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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. you want to completely delete your email contacts etc? https://accountservices.passport.net/ppnetworkhome.srf?vv=310&lc=1033 go to account services. log in with email you wanna delete. choose the customer support option. then close account should end up with this is that what you're looking for?
  2. haha awesome you love me really i knows it
  3. hehe i never noticed how bitchy you really are eevil!
  4. yeah you know gotta suck up to the admins only kiddin! i agree wit ya on teh comments on marshmellows, and i love marshmellows
  5. jesus that would be scary! Dont u guys keep the body unburied for like 2 weeks in england/scot? Over here its like 2/3 days and ur buried. slightly unnerving!
  6. lol men its your own fault for gettin so excited
  7. haha Wasnt me thats started this im blamelessssss!!!! blameless i tells ya!
  8. yeah i nosied at teh code when i first looked, but i was gettin copyright text! thats why i asked. i know what you're on about nows heh
  9. yay another one of emo's threads! haha u really took the "What should this thread be about" thread serious when u posted it hmm. well. paper clips, i agree on that, i also love pizza! and sorry to lower the tone people, but i think condoms would be up there somewhere lol. and of course teh fav, the internet ooo oooo thought of another one...them lil pen drives! they awesome! i gots 3 and couldnt do without em!
  10. yeah i definately remember replyin o.O oh yeah and i said i also like the wee thing u got goin on with the hyperlinks at top of page, and the nice image there too what script did you use to do the fancy wee rollover?
  11. Wow, daniel craig is sexy. Thats all i've got to say on topic
  12. booo izzy is a slut! making nice wee susan look bad! karl = bloody fool!
  13. yeah, when ur not gettin all that bombs and that its not that bad Hey...wait.....what am i saying! It sucks.
  14. oooo Ashley.. new sig? very sexy! Loving the white, nearly see through text. Really blends in well, and the colours all go nicely, EDIT: and i love the purple and white text, beautiful. i love how purple and white contrast each other so well 9.5/10!
  15. Damn right girl, the only thing you'll get is banned if you rude to the other members
  16. aws Athriller you went through all that for nothin
  17. you can see the shadow of the dude behind her. and i think u can actually see a very small bit of him, his stomach or sumthin. non-porno my butt
  18. gah i replied to this ages ago! weird....o.O yeah i said the background was damn sexy :P
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