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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Can I join the "hate full time work" movement...? If i could afford to/didn't have my mother on my back about it, I'd be part time in a flash.
  2. I knew someone like that and our friendship kinda dissolved by itself. Sad but then people like that do tend to bring destruction into yer life.
  3. heh you weren't being a wanker, everyone gets pissed off and needs to vent now and again, I'm pretty sure i'm guilty of that plenty of times! @aimless: what an adorable puppy. I still think cats are win tho ---- It's only just after 1pm and i've eaten most of my food allowance (diet funs) God damn you darksnowman, damn you to hell. tempting me with subway AND starbucks
  4. Couldn't have said it better. Everyone is so depressed these days...
  5. I'd need internet or some form of electronic entertainment or I'd go nuts.
  6. Uhh hello have you ever worked in an industtrrryyy?! The NHS uses notepad, and has programmers that actually know what they are doing! What the fuck is the point of paying a programmer £40k a year to design on a w.y.s.i.w.y.g interface >_> Have you ever seen licence fees for industry for that sort of software?! Jesus christ almighty...
  7. I love sundays =D Days off are awesome. Regardless of how much/little i'm doing. This sunday in particular, because its a national holiday (n.i) on monday =D Yay!
  8. My day has consisting of rewiring all of my electronic stuff today... Big task. :/ Whoever thought up double kettle-plugs gets all my love <3
  9. The point is can we not joke about rape, its really distasteful. :/ Personally I'd rather be murdered than raped. I know thats a really horrible thing to say, but rape destroys a persons life. (and a lot go away without being punished)
  10. Yay, someone who actually knows something. : peace:
  11. Sounds very like death note
  12. Maybe because when I was studying, I didn't have a copy of dreamweaver on my PC at home. Sigh.
  13. I'm more inclined to say that it rapes the code itself. Just like frontpage does. If you ever (for some reason) need to edit it in notepad, its all fucked it all up.
  14. I want to be filthy rich without having to do anything. Aye, dream on.
  15. If people went privately the NHS would notice and cut staff. They always keep a VERY tight eye on staffing levels.
  16. My day so far has been rather excellent. Went into town with miss buttons, i've never met such a bubbly happy girl in my whole life, she's awesome We went to subway, and watched all the flute bands parading. Couldn't have gotten better weather for it. =D And /nando/ also joined us, he's a pretty dead on chap. N-E meet-up northern Ireland style, yattaa! EDIT: also epic win, I got an email from Amazon with a £15 pound voucher.
  17. I swear its the bane of my life. 60% covered in itchy sores, and arthritis! Not. Fun. When I'm on immune suppressant meds (namely mtx and ciclosporin) i'm always getting the cold OT: I get a few patients on the phone in work, who cry and are extremely distressed. I and many others help them out (all thanks to the NHS) and they are so unbelievably thankful. It makes my job so much more worthwhile, when you get people who actually APPRECIATE what everyone does for them.
  18. I'm so glad someone agrees with me! ^______^ I hope I never go into hospital, I have a really shitty immune system ;_;
  19. I got a phone call from my bank (halifax) asking to confirm some details for something. I told them where to go ¬_¬
  20. No it codes webpages. Its interface looks like word. But its not the same. It's an unnecessary P.O.S in my opinion. Dreamweaver is better but not by much. I'm very anal about code I have to have it aligned and formatted perfectly :awesome:
  21. See the thing is I'll probably need treatment as I get older with all the medical problems I have, so I really need to set myself up with something. I've got a couple of conditions which really would mean that private insurance would cost me the earth. @odwin: I think my dad is under bupa with his work. afaik, I don't think there is a medical insurance scheme for NHS staff (sorta defeats the purpose, ne?) I had to wait 3 months for a Physio, 2 for a Rhematologist (that was an urgent referal) and god knows how long for a Dermatologist (that was years ago) but I know people waiting 6months+
  22. Has anyone actually got private health cover here? I was looking into it at a time... It's not really a viable option for me because I have a lot of pre-existing medical conditions
  23. Yeah every life is important. the media only picks up on what they want to really. There was a kid killed down our way and it was ALL over the news, but it happens a lot more often in Belfast... with so much less publicity. Sad times indeed.
  24. You also said something about 3 thumb widths away?
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