God sake, life why you torture me!
Went to a carpet shop today, fancied the carpet salesman i spoke to. It felt like he might fancy me too. We were chatting, and getting on. I know i only spent like 10 minutes with him, but i enjoyed his company and found him attractive.
He gave me his card at the end, and as he was writing the phone number down, he paused halfway, and scored it out, saying “I almost gave you my home number then… that would’ve been embarrassing. And i don’t think my wife would be too amused”, and corrected it with the work number instead.
I just inwardly sighed, disappointed that he was already taken. To me that was him saying “Don’t get any ideas, i’m married”. Or maybe he was reminding himSELF not to get any ideas, cos he’s married! Who knows eh. Either way it was a disappointment!