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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Ive posted my own dammit.
  2. Well, you never know. It could have been much worse. Its a good thing that Nintendo was not hurt in any way.
  3. I dont think its crap. I think old people will love it.
  4. I made this:
  5. Hrm, a couple of interesting IGN Wii videos. http://media.wii.ign.com/articles/745/745202/vid_1741052.html
  6. When checking out the Wii US commercials on YouTube I saw this: Advertising on YouTube seems like a smart move. Edit: Not showing a video or pictures explaining what the Wii is after you click on the advertising banners, seems like a bad move.
  7. I should never have tried to explain this. The point is that you should be able to look around as much as possible without the camera going about on its own. To do that you need to make the biggest box possible, and lock the reticule to the center. Then you can move the camera with full control. And not having to re-center your aim to stop the camera from moving.
  8. I dont know. Maybe its a invite only thing.
  9. They are called ambassadors, and they are people who get to invite their family and friends to a Wii event only for them.
  10. No the camera in Red Steel doesnt move when moving the aim inside the "box".
  11. Well screw it, I shouldnt expect people to not post review scores. On another note, I dont think Zelda will get a 100 score at sites with a 100 point system. No game will ever get that. Gamers have become too jaded for it to ever happen again.
  12. Thank you for not posting the score. Im not reading any reviews until after Ive finished the game.
  13. This is from the IGN preview of Monkey Balls: Does this sound like a 6.5 game? I question EGMs credibility.
  14. More love. Serious finance blargh Forbes calls it a Revolution. http://www.forbes.com/technology/2006/11/13/wii-review-ps3-tech-media-cx_de_1113wii.html
  15. Even though I havent played Monkey Balls, I disagree with that review.
  16. No, no and no. Im suggesting that you can move the camera when aiming inside the bounding box as well. Only that it moves when your hand moves, and not by itself.
  17. Here is my ultimate version of the Wii FPS aiming. Just give it a mental try please. The bounding box would be bigger in a real game, but is small here for easy display purpose succes increase. Green Cross = The point where you are aiming. Blue Circle = The bounding box. Enlightened Area = Camera movement direction. Red Arrows = Automatic camera turning. - Fig A: When aiming inside the bounding box, the player can move the camera freely. Fig B: When aiming outside the box, the camera starts turning by itself. The only real difference here is that the camera turns when aiming inside the bounding box as well. By adjusting sensitivety, one would easily be able to perform 180 degreee turns without going outside the bounding box. The system gives the player ultimate control. I think this system could rival the fun factor of a keyboard-mouse setup.
  18. Im 26 and will therefore require a shrubbery from each.
  19. Ima gonna high five Teppo here. I expected the 360 version to look better than those screens. And there are some low detailed textures in those pics.
  20. Online Creative Hairstyle Disco. Or just any MMO would be fine.
  21. Good one. I cant wait to shove this in someones face when Wii takes the lead.
  22. I approve of this. This looks like a game pod, unlike other crap.
  23. I want this tattoed on my left muscle.
  24. I dont think either of the above methods of aiming will work very well. I will post the ultimate solution in a while.
  25. Ill post the screens and comparisons if you dont mind. New screens: Old screens: And the proper links to the stuff above: http://zonaforo.meristation.com/blargh http://www.ngcfrance.com/blargh/ http://previews.operationsports.com/blargh/
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