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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. So far so little. Just a pic from the trailer.
  2. The Wii will last much longer.
  3. Moar moar moar plz plz plz.
  4. Does anyone else get the feeling that Wii will be home to alot of party games?
  5. Speaking of magazines. T3 gadget mag has done the first review of Wii. And they liked it pretty much. http://www.t3.co.uk/reviews/games/gamecube2/nintendo_wii
  6. I think it is the music volume. I dont know why it says SD card though.
  7. Thats pretty nice to hear. Maybe they finally got the controls right.
  8. You wouldnt be able to, so that might be a bad thing. When you move the reticule now, the screen doesnt move.
  9. I tried loggin into the comments, it said my username didnt exist. I tried registering, it said my username/email already exists.
  10. Im suggesting that with a fixed reticule, the screen will move with the Wiimote, but when you point outside the "box" the screen will continue to move by itself. This will make it esay to have the screen stop moving again by pointing inside the "box", yet at the same time you will be able to move the screen about without it moving by itself. See? Sorry its hard to explain.
  11. Teh video: SOUTH PARK WII VIDEO Cume un, cume un!
  12. The one in the middddle.
  13. Here is a crazy idea, how about calling it E3?
  14. Why show the ass? Why not only show 2 gloves?
  15. Its simple. The screen doesnt move by itself until your pointing outside the "box". See?
  16. Im curiously optimistic, and positively pessimistic. I await greatness, but not in a predetermined shape or magnitude. The Wii will be fun no doubt, but it will also require some excellent games.
  17. Oh no. Not a 1UP preview!
  18. Online play being implemented and perhaps a change in controls? A fixed reticule where the screen moves with your hand?
  19. That Orb game.
  20. Lock up your children and sock away the pets.
  21. Blood and gore, yay. Too bright, nay. Cool text, yay. Koolimpah 8/10, yay.
  22. Oh dear... I better go lock the doors.
  23. I like to think that the purpose of life is to reach for a higher goal.
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