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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Going back to white, might try a big pink fringe. But i'm definitely not doing an all over colour in the near future. Its waaaaay too messy in the shower! coloured dye goes everywhere!
  2. I went to work then spent lots of money on the internet. ^^; I'm feeling like its time to get the bleach out again. My hair is looking a sorry mess!
  3. 26 inch variety = £374.99 and Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary Japanese the Manga Way: An Illustrated Guide to Grammar and Structure Oxford Japanese Grammar and Verbs (Dictionary) Coming to £400.55 - damn 55p! Don't you just hate that!
  4. Ain't that the shocking truth. I miss summer holidays.
  5. Well this is true. With bleach its kinda getting good (compared to what we have been seeing) Maybe a good battle or two ahead But its still a boring arc.
  6. Can we not argue over the dubbed/subbed thing again please? In other news, Bleach and Naruto double episodes coming soon! They better be decent, or i'll be disappointed
  7. I'll be working through all of the summer, it's not even got the novelty of a new job! To make it worse its in a stupid portacabin that's like sitting in a car in the heat! edit: thank god Platty! i'm not the only one!
  8. I think you used to, but you don't anymore, not with a sim/phone contract dealy. Not on my contract anyway... The my3 web via phone is confusing, some of the addons are advertised as unlimited for a fiver on one page, then some are like 1gb for a fiver on another. @pyxis: I have the data card thing, 3gb limit, the speed is generally pretty good signal. Bearing in mind I do actually live in the back arse of nowhere! Its the fastest service of its kind. 3mb compared to the rest doing around 2mb. @that guy: All providers do it now, fair usage policy, even ISP's for home broadband have them in place. But they're something like 100gb afaik (depending on ISP)
  9. Argh I had a big massive falling out with my mate cause I told him exactly how I felt. He was totally suffocating me, always asking how I was, and never really asking anyone else o_o Just a lot of little things adding up. I basically felt like I was in a relationship with him. I told him how I felt (in what I thought was an adult manner) he comes out with: "Don't flatter yourself" Charming. Fucking charming.
  10. Solves the problem then? : peace: I've got a bit of a complex ass of a network and I know how much more frustrating it is when they go wrong! >_<
  11. They have health and safety risks to be concerned about, I think that's pretty correct. I worked in a place called Instore (aka poundstretchers) when i was 17, they pretty much took on anyone. They rang me up about the application I had sent in 6 months ago. Well organised company! Their interview consisted of... "yeah you have passed all your gcses, oh, an A in maths, smart cookie" *shows me round the store* I didn't even have to answer any questions I basically got treated like rubbish for 4 months and left after an incident occured with the manager. Ie him being an utter <insert curse word of choice>. Although in the beginning I liked him cause he was hawt. Shame about his personality!
  12. Yayyyy Muse love! can I join in?! ^_____________^ Matthew Bellamy is a performer. He makes live performances awesome rather than just a gig.
  13. Oh god that was horrible Why did he kill himself?
  14. Maybe its something hardware wise that is clashing? That infrastructure is a bit of a brain melt for a n00b like myself ^__^ You get as far as pc Ethernet #1 working fine? How you connect from #1 to #2? If you haven't already I would try a crossover cable. Are your IP adresses fixed? I'm sorry if i'm being (unintentionally) condescending/telling you what you already know ^___^ I'm just throwing some ideas out there.
  15. Fresh has sexy sigs! Despite having little interest in football, I really like this sig, it has a certain pizzaz to it! catches my attention nicely, without being so bright it makes me want to rip my eyes out. 9.6/10 edit: also the wee quote below is quite sweet, and i'm sure a lot of people can relate to it ^__^
  16. Just a normal cable from router to the 1st pc, then a crossover cable from pc to pc? Its a tough one, I'm pretty sure someone with your experience would have checked the most obvious errors. :/
  17. Sure a weeks worth of experience is worth shit all these days. Even the most basic of clerical jobs ask for 6 months plus. And yer talking minimum wage pay.
  18. back when I first started working it was £3 an hour for under 18s! Just keep trying, thats all you can do, took me over a year to get a job!
  19. Emphysema is pretty serious. Shame, but she did do all the drugs.
  20. Gah it must be close as there's very little time between lightning and thunder >_< The thunder is sooo noisy!
  21. You never know you might start to enjoy yourself after a while, and meet some new people. We all love you here, so keep your chin up!
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