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Debug Mode

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Everything posted by Debug Mode

  1. Lucky Star is that one anime that gets funnier with every watch for me. As I tend to watch a lot of old anime and play more classic games like RPGs, there's always more jokes and references I end up understanding. Great series.
  2. Not had too much time to play it still, but it's a very refreshing take on Pokemon but I have one huge criticism that isn't already widely covered: L = A Button mode is fucking ruined. If you play on this mode, there are some things you just can't do, like rotate camera models or even take photos properly with the Rotom camera thing, great play testing you got there.
  3. Info Wars. I read it every day and assume reality is the exact opposite as described. Facebook has a lot of problems with it, but fake news really isn't one of them. We're passing the buck because we don't want to acknowledge how fucking gullible our species is becoming due to the internet. We're sold the internet as a treasure trove of information resource, yet completely forgot to use our own common sense and intelligence to discern fake articles from reality. It's not like Google isn't just a couple of clicks away for you to do your own investigation which would take you less than a god damn minute. The service isn't the problem, it's what content the users contribute that is and the only way to control that will inevitably require some form of censorship.
  4. Assuming this rumour is true and there is going to be an improved version on the Switch, it initially feels like a bit of punch to the dick to me and I buy every god damn version of Pokemon. Remakes I don't mind as there's very clearly two projects in the work that are Pokemon related at any given time at Game Freak and remakes don't require the same amount of research as a next generation title for the franchise as the engine is made etc etc. But a third version coming out that quickly is just bonkers. A third version improves upon the originals and addresses certain shortcomings, it also doesn't look to see how the competitive scene is treating these new titles so they can't tinker with the balancing. Coming out that quick really does imply they made the conscious decision to sell a lite version of a nearly completed game to just get something out there for a bleak period for the 3DS and bulk out sales. We'll have to see, this could all be bullshit.
  5. Was hoping to get it as soon as the stores opened but after drinking until 6am and waking up on the other side of the city, got delayed a bit. Not played too much thus far, but I'm loving the field music.
  6. Game Freak going to need some Burn Heal
  7. I kind of forget that sarcasm isn't conveyed very well over the internet.
  8. This is golden
  9. I too am a master of pulling percentages out of my ass
  10. Twitter user. Says things on occasion, sometimes correct sometimes wrong.
  11. If any one fancies a good laugh, those who illegally downloaded Pokemon Sun/Moon and then proceeded to play them online have had their entire console banned from accessing online services ahahahaha
  12. That's a fair point that I hadn't really considered but still, £8? For my tastes it's a little too much personally. I get your point about value, but I had a laugh at this. EDIT: You're from London, please don't tell me you see your movies exclusively at Leicester Square.
  13. $10 quality though? Doubtful. If this game does well enough to sell for the full access price, which I'm pretty sure it will, this could potentially be disastrous for core Nintendo fans but great for Nintendo as a business. Maybe this'll get them to release Pokemon R/B/Y on Smartphones, that'll make gangbusters and I'll buy them again.
  14. $10... for a fucking runner game? Christ, I hope Nintendo go completely mobile, if even the core fans are willing to pony up that much for an application that many others offer for free purely on this basis that it's a Nintendo title, I worry about the future of the Switch.
  15. The music was fucking awesome, but I'm bias as I bloody love the composer as he's done some awesome work.
  16. Spoiler tag that shit bro, it's not fair on the others!
  17. Been spoiled a fair bit, but still very excited to get my copy next Friday. Though certain spoilers about the post game have pissed me off..
  18. Well fuck me ahaha Incredibly stuff and not in the good way. Long live God Emperor Trump?
  19. The floodgates are open and the game is available to any one with a hacked 3DS. Be wary of spoilers.
  20. If Nintendo weren't in a huge rut right now, I'd agree with you. The 3DS has a really shoddy launch, the Wii U did alright at first and then dropped off of a cliff. The main issue with the Wii U was, in my opinion at least, too many people (including myself) "held off" until the big titles came flooding in after being bit hard on the ass with the 3DS. But they weren't coming fast enough and we started to see the trouble the console was having very early on and so that put off those still on the fence even more, which directly influences the output Nintendo is willing to invest into the console. Developer wants consumer base on a console before investing, consumer base wont come until there's more games. Never ending stand off that ends with a failed console. Nintendo would benefit pretty well from having both a Mario and Zelda title at launch. They're both from completely different genres, appeal to different groups outside of Nintendo fans and one isn't going to cannibalize on the other like launching Elder Scrolls and Fallout on the same day would.
  21. I get that Bernie had to come out and say he is in support of Hillary to put Trump back a few pegs, but it would have been so much cooler if he had just went "No, go support your independents, there's a reason I competed with this woman to be the Democrat presidential candidate"
  22. Hillary is easily the most sensible choice for a stable president, but I can understand why so many people have rallied behind Trump (although it's horrifying how they're willing to ignore his blatant racism and sexism). It's the ultimate finger to the political establishment as they definitely do not want him in. But man, what a horrifying election. No matter what the American people choose, neither of the presidential candidates are ideal. I feel pretty bad, but I kind of want to see Trump to win just so I can laugh.
  23. The only thing I remember hearing was that it'll most likely be broadcast on the 10th of December, but it might be Hokkaido TV only. I'll let you know when I get more details as I had no idea who any of these guys were but I imagine they're quite famous given how the girl I was eating with's jaw dropped wide open when they came in.
  24. You've got two months to learn some Japanese my boy, hop to it.
  25. So I might be making an appearance on Japanese TV ahaha. Thank fuck the person I was eating with wanted to bail too, being the only foreigner in the place would have definitely got me on the hit list for an interview
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