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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. For the 82nd time, they're cool figurines first, in-game content second. I personally wouldn't care less if the TOAD amiibo didn't do anything in any game. I just want it on my desk.
  2. Watched. They're fantastic and surprisingly laugh out loud funny at times
  3. Midna > Ezlo > King of Red Lions > Zelda > Tatl > Navi > Fi sound about right? Can't remember a thing about Ciela so didn't include her.
  4. They're sat on my Wii U menu, not watched them yet, must get round to it.
  5. I'm very concerned storyline will go out the window in Zelda U. I can easily imagine it being exactly like the original LOZ, exploring this massive world, stumbling on dungeons in any order. On the one hand that sounds great but it doesn't leave much room for a narrative.
  6. Pikmin 3 is fantastic, so is Wonderful 101 but far less polish and far more frustrating.
  7. I'm not going to add him to my ignore list, I find his posts too interesting to ignore. I've already cut down on antagonising him, will cut it out further.
  8. Multiplayer. Loads of Wii remotes around these days, so that's one big reason to have a run button.
  9. Minish Cap is great too, one of the more different Zelda games.
  10. Mass Effect 3 is in my top 5 games of all time but the actual third person shooting clearly takes a back seat to the storyline, nothing wrong with that though, that's what the game is.
  11. Having played 3D World I'm not sure I could go back to not having a run button, it works so well IMO.
  12. Toad amiibo is amazing, love it. Though I do wish they'd release a Captain Toad one. Maybe they will for the sequel
  13. The controls are more precise when you have to hold a button to run, rather than some arbitrary tilting of the analog stick. You didn't like the 3 minute demo because you went in with stubborn preconceptions. 3D Land got critical acclaim and 3D World got even higher critical acclaim. No one to blame in either case, they're both fantastic games and were received as such.
  14. No I never pass judgement on a game's QUALITY, just the fact that they're all similar experiences, which even Sheikah acknowledged. I haven't played the PS4 games I'm no in position to judge whether they're good or not, but I can judge that after shooter number 182 or gritty action game number 73 AAA gaming is a bit repetitive. It would be stupid to pass judgement on games you haven't played, which is what @Wii does all the time.
  15. "Cinematic" cutscene-driven games where gameplay is added on top of narrative is very much what AAA gaming is about these days sadly. Developers create the world then have to find the fun within that.
  16. I prefer the way you have to hold a button to run, much more precise that way and that's what Mario platforming is about, precise controls. As usual you pass judgment on a game's quality without owning it. Your loss if you want to miss out on a GOTY contender just because of stubbornness and to make a silly point to yourself.
  17. MK8 felt a lot more fluid and dynamic, Sonic Racing felt like there were a million invisible walls everywhere and the animation was miles behind MK. Also the levels just looked a bit dull and lifeless, at least compared to Kart.
  18. Really great articles. Iwata comes across very well and I'm feeling far more optimistic about this move to mobile than I was yesterday.
  19. I'm very impressed with the Super Mario series. The Bowser one in particular is excellent. Not gotten my Toad(s) yet. A lot bigger than I was expecting, will look great on my desk
  20. Yes because you never throw personal insults around
  21. Don't be surprised to see people on a Nintendo message board defend Nintendo is all I'm saying, assuming this still is one. Hard to tell sometimes.
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