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Everything posted by Garden_Pigeon

  1. The D-Pad rocks! If you press any directions the whole D-Pad slides the direction your pressing, try it!
  2. Anyone read these? There sometimes so stupid I laugh anyway: Missing Stop Sign Racing Stripe Bank Robbery Baby Ass Is Grass Theres loads more, Becauase they make a new one every day.
  3. I've got a Fender Strat ("Sunburst" or something) and a Casio Keyboard of some sort.
  4. Add me! http://live.xbox.com/member/Garden Pidgeon I need some games
  5. Do you move your computer when your playing games? Because I'm pretty sure it scratches the disk when you do that.
  6. My dad just told me today that my 360 is waiting in comet, but im not allowed it till friday I bet is so lonley
  7. Yeah I preordered in Comet, my dad works there so i get 30% off (w00tness) and Im gauranteed to get one
  8. Hi, You know how there has been rumours going around that alot of 360's are overheating/crashing? According to 1up.com it turns out they are not true, and Sony are paying some 3rd party developers called Koyeo to post everywhere that their 360's have problems. Obviously hardcore sonyfans will join in aswell. Quote from 1up.com: If that turns out to be true, doesn't that mean that Sony are already scared that they might lose this time around?
  9. Lol, Will I have to make another .NET Passport and lie about my age to make a gamercard? Will it affect my Xbox Live or anything?
  10. I preordered from my local comet because my dad works there (20% off) and because its not really a game speciality shop im guaranteed to get one! Horray me!
  11. Waking up in the morning, quickly getting dressed for school, then running downstairs to get my coffee and breakfast. Doing my homework as fast as I can, then realising.... Its a saturday....
  12. I like it, don't quiet understand what it means though 8/10
  13. Playing: NBA Street V3, Nintendogs Listening: Tu Pac, Kanye west etc. Watching: Lost, X-Factor etc etc.
  14. I'd rather spend that kind of money on a nice car or something.... Not a website.
  15. 8/10 because its unique I couldn't think of a name for Xbox Live so I looked out my window and saw a pigeon in my garden and voila...... Its kinda stuck with me now.
  16. 8/10 Very detailed and eye-catching!
  17. Probably doesn't have anything to do with games or the 360....
  18. Thanks for your reviews guys!
  19. My dad works in Comet, so I preordered there (20% off). And because not many people buy games/consoles from comet they still have enough left for people to get on release date I think.
  20. Hmm, nearly everyone spells pigeon with a 'd'... Even me! I guess it just looks better that way. Pigeons FTW!
  21. Ok, I came up with an idea for a creative thread. First make a song in something like eJay. Then upload to something like Putfile then other people can listen to it and rate it! Ill start, heres mine that took me about 5 miniutes on eJay: My song Have Fun!
  22. Thats exellent! I didn't think NBA 2K6 and Call of Duty 2 were going to make launch. Im well pleased now!
  23. I had one of those tesco's tiramisu dessert at the time and at the bottom it does actually say "do not turn upside down"
  24. Funny Instructions Very funny. Those instructions are actually on products n'all.
  25. Tech Support is my favourite episode. Foamy rules!
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