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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. You do know tanning is actually the after effect of burning I've got type 1 skin. I NEVER tan. Despite all the light therapy I'm still white as a sheet.
  2. Only aftersun helps really. And plenty of it! =( I used to get UVB therapy (funs) and i've been burnt a fair few times pretty seriously. I feel your pain. My mother came to pick me up after treatment and she said that all she could smell was the burning skin. Makes you think really.
  3. Wow go you! I'm sure it saves you a fortune and minus those naughty pesticides!
  4. I agree with bluey on the women. But I think the one at the front is the post op.
  5. Apple trees are awesome! We used to have one when i lived in germany. :awesome: But if there are any rotten ones it attracts wasps!
  6. My mother eats over 10 apples a day o_o She buys a whole big tray of them from the market every week. Pink ladies are sex. I also rather like the ol granny smith.
  7. I'm thinking, my legs are burning so what the fuck is it doing to the insides of the pc My workmates laugh at me... they said that I think PC's have feelings. Only cause I told them that a human should bear full weight on a computer chassis..
  8. Thats the christmas song isn't it? That song fills me with rage. and sadness too ;(
  9. My laptop is just an excuse for me to lie in bed on the internet really.... But I agree on the heat thing, mines a 17 inch monster with an 8600gt/t7250/3gb ram laptop... it gets RATHER hot. I dont like sitting my laptop on anything other than a desk or table for a long period of time... i'm very nervous about it overheating
  10. I think she meant when it is needlessly added. Not that it is needless in your diet. There's plenty of natural sources for oil in a varied diet, not just throwing it on food for the sake of it.
  11. But you all ignored the "needless" part of her sentence.
  12. Looking goood eenuh! The wristband is so awesome :awesome:
  13. yikesss. I've had sunburn so severe MY WHOLE BODY peeled. I had to apply moisturiser every half hour to stop the pain ;_; But I still hate the cold
  14. Yeah its freezing over here I want a heatwave dammit!
  15. *nods* rather than a forced cam pose! These are more of the pics we want! : peace:
  16. Then if it doesn't work your headed for ear syringing young sir I'm with letty, adding oil when there's no need is pointless. Oil on salad, gtfo. I eat salad because its healthy. Not for enjoyment
  17. You look fantastic with a natural smile! =D
  18. I'm with Gizmo here, being a Scot myself, I wouldn't support English teams. Not for hatred, just for lack of interest.
  19. I don't think i'm part of "most girls" in that case either
  20. Damn right, none of this asbo business! Nip it in the bud before its too late
  21. Can't argue with the majority
  22. Depends on the crime really. Theft, probably not. A mass-murderer, raping victims and torturing them before their death? Worth a thought.
  23. Oh noes now you did it - you do realise this is a nintendo forum!!
  24. I don't think I can even say it at all Interesting! @nw: Auto tuning is so much cack, I had to do it several times over, and ended up needing assistance to get it right
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