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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Wow, an incredible over-reaction from me just agreeing with a very inoffensive quote
  2. I use Twitter and Facebook all the time but have zero desire to post PS4 screenshots to it. A gaming social network like Miiverse is far more useful to me personally.
  3. Totally agree, feels a bit of a waste not being able to post screenshots from PS4 anywhere. They sort of fixed that with the community feature in the last update (inspired by Miiverse?) but it's still very limited. As @Rummy says though, speed is an issue which hopefully they'll have fixed on NX, needs to be much faster to get in and out of. I wonder if they'll make an NX gamepad optional, for things like Miiverse and Mario Maker (which I suspect they'll port across and continue to expand it). Having a second screen is still very useful for things like Zelda or games where you have an inventory or map. Or, the optional second screen will be their new handheld...
  4. Miiverse was/is a great innovation and a is a big plus point to Nintendo's online. Very clever idea and something that I missed when I first got my PS4.
  5. Judging from that pic that Xbox D-pad looks horrendous to use...
  6. Great post @Dcubed, very interesting idea could easily see it happen and would be a big improvement over PS4/XBO disks.
  7. That was the part I disagreed with. The Wii was an anomaly, yes there was Just Dance but that console only got so popular because of the casual market. It sold that many because it was a craze at the time, not because of Boom Blox. He does make a great point about half way in about why they need to do a conference and in doing so, utterly dominate E3 this year. @Serebii you should give it a listen. Mid generation, Dreamcast territory they need to create huge buzz and a 30 minute cutesy Digital Event isn't going to cut it.
  8. Great Nintendo chat from the Kinda Funny guys.
  9. Having a handheld as a controller would help with porting games like Mario Maker and Zelda U to NX. Then again, it sounds like what people really want is just a traditional controller. Maybe there'll be another gamepad/Pro controller set-up.
  10. If the same game can be played on a handheld and a home console, with progress synced between them, that would be pretty cool. That would also mean they could dedicate all their resources into developing for just the one system instead of splitting it between two.
  11. I'll Pm you Retro On the contrary, it most certainly is about the cost of each individual unit, otherwise you can choose any arbitrary number and apply it to amiibo. The average amiibo consumer hasn't spent £500 on them, and regardless, I'm talking about value and impact on the marketplace. Amiibo is priced competitively, Oculus isn't, and the latter already has huge hurdles to overcome to ever be considered a worthwhile purchase for the average consumer even before price comes into it. I'm not saying the tech involved isn't worth the cost, just that as a consumer product in an emerging market, it's too much to be make a splash. It has shades of that hilarious $599 PS3 conference at E3 a number of years back. I also wonder if you would be as forgiving had this been a Nintendo VR headset selling for £500 with additional £100 controllers (for each hand).
  12. I realised that, but you could make the same argument over pretty much any product. Anything can add up to £500. My point was amiibo are fairly priced, the Oculus on the other hand will never be a mainstream success at that price point. No one's laughing at the cost of an amiibo, but there are plenty of people laughing at the cost of an Oculus.
  13. The difference is ten quid for an amiibo is a fair enough price, whereas 500 quid for an Oculus is just laughable, no matter how advanced the tech is. And that's before you throw in another 100-200 quid for the controllers. It was a long shot that it would be a mainstream hit, now it has no chance. IMO.
  14. A small minority of people using it doesn't make it alive and well surely? You might as well say the same about Wii remotes. I've always had the impression Kinnect and especially PS Move were considered a bit of a joke.
  15. As if I wasn't convinced VR was going to be a shorter lived gimmick than Playstation Move, the Oculus standalone price in the UK has been announced as £500 ! LMAO.
  16. You don't say!! Do Nintendo need them? I'm not totally convinced. I also don't see the point of releasing a console identical to the PS4 or XBO in the middle of a generation. Who would buy such a thing, apart from hardcore Ninty fans.
  17. Started this today, my first ever Tomb Raider game. I'm still quite early on (only unlocked two camp sites so far), but am so far absolutely LOVING it. Never really played a game like it before, apart from I guess Zelda, but that's still very different. Visually it's a gorgeous game, and the controls and animation are so fluid it makes navigating the world a joy. Finished my first tomb, the one with the suspended plane. So much fun figuring out the puzzles. It says I'm already 9% through after only an hour or two, I'm guessing this isn't the longest of games, but that's totally fine. I'm a bit gutted though, I was hoping to Platinum it but the multiplayer trophies are a massive turn-off, I didn't even realise the game had multiplayer, but it's something I'm really not interested in. I was keen to get all the collectibles if there was a big shiny platinum achievement at the end of it all, but now there's a lot less motivation to bother, which is a shame. Not sure what I'll do.
  18. I am indeed playing the Definitive Edition. I'll post my thoughts in the dedicated thread...
  19. I'm off to play my first ever Tom Raider game ....
  20. I've been happy with E3 Directs/Digital Events the last few years, but for such a major hardware reveal, it has to be a press conference. If they want to do a pre-E3 unveiling via a Direct and then do the proper unveiling at E3 as a press conference that works too.
  21. New Leaf was my very first AC game and I put in 140 hours into it, which is the most amount of time I've ever dedicated to one game, by far. I know that's not much by most hardcore gamer standards though. One of my personal favourite games of all time, probably top 5. Having said all that I've mostly stayed strong too and only picked up a couple of the amiibo.
  22. The Falcon/Slave 1 seem ridiculously overpowered, I don't even bother trying to attack them anymore! Then again I suppose they're supposed to be, and at least they're harder to handle than the fighters. Would be great to play a bit of fighter squadron if you're up for it tomorrow maybe. Never really done the whole friend list/party multiplayer thing before
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