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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Understandable and predictable really. Though I remember one on here questioning the move when Nintendo did similar after the earthquake in Japan, it's always a good idea in times like this.
  2. @Sméagol you must be loving the extra shop space to buy stuff !
  3. That would be amazing thank you. Been trying to grow some for ages and having no luck. Let me know if you're looking for anything
  4. Thanks and if you happen to have roses for sale in your shop, 10 white seeds would be amazing? I stupidly sold all my purple ones so need to start growing them again
  5. Maybe one of those ice cream cone lights would be great then?
  6. Nothing! I still owe you plenty. Though I wouldn't say no to a dug up blue hyacinth if you can spare any I can order two of them to you now and the third you can pick up whenever. Only a green chair in my store left + fragrance sticks + book stands
  7. @Sméagol I have a brown towel rack, black fan palm, black rattan wardrobe if you want them/want me to order them.
  8. You’re under the mistaken impression that anything you say bothers me. (and that those things you say are true, but it’s pointless carrying on)
  9. No credit whatsoever allowed towards Xbox on here, don't you know. Even when they offer something amazing like Game Pass, it's asterisked with the caveat "(while Microsoft continue to subsidise it)" or when their backwards compatibility offering is fantastic, it's met with "meh, they shouldn't have bothered because, stats"
  10. My island is currently infested with mannequins Playing Control last night and this happened F-in things are following me !!
  11. You mean like what happened two generations ago? Playstation 2 sales: 155 million Xbox sales: 25 million Playstation 3 sales: 87 million Xbox 360 sales: 84 million Sony blundered the PS3 launch, same as Microsoft did with the Xbox One. I know Xbox isn't a thing in Japan, obviously they've an uphill struggling because of that. And I never said "I think half the PS4 installbase are going to jump ship". I was suggesting that a big chunk of PS4 gamers are a lot more casual and have no brand allegiance and could easily move to another box if Xbox come out swinging the way the PS4 did. We shall see...
  12. Never said half of them were going to jump ship. I just suspect half (or at least a very big chunk of) the PS4 install-base are casual gamers who just bought a box so that they could play FIFA, COD and the like. The type who don't care about the Last of Us or have any idea what Horizon Zero Dawn is. PS4 had that big surge of sales at the start (thanks to often mentioned blunders from Xbox) so that dictated the rest of the gen, it was an avalanche with more and more casual players just picking the box their mates were on. And so I think the situation is more precarious that you would suggest and it'll come down to which is the more attractive proposition at launch. If they're pretty similar boxes at similar prices that play similar games then those casual gamers will just stick to what they know, but if Microsoft manage to really come out swinging, the casual crowd will happily jump ship without a second thought.
  13. I suspect half of PS4's install-base would happily jump ship if they can play FIFA or COD on a more attractive new-gen system, the types that don't care about The Last of Us or have any idea what Concrete Genie is. We shall see. Back on topic, Xbox has been making fantastic moves the last 4-5 years and are worth praising for it. We'll see if their first party line-up can match it. Fingers crossed, that's only a good thing.
  14. Random question, does anyone have a bamboo shower partition thing?
  15. I don't hold out much hope that their studios will make games to rival Nintendo or Sony's output overnight either, but the point is they're trying, in addition to tons of other great moves outside of software. They're very easy to applaud. The 1:55 ratio between legacy games and current gen games sounds about right to me. I probably spend 50 times more hours playing new Switch games than NES/SNES games. Of course it's not going to sell Xbox's by itself (unlike incredible offerings like Game Pass), but it's another string to their bow. It's something people want, and Microsoft offers it to them. Good for them.
  16. June 2018: Microsoft bought five studios to fix its Xbox game problem Nov 2018: Microsoft buys two more video game studios June 2019: Microsoft Acquires Double Fine Studios March 2020: Microsoft says they have 15 First Party studios They are. They're also doing a hell of a lot of "For The Players" moves too, in addition to the above. That's a good thing.
  17. Seems like Playstation are a generation behind the game. As Xbox have been gloating about, it'll have thousands of backwards compatible games ready for launch, improved and running better on the new hardware. From what I can gather by their terrible messaging, Sony are doing what Xbox did last gen and picking and choosing what legacy games to update, manually. But again, who knows, that's just a guess at this point, even after two statements we still don't know the full story. Maybe at next week's presentation we'll know more, or the one after more likely.
  18. True final boss is tough, but I wouldn't say any harder than some of the earlier v tough ones. It's been a while since I beat it so can't recommend any specific strategies but the Abyss Shriek attack is very useful here, spam that as much as possible. Likewise the charm that allows you to attack twice as fast with your nail. The second phase is pretty tough from what I can remember, I think I waited for it to come to me rather than go chasing around the arena. Final phase is pretty simple tbh, that'll only take you 2 or 3 attempts I imagine. (also spoilers lol)
  19. Or it could play 200 games at launch with more being added every month until a few years down the line the "overwhelming majority" will be supported. Like Xbox did this gen. It's not very clear from Playstation so I don't think it helps to say that "all PS4 games will be playable at launch" until we know for sure.
  20. ... We'll see if that means "all games from the outset".
  21. They clarified that it expects the "overwhelming majority" of games to be compatible. We'll see if that means "all PS4 games from the outset". A quick Google search shows articles in the last 24 hours: PS5 Fans Are Panicking Over Backwards Compatibility PS5 backwards compatibility will let you play "supported PS4 games with system update" Bad time for this to come out when Xbox laid out it's excellent BC plans so clearly.
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