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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Yey for odders ^___^ Happy birthday dude!
  2. I don't really understand politics
  3. I wanna join the club too =(
  4. So like nothing to see here then? Vote: No lynch Quicker we get to some form of majority the quicker the stale day moves on.
  5. If we get the 2008 ones started now we'll be lucky to get the results for 2010
  6. Women have a different social situation to men, especially ones with kids. Not demeaning at all. o_o
  7. Yeah damn right eenuh! This should be encouraged! Maybe women feel it harder to get on the "business ladder" so therefore need a bit of help.. And it encourages the economy. Whats wrong with hairdressers anyway? If they are a viable business there shouldnt be an issue. Plus more hairdressers = more competition and hopefully cheaper prices.
  8. Tsk tsk tsk that's just naughty
  9. Pretty slick, if a little generic. 8/10
  10. Anti static? Never a waste of money, I have at least two of them. ^__^
  11. qft, your "friend" isn't likely gonna want to take the responsibility if anything goes wrong.
  12. Diageo; Generally nice sig. I like the light effect across the top of the sig, quite unusual. Its nicely put together, no obvious seams in images etc. but.. As far as i can see, your username isn't on it.. Doesn't feel as personal imo. (not necessarily a bad thing, just my opinion) Overall nice effort. 8/10 Even if it does break the sig/avvie size limit :P
  13. I'm not too sure what's happening with jayseven here, so I think i'll hold fire on the voting shizzle.
  14. TBH you've got very little other choice..
  15. Happy birthday miss buttons =D
  16. I saw it on the news and they had the guy on that was in the lorry, he looked absolutely distraught. Probably stay with him for the rest of his life. Stupid bitches.... It's a selfish act wanting to commit suicide, without bringing other people into it:blank:
  17. ReZ is right companies can't use unlicenced software.
  18. Double episode of shippuuden, great stuff! =D
  19. jordo, shame on you, you'll need your own generator for all that powerage! --- I've had a shitty night and a shitty day. All day i've been ravenously hungry, thanks to a really wonderful side effect of my meds. I lay in bed last night and my whole body was seizing which is making it near on impossible to sleep. Whether its due to the injury or not i'm unsure. Or maybe I've overdone the painkillers, I've been living on them since last week rawwrrrr /complain Having a day off work was okay, I just sat around playing the Sims for most of the day =) I'm almost looking forward to being back at work. Almost.
  20. Hmm well you could think about it as an investment in your future, means you could always freelance if you ever needed to down the line. Discuss it with your boss, show them the facts and figures, at least it will show that you've made an effort and maybe they could give you some pointers and/or assistance. Seems a bit silly that they expect you to come up with the cash..
  21. what's this talk about having periods, you wouldn't have periods if you had a sex change...
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