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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Funny you posted this thread on the 12th July, our "historic day". I'm not all that interested in history - probably because ours is so tainted and blood stained.
  2. I love it when he shouts at the annoying twats on the program, but when he's far TOO sympathetic, it reallllly gets on my wick. Just seems somewhat patronising. That is basically him summed up in one word; patronising.
  3. Had a powercut, sitting here in darkness, yay!
  4. Wow i'm seriously pissed off. Wanted to have a look at health insurance (with all my medical issues I thought it could be useful for the future) went onto the bupa website and the exceptions are horrendous:
  5. xp? try oem version from amazon or somewhere. Its dear now with the exchange rate afaik. Service packs are just updates that you don't have to install from Windows Update None of them come with Office.
  6. If we want to lynch a baddie we all need to come together and talk more rather than just deciding on our own. Everyone lynching someone different isn't really gonna work..
  7. Raining_again wishes Brian Mcoy an epic birthday slaggisssssss happy birthday Don't get up to too much mischeif!
  8. 07ghost is awesome. its new and coming out every week at the mo
  9. I think I've had the worst day ever. He who shall not be named (the dickhead that reported us) has now gone off on sick for 2 weeks. Myself and the part timer struggled through the day extremely shortstaffed. I'm completely frazzled and now have a massive migraine. The boss had a go at me for saying the part timer who stayed extra (she did 5&1/2 hours) could have a lunch break. Pathetic. Apparently you have to work 6 hours to qualify for a lunch. Heres me thinkin it wouldn't be a problem, we were both stretched to the fucking limit.. I feel like i'm gonna end up having a breakdown if this continues. Which it will, we have me and another person on all week next week.
  10. My boss has that car and he also likes it a lot
  11. His real name is Elliott, and arent you supposed to be dead?
  12. Don't cut your losses so quickly. Go to the course and see how it pans out. Surely if you need it you can take holiday time? I did a HNC in computing (half degree - had about the same amount of study hours) as night course and it was manageable, yes hard work, but it was definitely achievable.
  13. Brutally ambused, oh no No info here unfortunately..
  14. Yeah I feel the same at the mo. Lots of problems at my work and sometimes I think I might actually be less stressed on the dole I'm somewhat anti-social, and spending 8 hours in a room with a LOT of people really gets me stressed out. I think i'd be way more suited to a job on my own. And now someone's put in a formal complaint that we dont talk to him enough. Jesus. Now we're all in for shit. Maybe I won't have a choice about being on the dole soon.
  15. Dude kudos to you, thats seriously brave. Your report made me laugh several times All the diet shit (where it may be low in calories) is absolutely FULL to death of the sugars. Its actually quite horrifying. God only knows what that does to your system If you want to lose weight surely those kind of drinks are only detrimental? I can understand a really super fit person doing a triathlon, or a marathon runner.... But not someone who 1/ isnt fit anyway and 2/ is overweight.
  16. fast way for one to give themselves diabetes. 34.5 fucking grams of sugar. That's a disgrace.
  17. All you need is water and a proper pace to be honest. That energy drink stuff really angers me, it rots your teeth, and you have to be doing some SERIOUS exercise to burn off how many calories it contains. And even if you suceed in burning off the energy, you could have burned a lot more cals by just going on water.
  18. Seems a tad on the sussed side tbh. Vote: paj_meen_ahh
  19. I'm stuck in two minds here; on one hand we have no other info on the other.. the info we do have is not that specific.
  20. So... no news then? this is kinda annoying, no lynch again?
  21. He basically claims that we ignore him (which we don't, we just won't constantly talk to him) He would sit for 15/20 minutes talking to someone and doing squat all work. I feel that this may actually get out of hand and i'll need a lawyer. This is how bad its getting. The fact that I got the discussion typed up is immense. It says "informal" on the letter, but anything that goes on paper record is most certainly NOT informal.
  22. Bah. Worst day ever. Colleague has put in a formal complaint about us all. (I personally have done -like most of us- squat all wrong) He's an utter cock, cant do his job professionally (flirts with people on the WORK LINES) takes forever to do anything, and is a noisy useless tit. At the mo his phone is 1st to ring (which means he takes majority of the calls BUT this is rotated every month so its fair) and he says he feels so depressed etc. So now we have to take calls for him. Fucks sake I had nearly two months worth of being 1st phone to ring. I've been isolated and unwell. But not ONCE did I blame it on anyone else. Its gone beyond my supervisor. Currently its at my bosses boss. Who will likely pass it up the line again (lets call her J). Ironic really because my mother met J only today, and she was singing my praises, saying how brilliant I am (and that is VERY unlike her) so I doubt she'll be very happy to see all this shambles. I sat in the office reading over the typed review of the discussion (had to go over it and make changes if I felt it was wrong) and I just had to try to hold back the tears. This totally sucks and we all could lose our jobs over this. This is PC gone crazy. Now my health will likely go down the pan because of all this stress.
  23. Hummm, I can't see anything obvious from my pov.
  24. wewt, lets get this game going! Take it we have to vote today? If so; Vote: No Lynch
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