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Everything posted by Garden_Pigeon

  1. Morris Brown - Outkast is random, purple dogs etc.
  2. I'm not too sure whats classed as a spoiler anymore with all these rules so I'm gonna post this under a spoiler:
  3. Anyone seen this yet? What did you think of it? I saw it this morning and thought it was awesome, pretty funny too.
  4. Just now... If anyone watched the news yesterday a kid in Blackpool got stabbed and died... I knew him... He died so young.
  5. Has anyone heard Fort Minor? (Beware, its hip-hop ). Its Mike Shinoda's (rapper from Linkin Park) own project, showing off his hip-hop side. Heres some music videos: Fort Minor - Where'd You Go Fort Minor - Believe Me (I like the videography on this one) Check them out.
  6. I like the whole album, I like the direction they're taking. Personally I didn't want to see another 12 songs of Nu-Metal (I know they were great but I wanted something new).
  7. People only think three is "evil" because someone once pointed out that 3 was lucky, and everyone has to prove everyone wrong these days...
  8. I liked Collision Course (probably because I like Jay-Z). I think the songs from both artists were mixed well, especially Numb/Encore and Points of Authority/99 Problems.
  9. What? Thats the reason I liked Linkin Park, 'cus they were different. If they've just turned into every other rock band I'll be extremely pissed off.
  10. I live in Blackpool. Its full of chavs, the so called "las vagas like" amusements suck, the casinos suck, the clubs suck, the theme park sucks.... The only thing I like around here is the cinema.
  11. It'll probably work if IW do it.
  12. I want it to be in Vietnam or something... Forests are fun and IW would make it look great.
  13. If you can hear the echo that means it usually isnt your mic problem, its someone else in the room.
  14. Avast! Antivirus is awesome. You install it, it reboots your PC and runs a full PC scan (in those blue start up screen things). I've had it for 2 years and havn't had a single virus. http://avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html
  15. That sounds like a problem. Mine connects straight away, check your internet settings? Cant really say what to check them for though, I don't know much about all that.
  16. Thanks Goron, thanks alot I just bought tickets for me and my bro. Cant wait!
  17. - I am 6 foot 2, and I'm only 15 years old - I'm deaf in one ear - I play Basketball... Alot.
  18. I love Kanye West. He's amazing in concert with a full orchestra and everything.
  19. I just got Timbalands new album and I'm impressed. Its got a wide range of songs featuring Fallout Boy to Elton John. I like the song Apologize with Timbaland and OneRepublic, Check it out.
  20. I want it to still be in America, theres still loads of places they need to set it. I can't wait for this trailer!
  21. I like Kanye West. I wanna see him in concert sometime.
  22. Do you reckon the 120GB HDD's will be sold on their own? Because if they are, they'll be all black and wont go with my white 360.
  23. Whoa... Thats an awesome deal!
  24. Im right in thinking the helmet isn't full size right?
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