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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. You got that right. *repeats to self* There are only three Star Wars Films. There are only three Star Wars Films. In all seriousness, maybe Star Wars is cursed, but then...I think there would have to be more than two companies before we call it "cursed." It's merely coincidence.
  2. In which case...there's also a good chance she exaggerated on the number of stars she actually wanted on her face, whilst under the influence? It could be. Man, we're never gonna know. Why do I care so much?!
  3. So, it's really either the fault of the artist for not giving the consultation, or not checking. Or, it's the fault of the girl...for being a fool.
  4. My first impression when I saw it was a Belgian girl was "ooooh, Ine. Always getting into trouble!" haha. But seriously, that's quite something. To me, it doesn't seem like it's the fault of the tattooist. Maybe it is just a mis-communication, but surely they should have checked with each other before undergoing it. That makes me think maybe the girl did ask for something daft and is now trying to backtrack. Surely she'd have to state where she wanted the stars, or the size and definitely the amount. Even with three, surely she'd state where she'd want each of those stars. Which kinda just makes me think that she asked for a fuckload, didn't like it, and now wants to sue. Hmm, we need CCTV!
  5. There's just something about this that catches my eye. It could be for the fact that I've watched tennis a fair bit over the last month, so it's getting me in the mood to play it on the Wii. I love WiiSports Tennis, but again the ability to control your character in this, and the subtleties as you say...it's really appealing. I'm really tempted. Think I'm gonna go for it. It can be my evening fun to relieve the boredom of more applications.
  6. I don't normally try and compare generations, because it's nigh-on impossible to do. I was around 17 or so when I had my Gamecube, around 15 when I had my N64, and younger still when I had my SNES. With each generation, I've gone through different things: The Gamecube during 6th form, the Wii during University. I've been with different people, and played different games with them. For example, I had a great set of mates who I played Melee with during sixth form, and another great set who I played Mario Kart Wii with, or something like de Blob. As such, I think I've had the right console at the right time. I don't think the Wii would've clicked for me if it came 5 years earlier, or I don think I'd have had time for the N64 if that came five years later. If the N64 had been my console during Uni, would I have had time for Majora's Mask, or had all those multiplayer sessions on Perfect Dark. With the people I was around, it's almost an impossibility. At the same time, would I have been into picking out quirky games like de Blob, or Dewy's Adventure? Maybe not, either. So, for that, I'm thankful and glad that I got to play each console when I did. Loved each generation, for similar and also different reasons to the previous or the next. If you compare a game, you really need to compare the experience that goes along with it.
  7. That's a pretty good looking opening day. Overall, I think it's a good fixture list, but I haven't had a chance to look throughout the whole season yet. Ramar: Ouch. That is pretty nasty. Better you than us though.
  8. Guys, I'm thinking of picking this up. Would anyone recommend a cheap deal or a good place where they got this from? I've got a 10 quid HMV voucher, too, and it's going for 44/45 quid there, so would it be worth going there? Another question is regarding the Motion Plus. The Gametrailers review of Tiger Wood's seems to suggest that the difference with Motion Plus is phenomenal. What comments would you make regarding it? If I do pick this up, I think it may be next week or the end of the month, since I should hopefully be getting the deposit back from my house that I moved out of last month.
  9. Maybe it'll happen a bit further down the line. That's the thing with these collections and boxsets, you can always bet your arse that a better one surfaces in the future. Hence why I have never bought a Star Wars collection, because Lucas will release a better one in the future. It sounds a bit petty, but I think if you're shelling out money for it, it may as well be the real deal. It would be nice to see the "making of" videos, and artwork, to see how the series has evolved. At this stage, I don't think we'll see anything like that. Like you said, it's three games for 25 quid, so I expect we'll get the bare minimum.
  10. Yeah, for 25 quid, three brilliant games is a bargain. But, at the same time, if you're going to put three awesome games together, it may as well be the big shabang! It's almost being a bit too modest. I would most definitely splash out for the uber set. Sometimes these little bits and bobs just make the collection more than a "series of films on a disc." Being able to see artwork, making of videos, interviews, I think that sorta stuff is nice. Wasn't there backgrounds and art-work included in the first Prime game? That was nice.
  11. Haha, no fucking idea. My friend recently bought it, and I was there when she opened up her parcel to reveal that. We were both foaming at the mouth. It's pretty hot. The last I saw, it was on her shelf, with her other DVDs. Its one of those shelves that is high enough for your folders, but also is useful for storing DVDs and games. She has her Wii games there, too. It's pretty sweet, though. I like that it's big, it makes it feel important.
  12. There's some nice ideas there. I would be happy if Nintendo did something like that to actually make it seem like a collection. If it's just three games on a disc with the word "Collection" slapped on it, then you can just see how that is less special than something like this: If, by comparison, it really is just a one DVD case, with little features, but just three games on one disc instead of being sold seperately, it's still ok (because they're great games) but it'll be a bit of a letdown for me.
  13. I'm not a fan at all of having everything on the one disc. It feels less special. They're three seperate games, so imo should get three seperate discs. You want to feel that accomplishment when you finish the one game/disc, so move onto the next. I just like my stuff seperate. Try to avoid those 1 DVD Movie Collections, as well.
  14. Seriously, that's fucking sweet. It's meant to be a collection, a collectible, and that's what it looks like. It's something you'd hold and feel proud to own. It reminds me of my Alien Quadrilogy BoxSet. I look at that and feel proud. The Prime Series deserves something like that. All 3 games, given their own disc, their own space...yeees.
  15. If I ever did get around to meeting someone like Ryan Giggs, I'd try to chat with him like he was just somebody else I met. He's a player who doesn't blow his own trumpet, and I think he'd probably feel embarrassed or something if I acted all "OMG! GIGGSSSSSSY!!!" Haha, I really could imagine you giving Adebayor what for. If I ever met John O'shea, I'd say "Screw what anyone else thinks of you, you've done yourself proud." The Ronaldo thing is a very strange one. He seems to thrive off fans and others just slating him, or giving him stick. But, he's missing one very crucial fact. After the European Championships, he received a lot of stick in England, but Man United fans near enough stuck up for him. Against England, he did act like a tart, but he was still our player, so you try to forgive him when he's playing in your colours. We've seen him grow over since arriving here, from being a winger who couldn't cross, to a goal-hungry forward who craves success. Along the way, his ego has grown in leaps and bounds, but as a United fan you just try to love him, including his faults. No player is perfect. It reminds me of many years ago, where Gianfranco Zola scored against England the one week (the only goal in the game, I think), and was back playing for Chelsea in the next. (I'll try to find the actual games and dates) Some fans booed him, including some Chelsea fans. Talk about un-called for. What's he supposed to do when he's infront of the England goal when he's playing for his own country? Sky It?!
  16. I've phoned up that school who sent me the information the other day, and I've organised a visit for Wednesday morning. I've already sent an application off there, but hopefully they'll meet me and offer me an interview or something. Just gotta make a good impression now. Ahh, God, if you're up there, heeeeeelp meeeee.
  17. Itsa me, Mario! Haha. Ok, I've had my chuckle. Now I will sleep. Goodnight, suckers.
  18. All sports stars as seen as celebrities, but that's just the whole "power of the media" debate again, I think. Also, I type in sports "stars" without even noticing. These are people we see play in stadiums, or on tv, but yet we put them on a high pedestal. I remember the first time I ever saw the Manic Street Preachers live, in Cardiff. I remember looking at the stage and thinking "this is a childhood hero, but he's a man, just like me." Doesn't mean I like him any less, but it was just quite surreal. Also, your comment about drinking beers with the players reminds me of something else. When Robinho moved to Man City, he took his Wife (I think) for a tour around the city...on a bus. He just got on, and sat down, whilst the rest of the bus just looked at him like he was some sort of escaped mental patient. The idea of "He is a celebrity, he should be in a limo, or chauffeured around" was something that sprang to mind for a lot of people.
  19. Well, I guess you could refer to the entire thing as the Nostromo, but then it would be really difficult to describe "both segments" when the ship lands on the planet and the refinery stays in space. Heh. That refinery is seriously fucking huge, though. That poor little Nostromo towing that. It's like a toddler carrying Arnie.
  20. Director's Cut is awesome, and some of the footage they had in here instead of the Theatrical Version is just nice to see. I love both versions, but I only ever watch the Director's Cut now. Heh, quite a lot of people mistake the whoooole ship and cargo as the Nostromo, and the vessel that lands on the planet as the shuttle that Ripley escapes in at the end, when it's not. There's a flash of information right at the beginning of the film which describes what the ship is carrying. That huuuuuuge thing, which about a million times bigger than the Nostromo is the Ore Refinery. So yar, random information there.
  21. The fans love him, and secretly I think Fergie wants him to stay. I wonder though if his situation was less complicated whether or not he would have been signed properly for us by now. Fergie has mentioned a few times that the trouble has been with two things: The Fee, and the fact that he's "owned" by an agent, not a club. If his agent is behind the deal, then surely he's just going to go to whoever offers him more money. At this stage, surely Man City are just going to offer a stupidly high bid? I love Tevez, but I can't see United splashing out more than 25 or 30 million for him, which is a fuck load of money anyway. I can see City doing that.
  22. Ooo, they do say it a fair bit. "Like" seems to be something that has come as part of the deal with telly from America. Although, I've noticed a lot of teenagers uses it when they're trying to seem gangster-ish. Like soon becomes "liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike"
  23. I really hope he does stay. I would be a tad bit heartbroken if he joined Man City. I love Carlos, and his crazy hair.
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