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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I've got a UPS for my pc and a laptop. But we rarely get powercuts so it seems pointless :P
  2. damn right ^______________^ I'm looking forward to it
  3. I might be able to wangle the time off work. ^___^
  4. We don't have a gamestation here. Fail.
  5. ooohhh emm gee, David Tennant is SEX in a can. Nice one blue girl! --- Day 1 of diet! All is well. For now.... :/
  6. You can say all you want about contracts, but the problem is they will twist contracts to how THEY see fit. They'll make it work for them. Big companies have lots of expensive lawyers to fix things.
  7. hilight = highlight, other than that seems pretty good. Good luck with your appeal rez
  8. The dr is all alone again. How sad
  9. Gender: Female Nationality: British Ethnicity: Caucasian Age: 22 For each of the following statements, indicate whether you agree or disagree: 1)I am comfortable at and enjoy large social gatherings, such as parties. Agree/Disagree 2)I enjoy being the center of attention. Agree/Disagree stupid of me to say no having had pink hair :P 3)I am skilled in handling social situations. Agree/Disagree 4)I can make new friends easily. Agree/Disagree 5)I usually prefer to be with my friends rather than spend time alone. Agree/Disagree 6)I am quiet around strangers. Agree/Disagree 7)I prefer not to draw attention to myself. Agree/Disagree 8)I like to work independently Agree/Disagree 9)I often enjoy spending time by myself. Agree/Disagree 10)I tend to think before I speak. Agree/Disagree
  10. 4 x pear cider 4 x olde english = happy raining_again
  11. could you have been double-billed for that computer you bought? Maybe check yer online receipts and whatnot? If not you'll maybe have to wait for your statement, or bite the bullet and ring them? PS I don't know how anyone survives without internet banking.
  12. Exactly. You've royally fucked your computer up the ass if it takes a stupid amount of time to start up. Or get a firewalled router.
  13. Suppose it depends if they have wired access points, I don't personally know if that's the thing these days
  14. My internet is usually a whole big farce to set up, but once i put in the IPs away it went working goood. ^___^ I didn't really want wireless because my internet can take tantrums, and it just adds another step of troubleshooting frustration. Plus wired is fast wins. I bought it on ebay and it came reaaallly fast. ordered on thursday, came on saturday!
  15. What sort of logic is that O_o Just because you don't get a virus for years, doesn't mean you won't ever get one.
  16. I thought Northern Ireland's delivery service was bad o_o Unlucky mate. EDIT: I've just thought of something that really fucking gets on my nerves... I got a n00 external harddrive, and it came bundled with some software. Now it's all decided to bloody well expire on me.. Gone are the days when you actually got a FULL copy of the software with something you paid well over a hundred pounds for
  17. Today I got my Wii lan adaptor in the post. Woohoo internet gets! ^__^
  18. Why.....that's over a thousand pounds a year.. absolute madness
  19. I agree. Even if you are careful, it is better to have an A.V just to be sure.. I would say a lot of you put your credit card details into a website... So what if an unnoticed keylogger is on your system?
  20. I would get lost in Belfast so easily if I didn't go down with my sister. I'm terrible with any kind of train station/bus stop, or getting ANYWHERE.
  21. 5 years of braces - holy crap. I was never given braces, but I wish I had been when I was younger. My teeth are very gappy despite ALL my wisdom teeth having grown through completely. Boo.
  22. Yeah I've tried several million slight exaggeration :P different kinds of fish oils and remedies, salt water baths, creams, steroid creams, etc. I've had psoriasis for 18 years. 60% coverage and now developed into psoriatic arthritis (aka arthritic psoriasis) Also been on methotrexate and ciclosporin. Was taking both at one point, had to come off both of them due to liver damage =( Waiting on some experimental biologicals (enbrel) that i'll have to jab myself with. Joys.
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