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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Aren't they a certain shape to prevent that exact problem from happening? Like so:
  2. Question: Did you use a static strap? Generally speaking, very neccesary. It needs the power to run. (even more so on higher-spec cards) You'll trash the card if it overheats with no fannage. A 350W may be pushing it a little... 480w would probably be okay, unless you were straining it a lot, or overclocking it to hell.
  3. I bought an album of the Kooks (Inside In/Outside Out) and I must say it's not bad at all. I find the strong accents do bring something to the music.... but they take getting used to! ^^ (says me with a broad Irish accent!)
  4. Just try your best to assure her and tell her you'll wear your seatbelt etc etc. I'm sure you can understand her worry... She is your mum after all I've been playing Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars for most of the day. If you aren't old enough to remember it, then you fail at life. Ahhhh the old days when pc games where not all violence, and some of the monsters actually were harmless, and cute! screenie!
  5. http://www.last.fm/group/Revolution-Europe Yes indeedy.
  6. Well apparently its on this sound track I got a few itunes links on google, but i haven't got itunes to test it
  7. I had acupuncture today and it was really bad, I must have been tired or stressed out. >_> She put a needle in my hand between my thumb and finger. She tapped the very point in, that was fine but when she pushed it into my muscle my whole hand went into spasm... incredibly painful. Needles being forced into your muscles are very invasive at the best of times. My muscles are all very jumpy in general, but this was pretty fucked up. She could tell I was a bit of a mess today and left a bell on my lap incase I needed any help. I've also been referred to occupational health, due to the fact I've had 3 single sick days over a year period. It just feels like a piss take, and I'm going to give them utter hell if they scold me for being off >_>
  8. Well that's why I took the picture I thought it would probably be a better reference than any Might as well be helpful seeing I have them myself. They are rather sexeh, and the sound quality is pretty out there ^^
  9. To everyone mentioning MRSA.... The nhs over here has gone through a massive reform. They are cutting costs everywhere, including things like heart failure clinics..and reducing the frequency of bloods tests for patients. The staff are absolutely stretched to the limit on the ground. We all get pulled in after 3 occasions of sick in a year. >_> All in the mindset of saving money. People are sent home with mrsa these days, that is how commonplace it is! And there's a new one developing called C-Diff, so it may appear in the news soon enough. I'm not overly sure whether it is government to blame. I think it could be the very highest of the board governers of each trust. I only get to vote locally in this country, apparently they are meant to represent our views or some shit. I'm not really that interested in politics as long as they keep the troubles long behind us.
  10. Its definitely connected to the motherboard and power properly?
  11. Good Charlotte - The Anthem... Reminds me of..Elite beat agents. ^^; No kiddin'!
  12. and its not you for once, eh, short ass? It's a poster. A poster made of win. ^^;
  13. Cable detaches here: Cable of awesome Total agreement Letty! I'm a disaster with cables!
  14. Hahaha yeah i bought them a good 6 months ago Aha! That the sort of real life size! ^^; ALSO! The earphone socket jack thinger unplugs from the headset part itself, so if you break the cable you just have to get a replacement cable, and not replace the whole headphones! Winner! and its got like a telephone cable the way its twisty, so it never gets tangled. ever.
  15. Ok, then ignore me, I'm a dunce. My hair is way too long and needs re-bleached >_>
  16. hahaah i was looking at the ones Letty has, but I think they may have been dearer at the time... I paid 60 quid for those bad boys. The sound is pretty epic. : peace:
  17. sennheiser HD215's here ^^;
  18. Yes the cool kids are right sided awesome. ^___^ I'm liking your hair Mr Ashley, looks rather good
  19. Where I'm still annoyed at maase taking the utter piss, I think it may not be worth lynching him (yet) When you don't participate, and then win, it shouldn't count as a freakin' win. I'm in agreement that the silent ones die. Thus; Change vote: Thunderer.
  20. You say that, but in that case why do we trust anyone? We'd be running round in paranoid circles. He'll tell us someone is evil and if we lynch and we'll find out then. There's no other way to verify anyone... Also Maase, would you ever learn? You jump the gun far too much. Vote: Maase
  21. when its red raw its similar to very severe eczema.. Psoriasis is very common these days, just not in the severity I have it. My doctor reckons I'm about 50% covered. Should get meds soon! Just a matter of getting the funding officially (its very expensive medication :/) I more than qualify for it, its just getting the paperwork through! I'm hopeful for the future
  22. I believe he told her that she joined a cult
  23. She was likely abused into submission by her father. the wife must have known... he had to feed like a whole family! (and a big one at that)
  24. Awh how awesomely cute ^____^
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