think of the games for Wii, when is the UK VC likely to fully establish itself? by getting games such as Zelda: LTTP, Mario Kart 64 and the Donkey Kong Country series etc... because at the moment the UK VC is pretty limited! It is difficult to compare the Wii and 360 because of how long they've both been out, but other than Zelda, the 'Must Have' titles for Wii seem such a LONG way away and we here such little news/confirmation for them!
  5. The characters in The Sims look like Mii's to give it a more universal appeal, but it hasn't been said if you can upload Mii's into the game.
  6. This is a great thread for me to read because I'm currently trying to decide whether to get a Wii or 360. I'm thinking now that there's every cance I'll wait til later in the year to buy a Wii. The only games I want at the moment are Zelda, Wii Sports and Wario Ware; then after that it will be a LONG wait before Smash Bros, Mario, Metroid, Resi and Batallion Wars etc...
  7. I'm not sure I would definately buy both, but then I can't see myself EVER wanting to miss out on Zelda:TP, Zelda Wii and Mario! yet the 360 has so much more to offer at the moment! Your right in that I wouldn't buy any more than probably 2 games with Wii, so the current games drought wouldn't be a problem for a while; but then once Zelda is completed I think the games drought will still be going for a long while yet! I can't see myself buying much else (other than maybe Sonic! I don't think Excitetruck will last long) until one of Nintendo's First Party games gets a release and who knows when that will be! Does anyone have any news on the revised 360? Is it really worth the wait? Also, there's every chance a 360 wouldn't last 12 months anyway and I could get a revised 360 as a replacement!
  8. I'm facing tne same dilemma right now! I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan, but at the moment there just aren't many games on Wii that I would get! The only games would be Zelda and Wario Ware (and possibly Rayman), then there isn't much for a long time apart from Sonic (and possibly SSX and Eledees, but I'm not too fussed with these)! Then looking into the future there still aren't that many confirmed games I can think of; Though they would all be must buys for me!! Smash Bros (ages away) Mario (ages away) Metroid (ages away?) Residen Evil (ages away and no news!) Batallion Wars. That's about it I think! I'm really tempted to get a 360 and then a Wii in maybe 6 (or so) months time; though this news to me of the 'new' 360 has really caused a problem! For the 360 there are alot of current games that I'd look at getting; PGR3, GOW, Splinter Cell, GRAW, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Lost Planet, Tony Hawks, Kameo, Viva Pinata (maybe), and Halo 1 and 2. Then there are alot of future games; Halo 3, GRAW 2, Banjo Kazooie, Resi 5, Too Human, PGR4, Burnout 5, Turok, BIA: Hell's Highway, Virtua Tennis, Alan Wake, Stranglehold, Assassins Creed, HL2: Orange Box, Star Wars: Next Gen, Mass Effect, and probably more aswell! What to do!! Wii or 360? Will the revised 360 really be worth the wait? and what Wii games are gonna be out in the next 6 months?
  9. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16519&type=wmv&pl=game Looks fun!
  10. Very good news!! and great to see a third party really put their support in the console!
  11. He's trying to say that Goldeneye's was tacked on at the last minute, yet it was awesome! Can't say I've heard of Goldeneye's multiplayer being tacked on, but even if it was, it doesn't do anything to the fact the Metroid Prime 2's was tacked on and WAS rubbish! People don't exactly mention Prime 2's multiplayer as being up there with Goldeneye's do they! ---------------------------------- I keep forgetting that Prime 3 was almost a launch title! That means that the main game was in a near complete state; so if the game does end up being released almost 1 year later, it means that what ever it is that's causing the delay is something major! If it is an online/multiplayer aspect, and they've been working on that side of the game alone for almost a year, then in that case, the multiplayer could be something very special indeed!
  12. (As we've been discussing) I don't want them to make Metroid Prime 3 online, or add multiplayer! Retro should just focus on an epic finish to the story (as they seem to want to do - they didn't want multiplayer in the first place!). They could then take the series in an online/multiplayer/co-op ditrection for the next installment of Metroid or a spin-off series. A tacked on multiplayer, is the worst kind.
  13. As in L.E.D's!! HAHAHAHhahahaha, I get it!! No?
  14. The single player could have been made better still! Same with Prime 2, but in this case, it didn't!!The multiplayer added nothing to the game, it was pretty rubbish and all because Nintendo folded under pressure from fans and made Retro put one in, which I'm pretty sure they didn't want to do!
  15. Xbox 360 Image Trailer http://uk.media.xbox360.ign.com/media/746/746631/vids_1.html
  16. As AWESOME as that looked... What was with Sonic's "Yeah"? Sonic seems to have a new (even worse!!) voice in this trailer! At first I thought maybe it was that 'spirits' voice that gives hints, but I'm pretty sure it's Sonic! Bring back the previous voice!!
  17. Uh, No!How can Prime 3 be before Prime 2? and Prime 2 before Prime?!! They are a continuing trilogy of sequels! The Metroid timeline is no secret and has always been set out! unlike Zelda. Each new adition has been given a definate place in the timeline! It goes; - Metroid/Metroid Zero Mission (hence Zero) - Metroid Prime - Metroid Prime: Hunters - Metroid Prime 2 - Metroid Prime 3 - Metroid 2 - Super Metroid - Metroid Fusion (new suit!) Also... How would it be online? I really hope they aren't working on a major multiplayer aspect for the game! Have Metroid 3 focusing on an EPIC ending to the single player Prime story!! Then create a seperate spin-off Multiplayer focused Metroid game/series!! based around the Galactic Federation and Space pirates!
  18. I was meaning the Gamestation website hasn't started pre-orders; or can you only pre-order in-store with them?
  19. Well if you want to order games with the Wii then Gamestation is good to order from; Wii + 1 Game = £209.99 (save £10) Wii + 2 Games = £239.99 (save £20) Wii + 3 Games = £269.99 (save £30) http://www.gamestation.co.uk/cat.asp?cat=wii&t=hardware
  20. Yeah that's what I thought! Gameplay, Gamestation and HMV haven't started yet, so I guess I'll go with one of them!
  21. Any idea on Pre-orders anywhere, Play.com have the PS3 (and 3 games) to buy, but is that a guaranteed PS3 for launch? http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/CART/3-/1032615/-/Product.html?delete=1032615
  22. Yeah, they do look awesome!
  23. Wavebird - £29.99 (expensive, but they have them nonetheless!)http://shop.gameplay.co.uk/webstore/genre.asp?platform=NGC&parent=PERIPH&genre=PERI01 Also keep checking play.com, they get Wavebirds in quite often at £17.99
  24. Trailer http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16493&type=wmv&pl=game March 2007 Terrible PS2 graphics! But EA have been great with the Wii-mote so far, so at least there might be something good on that front!
  25. Preview http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16502&type=wmv&pl=game What a boring game!! You better get started on a Wii Pokemon Adventure now Nintendo!!
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