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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Yes, its the same with my Wii.
  2. I think most studies conclude with videogames not being a threat in themselves. I wonder if Jack cares about them reports.
  3. Its simple and short, like DVD.
  4. Sounds scary to me. I mean, walking around with a dead persons hands.
  5. You are kidding me. The Classic Controller is the best controller ever!
  6. And what a great thousand posts it has been.
  7. I think your best bet would be small toy shops.
  8. You could have added a link to the page you lazy bum.
  9. Dost anyone can recommend a programme that converts normal movie files into working Motion JPEG files for viewing on the Wii? I will be thankful if so events.
  10. The story was very moving in some places and made me wanna cry like little girl. Also some of the music deserves an award or something.org
  11. Imagine playing Zelda or Metroid on that baby.
  12. The knight battles are not very amusing for some reason. Its more like a game of luck than skill.
  13. I wish people would not send me their entire collection of family and friends. My parade is overrun by unknown individuals. I also wish they label the creator since I have no idea who made what.
  14. Good thing hes allright. Hope you have a merry christmas now.
  15. I believe being optimistic makes the body optimistic about the future. What happens tomorrow, nobody knows. Awaiting nice things is much nicer. I do believe its only a matter of what angle you want to view it from.
  16. Someone suggested using the scrolling method found in the weather channel. That would be perfect. Zooming like in the photo channel might also be cool.com
  17. I think I remember something about motion enabled character input.
  18. Its god very bad score from IGN. Seems like Call of Duty is the best launch fps.
  19. Greatness. Its allright. Its fast, reliable, and easy to use. More zooming and scrolling options would be nice.
  20. I disagree with the first post.
  21. I think Wii is just grabbing the market wich was already there.
  22. Well thats promising... That they couldnt tell the face was ulgy I mean.
  23. Gaaaaaaay. Happy birthday.
  24. Of course, DiemetriX pawns all with his giant TV. Ima bit worried about the Wii placement though...
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