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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. IGN Interview http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/766/766664p1.html
  2. New pictures, http://www.jeux-france.com/news19339_ssx-blur-accelere-en-images.html
  3. So in that Macro Advert they have made the mistake of putting in a picture of the Core console, but they actually do sell premiums for £199.99?
  4. Preview; http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/766/766624p1.html Sounds great!! The 'cinteractive' moments sound cool!! I guess the mid-air car dodging in the trailer is an example of such a moment?! It's wierd that the game looks better in these latest IGN pictures than it does in the official trailer and even IGN said how great the game looks in HD. I guess the trailer is perhaps not showing Spiderman 3 as well as it could?!!
  5. Surely they can't be thinking of bringing out a Wii version 2 only a year or so after launch, like they did with the GBA and DS!! That would anger alot of customers!!Especially if it offered such things as HD graphics, DVD player etc... This also backs up the recent rumour that there could be updated Wii-motes; http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12113 Could the Wii-mote 2 be launching with an updated console, Then again maybe this news is just refering to possible new Wii-motes and not the Wii console. Maybe it's simply refering to new colours. Or maybe it just means the Wii will recieve some sort of updates through 24 connect or something?! There's alot of rumours flying around, but to quote the interview again, Sounds like something is going to happen!
  6. Bumblebee Jazz Ironhide Ratchet
  7. IGN UK REVIEW - 6.0 http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/766/766690p1.html
  8. What, graphically? I don't think so!
  9. Don't build your hopes up for this one until we know ALOT more about it, IGN currently have their concerns...
  10. Cool!!
  11. It's gone back to £199.99 now!
  12. New Wii Trailer - looks MUCH better!! http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/872/872573/vids_1.html Info http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/766/766566p1.html
  13. Video http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/881/881519/vids_1.html For the full article follow the link, but here's some info... Still looks very much like a Gamecube game to me!
  14. Looking really great!
  15. Yeah it looks nice, however IGN have doubts!
  16. Trailer (360, PS3 version) http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=17114&type=wmv&pl=game Looks good!! Available on pratically every console, I think Spiderman 2 was considered by many to be the best movie tie-in game, aswell as the best superhero game; In theory Spiderman 3 should build on this and be even better!
  17. Yeah, how do people forget news so quickly!This info of a possible Black and Red Wii was just a few weeks ago! I think they could launch; Black with Metroid 3, Red with Mario!
  18. Great, looks just like a PSP game!!
  19. Sounds Cool! Also IGN, the helicopter is not Soundwave! It's Blackout! Do your research! Our forums are more knowledgable on the film!
  20. I agree!!10 characters
  21. I didn't think it was awesome, but it is the first Zelda game so everyone should give it a go! It is a good game though and there are a few challenging moments later on both in the dungeons and in the overworld; when there are loads of enemies on screen and you have to keep moving and attacking! Final Boss is wierd though, I never really saw any pattern to attack and just wildly attacked until I won!
  22. Well here's what she looked like at the end of Prime 2, to compare...
  23. Yeah there is! to go with the new revolutionary system! and it make it more user friendly! If everyone thought like you we'd get nowhere! - hmm... this D-Pad works fine for controlling games, lets not bother creating an analogue stick! - hmm... this horse and cart gets me from A to B, sod the Car!
  24. Just realised I posted Knuckles in a Nintendo Characters thread! I was just thinking of cool characters! Oh well, I'll just say it's Knuckles from the exclusive Sonic and the Secret Rings! I'll just go change the picture! Don't know yours Boo, so someone else can cover it, but I'm guessing it's from Paper Mario?
  25. This is a pointless thread! I know exactly what certain people want to be said: - I would have made the graphics better - I would have given it a good online service - I would give it a dvd - I would make it support HD - etc... This is just a way of approaching the 'Wii is not good enough' issue some people have, but from a different angle! But to answer the question; - I think Nintendo really should have got online sorted from the word go! It's not that important to me, but there you go!
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