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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. thank god someone agrees with me! im sure when he was making these (slightly rash) decisions he had the best intentions for the country. im sure all he wanted them to have the oppurtunities that we all take for granted. we have so much that they dont and perhaps he was a little carried away with this. but one day i hope Iraq sees the benefit of all this. If i was iraqi, I know for a FACT i would die for my country, if i knew future generations would not have to feel the torture, pain and panic that they do now.
  2. i have to admit, she'd be enough to turn me lesbian lol shes got a gorgeous face, and a lovely smile.
  3. wow lucky you the only thing i ever studied in RE was catholic and protestant religions. it was pretty damn closed minded but thats they way this country is. but made my exam damn easy all the same
  4. i know how to code sorta simple to moderate programs with v.b. the hardest ive gotten to is a visual hangman game which saves scores and randomly creates words. it pretty damn tough creating games from scratch!especially if you want awesome graphics
  5. yeah it was strange the cleverest half of the year had to do it, and the rest did some sorta key skill in it. We were also forced to do RE which sucked.
  6. i scraped a C on my GCSE french, ive forgotten it all apart from vin blanc, vin rouge, and biere! woot
  7. ahhh rite that explains it yeah hannah martin was a brat too! thats as far back as i can remember in neighbours! :P ahh im gettin old joe mangel rocks, the stereotype nutter aussie! reminds me of the crocodile hunter lmao
  8. thats actually making me slightly scared, just reading it! i would be terrified if that happened to me!!!! does anyone every get the (freaky as hell) cold sensation? i get that all the time, its really strange, you're cold then you move and suddenly you are warm like a strange prescence in that very small area.
  9. Northern ireland beating England in the footie, i'll forever remember Healy's awesome goal
  10. i feel really horrible when i think of the people that were killed but now its done. we cant change back time, it wont make any difference shouting at Blair and Bush. Hopefully it will help us learn and maybe in time Iraq can be safe for future generations. lets face it, it wasnt then, isnt now, but COULD be. i agree with what some people have said on the topic of blair doing some good, we are really lucky to live in society that we do. where we dont have to go to bed every night frightened we won't live to see tommorow, like a lot of people do. If you are unhappy with Blair, vote him out.
  11. she hasnt official left the soap tho has she? she probs be back at holidays from that posh la de da school. i dont like the Hoylands, how the hell can they afford a baby when they wer oh so tied down in debt cause of Gus raising the auction price of the house? and now summer goin off to that school, i assume they pay for her to do so?
  12. ooo thats actually really interesting! yeah i wondered how it managed to fall perfectly but i think it was on tv that it was designed to fall like that so it didnt take the surrounding buildings with it. i love a good conspiracy tho
  13. god i wudnt wanna tempt any ghosts out of hiding
  14. Yeah, hes just a bloody puppy dog when it comes to bush, but he should be strong and able to make up his own mind about things like this!
  15. aw noes i got what that said! why u post that man? chris. i like ur sig the hand thing combined with the union jack is very sexy, and different, the font also goes very well 4.5/5 edit sorry didnt see your post on the next page duh i like it its a very bright green colour tehe 4/5
  16. lol where you get em and can you get me one
  17. woah someones clever! Haver you musta studied like hell to get those results!!!
  18. ive done gcses and the equivalent of a levels, im working, thus i rock and dont have to study. yay i have 8 gcses (an A, 3 B's, 4 C's) and the equiv of an ABB at A level
  19. well theres a VERY limited choice for games over here, and as i dont have a credit card (aka no internet shopping) i havent got much choice but to go to game! and one of my best friends used to work there so of course i talk to the staff the odd time :|
  20. i dont care if you do or not, you're a damn mod you should behave like one and stop being so nasty to smokers!
  21. thats not on, if people want to smoke who are you to critisize, if they aint harrasing you with the smoke, you shouldn't tell em to go off and die! your not comin to my funeral
  22. i dont love anyone special, apart from the majority choice, of friends and family. I hate people that screw me over, do really bad undeserved things to me, i dont waste my hate on celebs i dont know, just disklike 90% of them i try not to hate too many people, just puts me in a really bad mood :P
  23. ahhh thats good that would annoy me having so many programs i only have one row +4 and i think my screen is the same size as urs. 5.10 gb on mine o.O
  24. sarah used to be like supermodel skinny o.O
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