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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Oh dear. People are actually following tips for sex from a nintendo forum. I'm joking of course =)
  2. Haha and easy to unpack! ^^ My day has been rather epic. I got up and my mum and sister gave me my birthday present early (like a week early XD) 1TB Western Digital External hd! :awesome: I'm in love! <3
  3. Um. 1 major point here. I am a woman? n00b.
  4. I wonder by some of the comments.... if men here actually know anything about women, like, at all?
  5. Bump! Ben stuck down the manhole. familiar storyline much?
  6. Have ye a good birthday mate!
  7. Strider that's terrible My thoughts are with you. Seriously, i'm starting to wonder if this place is cursed, every other person seems to be losing loved ones.
  8. I believe you can lock down your router and only allow your own MACs to connect. I know that's how we do it with our internet (netgear router) think its under access control? I'm not sure really as my father does the router maintenance. Sorry I can't be of more help! But don't use that as sole protection on your router as it isn't THAT secure.
  9. You can't connect two routers to each other on one network, I think the security clashes. You can connect a switch to a router tho.
  10. Please mate, let people have their opinions? Charmander is awesome. ^^ I generally play bulbasaur, it reminds me of the good times when I used to play it on a gameboy (in black and white! ZOMG) in the 90's
  11. When i was in the hairdresser, this dude was drying my hair. He had black tapers in his ear. They couldn't have been any bigger than 3/4mm. It was very awesome, yet really subtle. He couldn't have been further from the "pierced stereotype" EDIT: had a wee search on teh nets for one: A tad like that, you can get all sorts of awesome stretchers/tapers, and a lot of them look quite classy. If you don't go mad on the stretching it can actually reheal too (info) Whatever you do, do a bit of research beforehand with jewellery and things you like!
  12. hahah £135 thats complete madness. Good job tho? I can never get straightners to work on my short hair. It all pokes out, and that's not the style its supposed to be and looks silly..
  13. LOL I love how this thread has got to like 5 pages overnight. Just shows what the majority of forumers talk about! As for my advice.... in the words of QOTSA, Go with the flow!
  14. People have had family members die, and i'm currently going through it myself. Little inappropriate. It doesn't bother me in the slightest but it might annoy other people.
  15. Thats what makes cillit bang so awesome. Adios makes me angry. Its sure to do something awful to your insides. I don't like artificial dieting, its all a con, and very expensive!
  16. Eenuh that's so fantastic, what did I say! Yay for you!! ^____________^
  17. Heh, Yeah i'm sure things will be okay. I hope if he's dying, that he goes peacefully with his family, without too much pain. The stuff he gets pumped into his body is horrific. I've taken it in far far lower doses, and I had horrific panic attacks and I couldn't eat certain kinds of food without hurling. Your situation sounds pretty cack too. I hope your sister stops bugging your family she sounds like a freakin' menace >_<
  18. Sir you have very good taste! : peace: Iron bru and its bars are made of awesome! Have they stopped producing them? I hope not
  19. My uncle with cancer has just had a massive heart attack today and is in the ICU. It's looking really bad for him. The treatment sent his blood sugars absolutely batty, and they think it may have triggered the heart attack. Dunno if they are continuing the treatment or not. Bad times
  20. I would go with "not the side you sleep on" rule. After having my rook done I've learnt a very valuable lesson with that. Needles are gooooood. Go to piercer for gods sake XD
  21. Ahhhh. day has been so awful ;_; Had a half day, went and got a sub, got friggin' soaked to the skin. (damn raining) bus was an hour late o_o I've just been through the banding process at work (agenda for change) and basically everyones being assimilated onto the same pay scale. I was a grade 3, and they've put me and my colleagues down to a band 2. And there are people doing the EXACT SAME JOB with band 3's in the belfast nhs trust. Which in real terms means less money. Cack. What the fuck were they thinkiiiiinnnnnnnnn!!??! (Guess the angry quote!)
  22. OH EM GEE SECRETS OUT eevil you tart! I leave the bleach on for an hour (hence frazzled roots - a few weeks of letting natural oils hit it will work wonders! ^^). Although tbf the back if it is like slightly lilac, and the front has a pink tinge that's hidden. Pink? Why? I don't know... It started going pink when I put the bleach in. Very strange. Thanks for the compliments
  23. OH NOES STOPPPPP the evolution!!!! >_< The naming is a bit sucky, they shoulda swapped them around!
  24. I was really disappointed when mine evolved into a pidgeot.
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