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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Haha, that's a bit unfair... Lets see who I voted for: Mundi - I voted late on that one. I took the word nefarious to mean evil, which it does, and was used to describe him. Think it was Aqui1a who's information provided vital in that lynching. I was gutted about this. Jayseven - Well....who saw that coming? It seemed dead cert he was mafia. I acted on Danny's information for that one. I also had an incline due to Jay being a misdirector and also being massively quiet for the game. Marca - was mafia Dyson - I acted on this after questioning ReZ and giving Dyson my word that I would look vote for ReZ if Dyson turned out to be good. Nintendohnut - was neutral. So, I didn't cry over that one. Was worried he'd eventually steal the win. So, hardly voting for everyone. Also, it's not like I'm choosing people at random. I'm thinking very, very hard and using all of the information that we have to make informed choices. Read back on the Mundi and Dyson lynching for evidence of this.
  2. I've said all I've had to say on the matter, and its clear you guys don't think its an avenue worth taking. The only person I feel sorry for here is Dyson, because when you get wrongly lynched, you'd expect as least some sort of decent discussion into the person who claimed him to be evil. I'm making a mental note of this all. Like I said, you're all suspicious to me. I don't trust any of you and am prepared to vote for anybody left in this game who I deem suspicious. My vote on ReZ stays.
  3. Great post, Mr Paul. I spotted how you bolded the part about Rummy not targeting himself. Interesting. Mundi was the one who was deemed "nefarious." Question though, why is everyone now suddenly convinced that ReZ "was given a bad result by mistake" yet trust all of his other results? There's nothing to suggest that the result was tainted or that he appeared evil under investigation. Why are people suddenly saying that this is so? We've known about Dyson's rough nature for aaaages. There's a difference between "looking shady" and coming back evil in an investigation. Apparantly by a "reliable" investigator, or so we're told. Because evil and shady are not the same thing? Because ReZ was adamant that the result meant Dyson was mafia and left no room whatsoever for the possibility that he was wrong. There is or was nothing to suggest that the result was edited or tainted. Apparantly ReZ is "reliable" or so we think. Why are we suddenly all protecting ReZ, and I have noticed what others have noticed, that you and Rummy seem to be acting in a sneaky way. The difference is that you had dodgy results throughout, so you were deemed unreliable. Apparently we deem ReZ to be "reliable" yet we're willing to sweep this evil result under the carpet. Why is it that people were so quick to lynch after hearing that evil result, but are unwilling to question it now? I find that really hard to believe. Give me proof that ReZ is town and I'll take his vote off. I believe Eddie probably is mafia, but I'm always saying that we need to draw attention to ReZ as well. He believed in his result but was unwilling to put himself on the line. What does that tell you, eh? Why would you put yourself on the line but he wouldn't? Answer me that. What you're saying about Dyson is something you can't be certain about. We knew what Dyson's nature was like for a long time. Like I said, I questioned ReZ about the accuracy of his result, Dyson also raised the possibility of himself appearing evil under investigation, but nobody seemed to care about that. I completely agree with the first part of this post. In fact, the whole fact that nobody is even considering this is making me question you all. I don't trust any of you. Not a single one. What if we lynch Eddie and she turns out to be town? That puts a number of you in question.
  4. I doubt there has ever been a year without battles. But, somewhere along the line, there may have been a year without a war. A prolonged state of conflict between two or more countries or people from a certain place, etc. Its pretty much impossible to answer. Because it wouldn't have been possible hundreds or thousands of years ago to catalogue the events from around the entire world. Even if you got most of it, you'd still have places missing, where a war may have taken place. Its interesting. I wish I knew the answer, as well.
  5. What the hell? Dude, we've known that about Dyson's character for a long time. My investigation/write-up even said something like that earlier in the game. Also: ... Also, give me a reason to trust you, and I'll think on it. Why are you so convinced that ReZ is town?
  6. No, I'm not convinced sorry. We already know that Dyson had a rough nature, which was revealed ages ago. ReZ was asked repeatedly if this was what he saw when he investigated Dyson. His reply was no. Basically, if ReZ had admitted that he could have been wrong at the time, then I could see how he may have got it wrong. But, I don't believe that is what happened here. I've had this all game, but have struggled with voting (being fully convinced with who to vote for). I also made a tactical decision not to use it early in the game, in case it got mistaken for a mafia power.
  7. I don't believe it was an honest mistake. I questioned ReZ and he said that his result came back as definite for Dyson. As in, he didn't interpret the information or there was doubt. So, I think ReZ is telling porkies. He's played in fucking loads of mafia games. In these games, people have to lie their arses off to win. I think he is doing just that.
  8. Just quoting Diageo from the last day phase. He was willing to vote for ReZ before being killed. I'm pointing that out in case people forget it. My instincts tell me that both ReZ and Eddie are mafia. Don't know how many there are left. Maybe two more after that?
  9. I'm sticking to my word from the last day phase where I said I'd vote for ReZ. In my opinion, he's playing us. Double Vote: ReZ We're close to losing the game. We need to have people stop being so quiet and start putting their money where there mouth is. Lets turn dis moosh into muscles! Double post: Also, meeeeeh to my power giving me the same info twice. I was expecting to get new information the second time around. Sucks to be me.
  10. He took part in a threesome with Chair and Paj, but then Nightwolf got quite jealous by this as she was harbouring secret feelings for Dyson. Unknown to her, Mr_Odwin had feelings which were not quite secret for all of the above parties, making social situations very awkward and tense. In a bid to solve these discrepancies, Dyson decided to cease and desist in any bum-fun activities involving The Paj and The Chair and to concentrate fully on his relationship with Nightwolf. To add further confusion to this, Rummy shows up with his beautiful mahogany skin and threatens to kidnapp Dyson if he does not hand the wolf of the Night over to him. Dyson fights back. He launches his missiles against the targets in Russia, knowing that the Russian counter-attack will eliminate its enemies over here. He takes Rummy's clothes, boots and motorcycle and rides off towards the nearest steelworks, to receive aid from Coolness Bears. Coolness is secretly scheming behind Dyson's back and is working with Rummy to ensure that he gains full possession of Nightwolf. However, Coolness does not know that Dazz knows that Coolness plans to double-cross Dyson. So, Dazz informs Nightwolf of the goings-on, who then proceeds to warn Dyson that maybe they should see other people before one of them gets hurt. Thats the short of it, mainly.
  11. Haha, I remember booking the Eurostar tickets, thinking at the time "This date is incredibly familiar for some reason....whyyyy?" When I realised a week later, it was too late. I did the Darth Vader NoooooooooOOOOOooooooOoOOOooo. To no avail. To make matters worse, I'm pretty much passing Wembley on my route to Belgium. Life is cruel. It's great that she's letting me watch the game, though. There have been moments where I've arrived on Saturday night, and the first thing we do is watch Match of the Day. Its a bit of a mindfuck watching Match of the Day (Which I associate with English-ness) in Belgium. Its quite surreal.
  12. I'm actually travelling on that day. Nay, I'm actually travelling from Brussels to Ine's (haha, from Russia with Love) when the game is on. Thankfully, she is being an absolute star and is taping the game for me. Still, will be absolute hell to wait...and I kinda want to see it live. But, this will be ok, too. So nervous. I feel sick just thinking about it.
  13. I have to laugh, are people seriously wound up over that Skittles ad? I liked it. Its pretty much what The Peeps said on previous page. Well, I found it funny anyway. Those "We Buy Any Car" adverts make me want to FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
  14. He's an awful Batman, dude.



  15. I've been watching a few scenes from The Dark Knight on Youtube, and I came across this one scene which just absolutely killed me. The scene itself just highlights how awful Bale's voice is in the film. However, it was the second comment under the video which cracked me up. "1:37 "You'll pee in a vat of jello forever."" I've watched that scene over and over, and I don't actually know what the intended line was meant to be now. I just hear/see this one. Any other misheard lines that have tickled you?
  16. Sigourney Weave's Flamethrower says: Enjoy your birthday.
  17. This has always cracked me up for some reason. NOOOO KITTTTTEH!
  18. Vote: ReZ's Cat Mafia boss. Blatantly.
  19. Haha. Just to rub it in, that bit went very quickly for me. Literally it was...throw lure-thing into river. Catch fish. Leave. Make sure you cast it towards the fish. It'll bite.
  20. Dyson, I will avenge you!
  21. Holy sheet. Dannyboy has friends? Welcome!
  22. You Rum & Coke! I already said I'll be voting for the ReZathon if Dyson turns out to be good. Diageo also said he's voting, too. So, that's three potential votes already. There will be more. That's unless something crazy happens, like we get supreme evidence of another mafia or something. Or, if ReZ dies in the night. Who knows.
  23. Cmaaan. Yeah, we had Eddie, but we had nothing solid on her. Nothing that screamed mafia scum. Ell's suggestion of Smeagol is just that, a suggestion. There's not an awful lot on. There's nothing much on Dyson. But, ReZ says that he has proof that Dyson is evil. Its a lead, so it makes sense to go with that. Probably the strongest lead we have at the moment. If Dyson is town, then we can look into ReZ and then look at his moves throughout the game and stuff. If Dyson is mafia, then we've lynched a mafia. So, it seems like the simplest move to make. Cmaaan, Jonnas.
  24. It's an interesting idea. It would possibly force more people to participate in the game. Because you could easily get voted off with only four votes or something. Or even one vote. So, I guess every vote would be important, even if its a vote to lynch nobody.
  25. How can this possibly be a mistake? Thats why I questioned ReZ and made absolutely sure that his cat came back with a definite answer. The definite answer being that "Dyson is Evil." I questioned ReZ, asked him if the result could possibly have been ambiguous, with ReZ "interpreting" Dyson to be mafia/evil. His response to that was no. It was a definite answer. Its pretty black and white, dude. Of course, Dyson could be playing us.
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