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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. I don't know why i keep watching these, knowing that the more they explain the backstory, the less scary the series becomes. I remember when i first saw the pilot, i wasn't even sure what i was looking at. It was this bizarre spectacle with no explanation and that's what made it creepy. The more you see it and the more it's explained away, the less scary it gets. Same with the aliens. Also, David fell flat somehow. They set him up in that first scene, but for me he didn't compare to Ash or Bishop. Some of the visuals were interesting, but that's about it.
  2. Sorry guys, i'm drunk right now. (that's not to say it didn't happen - maybe that's why i started drinking)
  3. I had a dirty dream about Tom Selleck. Again.
  4. Cos my brain is... special? It sees more than 3 and automatically goes into "NOPE" mode. So then i just play Tetris on my phone instead.
  5. Yeah if there's more than 3 peeps in the room i basically don't speak.
  6. Have decided to listen to this on repeat, forever!
  7. Went back on the dating site about a month ago. First date i've had from it was on Sunday. We went for a few drinks, then i waited at the bus station with him while he waited on his bus home. He proceeded to try and feel my arse the entire time, and whispered "I think you should send me a pic of your tits when you get home". Sigh.
  8. Guess i didn't imagine it'd be so tiring. On work nights i feel mentally/physically exhausted, and like all my energy i had for the day has gone towards my employer, not me. Then on my days off i'm just kind of in a dazed recovery... then another week starts all over again. Can't believe i used to spend whole days playing SNES. Seem like a different lifetime.
  9. Yep, am so maverick.

  10. Ama graffiti your paaaage!

  11. It was like a generic company contact card that you had to fill in. He did pause and seem to have a "wtf am i doing?" moment when he stopped and corrected it!
  12. God sake, life why you torture me! Went to a carpet shop today, fancied the carpet salesman i spoke to. It felt like he might fancy me too. We were chatting, and getting on. I know i only spent like 10 minutes with him, but i enjoyed his company and found him attractive. He gave me his card at the end, and as he was writing the phone number down, he paused halfway, and scored it out, saying “I almost gave you my home number then… that would’ve been embarrassing. And i don’t think my wife would be too amused”, and corrected it with the work number instead. I just inwardly sighed, disappointed that he was already taken. To me that was him saying “Don’t get any ideas, i’m married”. Or maybe he was reminding himSELF not to get any ideas, cos he’s married! Who knows eh. Either way it was a disappointment!
  13. Not seen it, won't see it. Can't get over a terminator being referred to as "Pops". Why don't they just have a terminator cuddly bedtime toy range next! I know he was good in T2, but that was you know... done with some dignity!
  14. "I'm not gonna kill you, i'm just gonna hurt you... REALLY bad" Only thing REALLY bad is that line! I sense badness.
  15. I really want to look into the world of free online courses, seems like quite a broad spectrum of options, and i think it'd be fun. Normally doing a course is influenced by career/financial considerations, so i like the idea of being able to choose to learn whatever you want, just cos you want to! Don't think i've the motivation to do it justice this year though. Am too tired after work, and on my days off am supposed to be studying for an actual official course for my job. Next year i'll learn something badass. :awesome:
  16. I work as a dental nurse and if there's a space in the appointment book i can just be like "yo, checkup, and scale and polish plz", and just jump in the chair and the dentist does it. Totes winning in the dental appointment department. Yeah... must change all my passwords though (i tell myself this every week) Go through all my CDs and cull ones i'm not into now Change my lizard's UV light Try banana Weetabix
  17. *awkwardly posts non-game item* Got this for my insomnia bad timez, so excited! (will not go outside the lines ONE SINGLE TIME!)
  18. Omg, so rude! Sounds like you've prob dodged a bullet anyway.
  19. Thanks guys i'll try and look around all the deals and figure this out.
  20. I know this is prob a stupid question, but i'm techthick and i don't understand this stuff! I'm moving into my own flat and basically i reeeeally don't want to have a landline phone, because i'll never use it. I'm really worried about all the bills, so i don't want the expense of a landline phone, i have a mobile and that's enough for me. But is a landline phone still required to have internet on my laptop? People have told me it is, then others have told me "oh it's all wireless nowadays, you just need a dongle to connect via wifi". Am so confused! Really don't want to have a landline, but i'll have to get one if it's the only way i can have internet? Please help a techthick!
  21. Posted on a reptile group i follow on fb:
  22. Watched first ep. Quite enjoyed/intrigued by the homelife aspect of them adjusting to the bot and would happily watch a whole series of that developing. But zero interest in the shoehorned in melodrama subplot of whatever was happening in the woods/whatever. Hate when they do this, shoehorn in murder or some epic crap, not needed in what could be a subtle/creepy slow burning character development drama! Just my taste. Might keep watching and just channel surf when those sections are on!
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