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Gold Panda

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Everything posted by Gold Panda

  1. I got Wii U today, now Im downloading apparently all of the updates, cause its taking some time now. Got it for £250 and that is the cheapest deal we have in Norway at the moment. Waiting till we get Zelda back in stock, so I have only Nintendoland to play upcoming days. First impression of the gamepad: its sleek, and I like the design and feel.
  2. So have anybody tried it yet?
  3. I guess its true. Just my reaction after conference, right now I think that I dont need to own ps4. You can have more fun with a gamepad than with the ps4-camera-kinect-thingy. We will to see some big games at E3, and also new xbox.
  4. After watching the conference, Im leaning more to buy a Wii U than PS4. Conference was full of fancy words that does not mean anything in the end, the "fun" factor wasnt there. The share function will be usefull i guess, but it does not really matter to me that I can play game while it downloads. I dont need more Killzones either.
  5. Im really are not impressed. Its the same sequels, shooters, explosions. Only slightly prettier. Software wise nothing felt new and exciting, expect from Witness, and its not a exclusive.
  6. Wow, great prices for those games. Im thinking about getting MS: PR for online play. Have you tried it yet? Is it any good?
  7. Thanks for help guys. I think I will go for R2, that game suits me better than KZ 2. Both er really cheap now, so I will see.
  8. Yeah, I have been fan of the series since the first 1942 games. But for £15 I can get KZ2, R2 or MS: PR. Those games have singleplayer too. So its more value overall.
  9. I was thinking of BF: 1943 but it got only 4 maps. On the other site its really cheap and for that money its a great game. KZ2 are aslo cheap now (Im low on cash now, after PS3 purchase). KZ2 and/or Motorstorm: PR is good investment then. And later Uncharted 2. I dont know so much about Lost Planet 2, just that it looks really good, features BIG monsters that you suppose to kill in co-op. Much like Monster Hunter 3.
  10. As new PS3 owner Im looking for a few good games with solid online component with good community support. It can be old games or PSN downloads, I dont mind that. I know there is a big audience for online FPS shooters (MW, Killzone2, R2) but I want to see some alternative to that and what you guys playing. Now Im thinking to get Dirt 2 or Motorstorm 2 for online play. I have preordered LBP "game of the year edition" for co-op play. Also Im waiting for MGS4 to arrive, and as far I understand there is solid multiplayer there (and if people still playing it, then its all good). For the future I was thinking of getting Lost Planet 2 for internet co-op.
  11. Thanks, great advice. I have allready played Flower (but will download it again). I thinking of getting PixelJunk Eden first. Later is time for Flower, Pixel Junk Shooter, Braid and Critter Crunch. I will add you guys later.
  12. Just got a PS3 for that game and I glad I did. Just a few chapters in and Im digging it so far. Cant say anything about the plot yet, but I think it will be a good one. Introduction is important and they the game did it wery well.
  13. Last boss I beat was a trash robot thing. Im over 20 hours in now and think it begining to be the end. So far, its a reallt great game. My first Mario RPG. Very refreshing take on RPG genre.
  14. The new trailer was awsome! Check it out here. Cant wait to play this game with wiimote!
  15. So what was all the hype from N-Gamer about? For me this event was a disappointment.
  16. WayForward is a good developer so I think they can make a good game. I hope they stick with the same cartoon-ish graphics. Who knows, this game may be Wiis Archam (in terms of success)!
  17. Im with you! I got the game a few days ago and really it is a very appealing and the most important approachable game. I was beaten few by my girlfriend how is not into fighting games. And we had a great time.
  18. Oh my. Metal Gear Solid 2 and Devil May Cry. Was both EPIC! I remember playing those games. I had finished both of them but dont remember the endings. Yeah, I rather play some good old classics that some medicore games. Its about how much time you invest in games and for me I need quality games for my gaming time.
  19. Very Big News hm? For me its definitely means new hardware or a new game announcement. N-Gamer will miss all the credibility if Nintendo only announce minor upgrade like hard-drive support or something like that.
  20. So who is picking up this game? For me this is a day one buy! Dog-fight game with anime cut-scenes! And Im ready for the stiff-controll-learing-curve.
  21. 4 Color Rebellion have a great preview of the game. Check it out here.
  22. None of self respectable designers will put a Spider Man font on their creation. Thats sounds just wrong. If I had a PS3 or PS3 slim I would hide it, hide it good. Behind the TV or something, that things is just to big and not a good showcase for a gadget. But everybody know that the colour is most important, any thats why the white Wii wins (Xbox dont count since the have the "shiny" chrome detail).
  23. 4 years! Oh my god. The thing is why Nintendo cant go out and say "We screwed this one up" and we can stop to believe.
  24. Oh man! Thats sucks. I think Im in the middle of first game. And yeah, all is great but I would have save-when-you-feel-for-it-funtion. But on the other side the game is a lot of backtracking so backtrack to save-place is like a rutine now.
  25. Maybe they will make a lazy port of Iphone version? We will be sooo happy.
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