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Everything posted by Hamishmash

  1. If you watch the World's Strongest Man they always look a bit fat. Bane seemed a bit like that... very strong, and just hard to shift.
  2. Well I'll put stuff in spoiler tags from now on because I don't want to be seen as "not being arsed" but I still think it's pretty crazy to go into this thread if you don't want to be spoiled... I don't think we should be the ones blamed. There were two threads made for a bloody Zelda game and I think the spoilers in a film are much more serious than spoilers in a game where the gameplay can still be enjoyed.
  3. I still don't understand why you're coming in this thread Why should be put things in a spoiler tag when this thread itself is essentially one already? It's up to people to take precautions to avoid spoilers... one of the easiest ways to do that is not enter the threat called "The Dark Knight Rises" after the film's come out.
  4. Yes, a non-comic-book, comic relief character gets killed off. It is utterly predictable. The fact that nobody got killed off in the TDKR didn't stop me expecting it to happen. The fact that they survived was more surprising than a minor character getting killed off in the Avengers. And there is such a thing as being too choreographed. It didn't look like real fighting at all. The aliens weapons were very inconsistent. Sometimes their lasers would blow up a building, sometimes the same laser would just hit Captain America in the stomach and he'd just fall over for a bit. Nothing felt real. It was glitsy and pretty but it wasn't real, you couldn't feel any actual pain or tiredness. It was a bunch of action figures being played with. I diiiid enjoy the Avengers as an experiment, and the script was funny, but as a film, not as a comic book adaptation or anything but as a FILM... it can't be compared to the Dark Knight Rises. Sorry. (please bare in mind that I've not enjoyed a single Avengers-universe film. I think Thor is fun only for it's camp space opera-ness. The Avengers was the best of the bunch just because it was something vaguely new)
  5. Why are people still putting things in Spoiler tags? If anyone is still coming into this thread now they deserve to be spoiled for being idiots. As for the film, I thought it was terrific. I think the three films have wildly different tones, so I think they're all pretty equal as they show Gotham and Batman in different lights. I can't see how people can say the Avengers is superior really. The Avengers was a funny film sure, but the action was incredibly dull. I was genuinely thrilled by the action in this, because there was peril, threat, risk... Batman could have died at almost any moment, you never knew when a supporting cast member was gonna be shot or whatever... it was proper, proper action with purpose and stakes. The Avengers was a bunch of CGI laser battles with absolutely no peril because half of the cast already had their sequels greenlight. Absolutely no tension... you know what the outcome will be on the poster. These films, in my opinion, are totally incomparable.
  6. In my head I don't think the Riddler should look particularly interesting. I see him like BBC Sherlock's Moriarty... kind of just setting up crimes for Batman to solve in order to test the world's greatest detective. Therefore, I just imagine him being a man in a suit... and I have 7 days and wanted to draw some more interesting characters. I play on doing Riddler, Penguin and a few others later. For now, have Batmishmash Phase One!
  7. You joke but that's hot. (how is my taste in men common knowledge here :P) There's your lot.
  8. I hate Poison Ivy and I think it tells in my design, but everyone wanted me to give her a go. I don't see the appeal. My first sketches were very different... to me she should be this horrendously, monstrous, biological accident... I can't justify her being alluring or sexy at all if she's this infected, damaged being. So I made her a cactus. :P I didn't actually want to make her ginger but I thought that was the thing you couldn't change. I originally wanted to make her bald... I like that last design you posted. I still just find the whole... sexy nymph thing really laughable... I am probably going to redraw Two Face next week, so I might do Poison Ivy as well. I just... don't see her appeal. EDIT: I've redrawn Poison Ivy and like her a lot more now... so yes... thanks Henry for saying "no, you're wrong, this is shit" because now I really like my design. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27544316809/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  9. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27476690594/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  10. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27403330725/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  11. Been in Australia with my boyfriend with a few weeks now. The story so far... Most of time has spent with me on Tumblr and him knitting so... yeah Or accidentally staring into each other's eyes for eons because our love is like the collapsing of stars... inevitable, beautiful and destructive. Or making cheesecake. Or going to American diners and eating our body weights (which is pretty bloody heavy). We TRIED to do something manly. We went to an Aussie Football game. We tried to be manly. But then there was a double rainbow and everything was fabulous and yeah... fuck.
  12. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27325119155/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  13. From the other thread.
  14. Ice to meet you. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27253496000/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  15. I am a massive Godzilla fan so I've been following this for a while. It's gonna celebrate Godzilla's 60th year, so it better be worth the anniversary.
  16. Godzilla was my first 'fandom', other than Nintendo. It's what made me join forums and become, essentially, a nerd. The American remake from 1998 was a disgrace, but finally, in time for Godzilla's 60th Anniversary, a new film is coming out. I've been following its progress for a long time. Directed by Gareth Edwards who made the critically acclaimed Monsters, and written by Dark Knight writer David S. Goyer, the film will be much closer to the Japanese version (and is being co-made by Toho, the makers of the 28 'canon' Godzilla films). The film is apparently meant to be set possibly in Japan too. He is also going to battle other monsters. Anyway, Comic Con revealed lots of new stuff, such a teaser trailer which isn't online yet, but we got a poster and some photos. Some of you might have liked the 1998 movie, but it was a punch in the face to fans... this is doing everything right so far.
  17. The fact Rocket Racoon is going to be in a movie makes the last few meh Marvel films totally worth it.
  18. Well... just for you I decided to give you some Clayface! (Also cos I was having trouble drawing any humans at all, let along Robin and Batgirl). Also it breaks things up a bit. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27186599462/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman Also yeah I have seen him in the animated series! AMAZING animation in his "death scene" so to speak. Generally just that whole series is a great interpretation. I think my redesigns are more meant to be set in that whole kind of world/tone then anything else, it suits my style.
  19. Animated series Catwoman is by far the best costume... I wanted to stear as far away from the Arkham-verse design for all the female characters cos I think they're bloody ugly. I was gonna do one a day, but there are so many great characters and they're so fun to do that I might try and double up. I was planning on drawing Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn together, and then Robin and Batgirl together. The others I've got planned are Clayface, Joker, Batman and Bane... but I'm sure I can throw in a few more requests.
  20. I don't really like this one. I'll try and make tomorrow's a tad more exciting. Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27117569329/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  21. In the week before The Dark Knight Rises... rises, I thought it'd be fun to redesign some of the iconic residence of Gotham. I'll upload 1 a day! Today's Batman character is Catwoman - Blog Post: http://www.hamishmash.com/post/27083924597/happy-bat-week-ill-be-giving-you-a-new-batman
  22. That's fine. We can all do it, I've got a few lined up. I wanna do more of those "Guess the Movie" things though.
  23. My boyfriend, being the kind soul that he is, bought me a new copy! I'd love to play against some of you guys this week, if that's doable?
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