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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. This game is blatantly going to be incredible and also a prime contender for the new pay and play scheme - new tracks everyone I also think the game will updatable for voice chat when the inevitably release it at the end of the year!! I'm looking more forward to this game than anything
  2. Hope Capcom don't use these sales as indicators for releasing future games on Wii. I feel like they're taking the piss a bit. Res Evil 4, great game, great Wii version, but still a port. But I'm really glad they did it. They then think, hmmmm, rather than put effort into porting number 5, lets do easy ports of the old games cause they'll sell anyway, Wii owners are idiots!!! I refer to my earlier thread: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19499 However, I will forgive them if they make Zack and Wicki 2 and bring SFIV to Wii
  3. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    That is EXPENSIVE!! Fuck me!! You're talking £30-odd for the balance board I guess it's the same as Guitar Hero!!! But bloody hell that's an expensive peripheral!
  4. Right, script finished, I'm off to bed. Hope that's all the excitement over, I've got an all day workshop to run tomorrow in a school ZZZZzzzzzzzzz
  5. You see that star on that pic? Where it all started? WELL THAT'S WHERE I LIVE!?!?!?!?!??!!??!
  6. I'm sat here writing my script and everything was shaking. Didn't know what the fuck was going on! So did it affect the whole country then?
  7. I'm always surprised when I drift on General chitchat how much of a community there actually is on here. It's great. I pretty much never come here, just go on Wii and DS chat as that's what I want to hear about and talk about. But it's great to see that you guys really becoming friends and stuff. I've actually been a member since the beginning, but have never posted regularly. I like it here because there isn't loads of people so you can actually engage in debate/conversation People I know on here are the people who frequent the Wii board to be honest. About me: I work in theatre and film as a writer and director; though bizarrely I trained as an actor! I love films, music, theatre, pugs, gaming and spurs! I have a sinister obsession with Tim Burton I had a factory sealed rob the robot until I opened it!
  8. Anyone seen the trailer? Huge boobed girl who's over 6 foot features if anyone is interested in that type of thing........ Game looks average but if it uses the wiimote in interesting ways I could be interested?
  9. I'm so happy < see! We were easily the better team in the 90 minutes, should have finished it then. Extra time was pretty comfortable to be honest though tactically we invited their pressure, which admittedly was pretty poor all match! I knew we'd win it, quality team that just needed the right coach! Uefa cup too this season Oh and we can't reach the final of the FA because we're not in it!!! Had an awesome night drinking loads of champagne! My gf's a newly formed Spurs fan and my nephews are very young Yiddo's too!! Altogether great stuff!!! PS We're going to win more than Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal this year
  10. I agree completely but Fifa (multi format release) was made specifically for Wii - would it have been that hard to have all the extra modes in it too? No. The new MLB2k8 is being worked for the Wii and I'm sure the controls will be awesome, but is it really that hard to add online and all the modes? Same with all the games. How hard is it to implement an online component and all the modes? Surely that's the easy bit!!
  11. I can't remember us ever having a debate, and I doubt I would say your opinion is wrong or anything. Oh well.
  12. Why would I ignore it? And how was it a stupid way. Explain yourself rather than just insulting people. Fact is you COULDN'T pick apart my post only comment on the swearing, which is fine; but has no bearing on intelligence in any way! And TAPEDECK. This thread isn't about the rubbish games, it's about the multiformat games lacking features on Wii. I agree, I have enjoyed some of the minigames and 'cheaper' games.
  13. Is he a yiddo too then? Is he nervous about the big game tomorrow!? I've got a bottle of champagne ready
  14. You are absolutely right Jammy, but it doesn't make it acceptable. This is what I mean with a lack of respect. Treat em like shit because we know they'll take it!
  15. Pleased to hear that Spurs are one of the two official prem teams in the game With regards to the shooting yeah it's all about the timing, I do hope however that how hard you shake it determines if it's high or low and you still aim with the stick (though it could also be with the pointer). Though I feel the excellent nunchuk tilt swerve mechanic from Fifa will be gone
  16. Instead of insulting will you please pick my post apart; have a debate rather than just calling someone "unintelligent". Isn't that what forums are about? Debate? Sorry for trying to instigate them. And Pit, what titles have Nintendo released on other systems? (The point of the topic). And if you want to start a different topic, how are Nintendos titles featureless?
  17. It's really annoying me, we touched on it in another thread about how some developers leave key features out of games compared with their PS3/360 equivalents. It's really annoying and lazy. Anyways, the new MLB2k8 is missing a bunch of features including online play for the wii version because they want to focus on families! WHAT KIND OF FUCKING REASON IS THIS!?!?!? Why can't they cater for EVERYONE and just put the same fucking features in?! Is it really that hard the lazy c!nts! It fucking winds me up. Same with Sega Tennis, Fifa, Pro Evo and most other games!!!! And no one please say Nintendos online service isn't set up yet - that's clearly bollocks because others seem to be using it!!! Some people are just lazy and out to make money, and know they can get away with it! If all developers and publishers gave the Wii the respect it deserves and didn't cheap out on it unnecessarily then maybe more people would buy their bastard games and wankers wouldn't complain about 3rd parties not selling software - put some effort in and they will sell. Gimps.
  18. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    I knew that wasn't all you did in the game, I was mocking the poster who said it I think this game looks great to be honest and can't wait for it to come out!! I struggle to get games of footy going and Tennis season wont start for another few months for me so I need to do SOME exercise. Ive started playing Wii Boxing to get some in!
  19. I don't think it is that, it's that really annoying mentaility of bashing success. If Nintendo were doing as badly as they were last gen then people would be praising them because no one is appreciating them; now EVERYONE seems to be buying the Wii, people always swing the other way and have to attack it. It's the same with everything - the loudest voice is that of opposition! Simple as that.
  20. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Why is that all you do on the game?
  21. I stopped reading after the first half of the page, I hope more intelligent replies were posted. I'm getting really bored with the fickle attitude of people on here, sorry but I am. This board slags off Nintendo when things go wrong and refuse to aknlowedge them when they do amazing things. They slag off the Wii for what it isn't rather than appreciating it for what it is. They slag off the online service of Nintendo, a free service and repeatedly bang on about Live and Home, and as soon as Nintendo start saying okay, we'll give you a better service but there'll be a charge then everyone fucking moans!!!!!! IT'S INFURIATING!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Would everyone be happy if they announced June as a date?
  23. Bought it Played the prologue, really liking the controls and everything so far. Havent finished the first one so may plow through that first, but really pleased I got it, just need to finish my other 30 games first
  24. I applaud you NoE for getting the C64 on board exclusively for the mean time, well done. The company even reserved special praise for working with NoE - they really are amazing and we are all lucky to be European....
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