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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm trying to remain level headed about this one. I'm cautious, given what we've seen (or rather, haven't) from Microsoft and Sony. It would round off a disappointing E3 if Nintendo came and showed very little.
  2. Gutted. 4-3 away from home against Gaggle. To add insult to injury, I man-marked his man of the match, and from checking at the bottom of the game report, it appears that it didn't save. Just...fucking meh. I did this 30 minutes ago! Well played, Gaggle. Gutted.
  3. Hmm, it's still too early to tell. On first impressions, they've done well to get Ubisoft to bring 8 games, but they seem to have missed out on the two big ones in Splinter Cell and Watch Dogs. We'll just have to wait and see.
  4. Wow. That looks incredible. The traffic light scene was just fantastic. The title of it seems a bit strange. Just makes me think of the BBC.
  5. Wow. That looks incredible. The traffic light scene was just fantastic. The title of it seems a bit strange. Just makes me think of the BBC.
  6. I expect it will come on the Wii U in some form at some point. It wouldn't make sense for Ubisoft to release it everywhere else but the Wii U. They've already shown tons of games for it, and I doubt there will be anything like this on the system, so they should try to cash in early.
  7. Trailer looks brilliant and the info sounds good. All we need is some actual footage to back it all up. One thing worries me. In that info section where it mentions the multiplayer, it specifically states that the other players will be using the Pro Pad. I hope Wiimote support is included. As great as this sounds, I don't really want to use dual analogue again for a shooter.
  8. Day one for me. Unless there's going to be a better platformer out around that time.
  9. I expect if there's more Wii U stuff, they might come on during the Nintendo conference and show it off then. I like the look of ZombiU. The trailer was awesome. Very dark humour. Not seen anything else apart from Rayman, which looks fucking incredible, again. Seems like Ubisoft have rediscovered how to make a good Rayman game again after all of those fucking Rabbids. Not sure what this Watch Dogs thing is. Gonna try and find out.
  10. Meh. Very disappointed with the direction the series has gone down. Just looks very ordinary to me. Won't be getting this if it comes to the Wii U.
  11. ... AAaahahahahahahahahhahha. Too much. I..ahahhhaha. This image killed me. Aahahah.
  12. I agree with the majority of your post except this part. CoD is also on the Wii, and from what has been said, the games are actually pretty well done. It's not my thing, but there's clans from here who take part in those games and they seem pretty happy with how they turned out. The other one, GTA, has never appeared on a Nintendo home system. It would be fantastic if Wii U could be the first. I'm just not sure we'll see it, as some developers seem to have this image of Nintendo etched into their memories, that it isn't a system where GTA can sell well. Maybe these types of occasions are when Nintendo need to splash their money about and pay for timed exclusives or something.
  13. That's the issue there. One could argue that the third party support has improved since the N64 days, which was probably a low point for Nintendo. (Although the third party support they did have, particularly from RARE, was quality support).
  14. There will be a learning curve. We didn't see truly excellent uses of the Wiimote from day one, for example. It will take time. Although, Nintendo has already had some experience of this with the Nintendo DS already. The second screen/touch screen ability. So, you'd expect them to be able to hit the ground running with this idea.
  15. Watched District 9 last night. Totally different to what I expected. Not even sure what I expected! Left me stunned, for a better word. I am Pajchair. Tackled quite a few difficult themes. The first 20 minutes, I was glued to the screen, quite surreal really.
  16. Yeah, he is a very "deliberate" speaker. Every word he uses is carefully chosen for a specific purpose.
  17. If that happened, I'm pretty sure my heart will burst through my chest, a la John Hurt.
  18. Haha, use those lines, that would be perfect. I think. It's always a good heads up to know if its worth getting excited for.
  19. Watch it, sunshine. So, it looks like the "repeat" video went up straight after the conference finished yesterday. Will it be the same for tomorrow? @dazzybee, if I PM you my email address, can you do us a massive favour and send the link to the conference in there? The video, I mean. It'll probably be around half 6-ish when we get ready to watch eet. So excited!
  20. Just an idea, but maybe it's time to get rid of that N-Europe News section in the forums. If people want to comment on the news, they can easily do it on the main site now. It doesn't really make sense to have this one as well, and only about four people ever post comments there...ever.
  21. Wouldn't be surprised if that Shooter game turns out to be some downloadable title. Wii U Ware or something.
  22. I don't think that idea would work, unfortunately. In another game, yes. Not this one. It would ruin the atmosphere and I think it would make you "too aware" that you're within a game. Do you know what would be cool? If we could play this game this year...yes, it still hurts. :'(
  23. Didn't know I had a goal disallowed for offside. Aw well. 3-1 seems like a one sided game, but the actual match report there makes it sound more even than I thought. Not an entirely terrible result then. Nice report, Peeps!
  24. I did have a little chuckle at that yesterday. A great start to E3 for Nintendo. They just need to back it up with some excellent games now. They really need something to show off the game pad and make us believe that it really is the future.
  25. The syncing of Forum and Main Website is brilliant, guys. The forum now feels like an extension of the site and vice versa, rather them feeling like two segregated sections. It looks wonderful. Being able to use the same account/profile to comment on news and forum posts is excellent. Also, I'm using the full width option. It just feels so lovely and fresh.
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