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Everything posted by Garden_Pigeon

  1. Once again (hey, it makes the next few posts about it)... WHERES MY DAMN WORMS?!
  2. Damn I just remembered I sold PGR3, I'm out. I'll just wait for PGR4 this year.
  3. WORMS! When it comes out...
  4. I don't know how much exactly but I do know that they are the same price everywhere, in shops, buying through the Marketplace etc.
  5. This ones crisp HD, 2D, 4 teams online, more amazingly random weapons. CANT WAIT!
  6. Porch Monkey is a racist term meaning that black people are poor and live on people porches (I think) and Terrys chocolate orange, chocolate being racist and orange being the colour of his coat.
  7. To me, insults like "black bast*rd" are not as bad as what my mate is being called. He has an orange coat and people call him Terrys Chocolate Orange and other people call him a Porch Monkey. He gets ripped constantly and its pissing me off.
  8. GAH! I still want my Worms. It was being tested last time I read up on it and that was at the begining of the year
  9. I hate racism. One of my best mates gets ripped constantly because he is black and I really feel sorry for him. Don't ever judge a HUMAN BEING by the colour of their skin.
  10. Aww I get back after 10, if its starts any earlier will you people be playing late?
  11. My sports centre to play 3 hours of Basketball like I do every Saturday.
  12. I never knew until this film that Stallone wrote them all (Didn't pay attention to the credits). Damn hes a good writer. I've just watched all the old 5 Rockys this week. I think its my best series of films (over the Godfather, yes. I could never get into it )
  13. I used to hate my brother but now hes in college he's become less annoying.
  14. Im up for it, times?
  15. Yeah as I said in my edit I didn't read your quote properly and thought it was about me, I feel like a right arse :/.
  16. Because pure luck made me match his all in bet, I had to read his poker face, I was on the verge on folding because I had no clue what he had. Pure luck Edit: ROFL I thought you quoted my post. My bad
  17. Theres the option to play for money, The Play for Fun tables are completley free, and no, you dont have to enter bank details unless you want to play the real money tables. Oh and considering Poker stories, last night when I won the £60, the final hand between me and my friend (really good player who won the £60 the last poker nights) there was 2 jacks on the table and he went all in. I just knew he had a jack to make it three of a kind. There was also a 7 down on the table, and I had two 7's in my hand. The three 7's and the two Jacks was a Full House, I went all in aswell and I won. Sweet, sweet £60.
  18. R.I.P Bam Bam
  19. Im not too sure about an official tournaments, but I can make a private table, and agree to start off with certain chips (you start with $1000 and if you lose all your money you can get unlimited free money until you back at $1000) and if you lose all your money then just stand up and spectate the rest of the match or leave. You still with me on this? Sounds a little complicated to explain :P. Then we could have like a week or so of "preparation" where you go off to other random matches, earn say... over $3000 on your own, then qualify for a forum final, I'm just firing ideas out here.
  20. You guys wanna set up some online games then? TruePoker is good. Download it free here, its all free and theres a selection of quite random and funny characters. Its 3D aswell. EDIT (More Info): Its easy, when you download it you just create an account through the game and if we start playing on this game, we'll use any of the Play for Fun servers, one of us will create a table, voila. I'll make a thread in the online gaming thread so this one doesn't get closed, I hope to see you all there, and, if anyone has a better poker app we can play on, suggest it.
  21. Hey, Just won £60 with the guys, woo. Tense last few hands. Anyone else play Poker? 5 card? Texas Hold'em? Do you play for money? Any stories you people can share? Get talkin'
  22. Ha rice is getting harpooned. Oh and I don't live on chinese, I just think rice is boring. I do mix in chopped chargrilled chicken with noodles and thinks like that.
  23. Yep they are here now, had 2 cans so far and I'm already hooked. Froot Loops own aswell. Also get a free AmericanSoda.co.uk car air freshner that smells like vanilla Very good.
  24. I want my Worms :'(
  25. And your enjoying them, yes?
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