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Debug Mode

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Everything posted by Debug Mode

  1. Sorry to hear that man, but it might be the case that maybe Tinder isn't really suited to you? I wouldn't necessarily advise you to give up using it, but maybe getting yourself out there some nights with mates could help? Honestly, I have absolutely zero confidence so it's a bit contradictory for me to give a suggestion to muster up your confidence and attempt that. I've had very few relationships but I've been lucky and been friends with them before something happened. The only thing I can actually say, that has helped me, is to not avidly search for it. That has never worked for me personally and, like yourself, has felt demoralizing. I've had plenty of dates here that never progressed, and I ended up with a good friend here after a series of events and I think that in itself has made me even happier that I'm with them. I feel quite fortunate in that respect, but you never know what can happen. Just keep your chin up mate.
  2. Will be buying day one if I have a Switch, probably the thing that caught most of my interest out of the games announced.
  3. Gameseek have confirmed they will be honoring the price as well, mad props to them.
  4. Wait it's £279.99?! Oh fucking hell. £250 should have been the very maximum, even with tax factored in, to just give it that little bit of an edge.
  5. Just because launches are generally shit doesn't make it any less shit. Nintendo have got in huge trouble before for lack of early adoptions and that could repeat itself. The important thing though is that Zelda is a launch title and that's enough for people to slam that cash down.
  6. It's a difficult time but they really need to be very careful with the European pricing. 30,000 yen is not bad over here in Japan where gaming on the go is still seen as acceptable and having a console that can do both will be attractive enough to probably sway people away from the base PS4 slim which costs the same. But in the UK, pricing at £250 is going to mean you're more expensive than some of your competitors basic offerings. Tricky time for Nintendo, Brexit being a direct cause of it.
  8. Found this gem on 4chan and put it on my facebook, figured I'd post it here to so we can HYPE MORE
  9. Or after the Amiibo problems, maybe Nintendo is putting the foot down to try and stop as many scalpers as possible
  10. Not sure if it's been posted before, but it's a golden oldie. NSFW
  11. Thanks man, means a lot. It's been a hell of a month and it was looking like it wasn't going to happen because of all the things she wants that I might not be able to give her if my visa doesn't change, but luckily all the little things that happened over the course of us seeing each other all worked out beautifully.
  12. Person I was technically seeing but not really asked me to be her boyfriend today. Naturally I didn't refuse. Looking like this January is going to be a lot better than last January, which is when I broke up with my ex.
  13. It's 2017, the Nintendo Switch blow out is next god damn week and, let's face it, the Wii U is basically dead right now. There's not really much more coming. Honestly, no matter what your personal overall opinion of the Wii U is, whether it be positive or negative, there's no doubt that it has most probably been the most divisive console we've seen in gaming for a while. A lot of us were late picking it up, some of us regretted it and quite a few Nintendo fans disregarded the thing all together and it clearly didn't resonate too well with the public either with its lack of success. But let's cast aside the negative aspects for now and bring together what the console did so right for us. Many of us loved the console and even someone like me, who really didn't have much of a high opinion of it, have had some fantastic moments with the console and I'm curious to hear what you guys think. For me, even though the game did not fare as well with many games, I absolutely loved the experience I got with Xenoblade Chronicles X. That one game was so enjoyable to me that I was glad I had a Wii U to play it. People hated the music, I think it has one of the most solid soundtracks I've heard in a while, that's just a key example of my very different taste heh. But what impressed me most is the fact that, for once, I felt like the game pad screen really made things convenient for me. Xenoblade X had a lot of mechanics going on under the hood, and being able to access that information quickly and have significantly less clutter on the screen made the actual gameplay that more engrossing and beautiful. Although I have hopes for an improved version on the Switch, I'll miss having that gamepad in my hand with all the information I needed without having to switch through a few menus on the main screen. And I think that's the only game for the system which made me re-evaluate the game pad a little, something which I felt was responsible for holding the system back and making it prohibitively expensive. If there's another thread like this, apologies, I couldn't find anything and I admittedly was not very thorough.
  14. I offer my sincerest apologies. We don't actually play games on this forum, we just simply argue about them.
  15. I don't really make any new years resolutions, but I think I've achieved a lot in this past year. Started the year fobbing off the ex girlfriend who was taking the piss, looked at the money I had accrued saving up to see her and have a fucking blast and thought "You know what, I'm going to go back to Japan". And right now, I'm posting from Japan, just recently started earning enough to be fully sufficient at a fucking awesome cafe for those to practice their English conversational skills, teaching English for the same company at their mini school and teaching privately to my own personal students. Another thing I'm proud I did was actually make the most of my time with friends as I'm naturally quite reclusive and don't like to go out, and with the goal of going to Japan and trying to get here permanently (still up in the air but still trying), I knew I was going to miss all of those delightful fuckers and was really glad to participate in my first N-E meet in a few years. Also done a few reviews on Rez's Food Review UK channel which I'm really happy to do (I'm so sorry that I'm not that frequent buddy, I've got a few things in the pipeline and expect a review of the Ginger Coca Cola the day it comes out!). As for the year ahead, I'll just set out the goals I currently know about: Not go home early: Up until recently, if things hadn't picked up, I would be looking at going home in April. That's probably not going to happen but I need to work harder to ensure I'm at least here for the full length of my visa. Change visa to a working visa: This will be quite tough given the area I'm in, but I'm willing to settle for even the shittiest of English schools if that means I get to remain and work in the city I love. If I change my visa.. Snow sports: Can't do it this year to due financial circumstances, but it's such a waste being in a city that got a fucking record 96cm of snow this week and not being able to afford to do winter sports! So if I'm here next year, I'm doing that, definitely. Get girlfriend who isn't desperate for marriage: Recent things have put me back into the dating game due to various desires of girls around my age range, so I'm hoping to actually find one who doesn't mind just dating for a while and then maybe if it works out for a long while, we can talk about that shit. Cultural expectations in this country are a bastard. Any way, to an even better year next year!
  16. No wonder the objectification issue exists, I accidentally did it without even thinking!
  17. Ahaha, wait for a bus and multiple arrive at once, that's my feeling right now. I'm technically seeing someone since last week but it's a bit of an awkward time so we're not really an official thing, and then at the work christmas party last night, one of the customers I've been good friends with basically let me know she is interested without saying it. Good thing she didn't say anything, no one's ever told me they liked me without me saying something first so I have no idea how to gently shoot it down.
  18. Excite Metroid Prime Federation Force, because the first one didn't.
  19. Small update. Japan is like Persona 3, except I'm not getting the prompt "Hanging out with other girls might have a negative effect" when I reach social link level 5.
  20. Still not finished the game, but if any one needs some Japanese Pokemon to get them shiny eggs faster, swing me a message and I'll sort you out something as soon as I can!
  21. Great to see Nintendo actually demo this thing genuinely running some software on a TV show and getting the word out to people who might not necessarily be avid gamers that the information is coming next month. Although I'm still critical on their choice to be so silent for such a long time, at least they're doing the key marketing to a decent standard.
  22. Care to actually refute his point? Journalists do what journalists are supposed to do, bring us the news. The one doing the leaking is the one at fault with Nintendo as they're violating an NDA, a news outlet reporting on that leak is fulling their raison d'être.
  23. POKEMON STAR TRAILER LEAKED, HOLD ON TO YOUR DICKS I need to get my hands on a Rayquazeon but I think the conditions for evolution are a little too difficult.
  24. So they're selling these in Pokemon Centers here GET IN THE FUCKING BAG.
  25. DEEPEST. LORE. But holy shit, I'm so god damn slow with this game aha. Had a 5 day head start and only just reached the third island. Very fun game, probably the most fun I've had with a Pokemon title for quite a few years. Kind of sucks they still couldn't get it running properly on the 3DS though, it can do far more than this.
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