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Everything posted by Garden_Pigeon

  1. There winning because some genius made the Chicken Super Noodles. Damn they're sexy.
  2. Im up for a PGR forum race
  3. Hmm sounds nice, I'll have to try that.
  4. We're talking any kind of noodles. Chow mein, anything.
  5. NOO! Vote Noodles! You all know Super Noodles rock your worlds.
  6. Well, seeing as there the same kinda "base food" for most dishes, do you prefer noodles or rice?
  7. Huh, 49ers are an NFL Team right? Wembley?... Huh?
  8. Wow. I just came back from America and I've seen this early. All I can say is... Wow. Compelling story, please, please, please watch this film. 11/10
  9. It was a hand-me-down so I don't have the lead. I'll go get one tomorrow. Thanks guys. Oh I didn't want to buy a lead because I didn't do my research on their prices, if there cheap then thats fine.
  10. Hey, I've got the everyday generic Samsung D500, I want to get my MP3's off the computer to my phone but I don't want to buy a lead. I was thinking send an email to myself but I don't understand how to get my Hotmail (or AOL) account set up on my phone, if that method will work, can someone talk me through it? If not is there any other ways to send MP3 files over without a lead? Thanks.
  11. Okay I bought the 24 cans and a box of Froot Loops to see what they taste like. Next day delivery. Suweet.
  12. Oceans 11 and 12. Cant wait for 13. THEY'RE ROBBING AL PACHINO! Bad Boys 1'n'2. Martin Lawrence is damn funny, "This is a nice fish, BIG F**KIN EYES, but a nice f**kin fish."
  13. People are saying that Venom is the same height as The Spideyman aswell. Sucks.
  14. I watch and (try my best to) make films. I play Basketball, Games and I'm in love with Scrubs.
  15. Great, thanks.
  16. Is that Code Red version any good? I'm getting some Dew for my Poker Night. Should I go with Regular or Code Red?
  17. I heard the commotion over the love of Mountain Dew on these forums, and I found this UK website: http://www.americansoda.co.uk/mountain-dew-p-33.html?osCsid=45da2e885df2060118c82c10458127aa 24 Cans for £16.95. They do other American foods aswell. I've been hooked on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups recently
  18. Love Baa Baa Kill Sheep XD Erm I'm taking Media at school and we're doin a horror trailer and its almost done. I'll post it when I'm done. I want to be a director when I'm older and I'm going to film college after school.
  19. Wow, The guitars wireless according to Microsoft.
  20. I'm just 100% against weed or drugs because my best friend died from weed. Go figure.
  21. More info people, Tomorrows the day for even more info, including a official release date. From TeamXbox: Screenshooters: Don't thank me
  22. I've won a year free Xbox Live subscription and a T-Shirt from DiemetriX off his blog (H)
  23. Ooh Microsoft is bringing IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) to the 360 in a dashboard upgrade around holiday 07. So my 360 is basically my HD set top box now then. Cool.
  24. Just got off watching NYR. I liked the DX match and the end of the Cage Match the best. Nitro had good timing to land on that opening door, because if he fell, he would've been badly injured AND won the match.
  25. I hate it when people go "OMG FAKE LOL" and such. So? Most movies are fake? Most TV shows are made up? Almost every damn thing on TV is fake these days. Its the same principal, its a form of entertainment and I enjoy it. If you want to watch the "real" boring wrestling be my guest.
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