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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Perfect example with Watch Dogs 2, the majority of the online component simply didn't work at launch, with a message on the main menu saying they were trying to fix it.
  2. I think the Miyamoto quote absolutely still applies. A patched bad game will in all likelihood still be bad. Patches are more for fixing bugs or issues rather than suddenly making a bad game (at its core) good.
  3. Give it ten years and you may well get your wish! But yeah the art style of the opening cinematic was incredible. A tad disappointed by the actual game though, I'm sure it'll be great, but it just looks like a cross between Resogun and Alienation, things we've seen before. Will still get it for sure though.
  4. Speaking of little nods There seems to be a ton of references to previous games, more so than any other game it seems.
  5. From a lore point of view Majora's Mask won't provide you with too much, it's a very self contained game. Wind Waker or Twilight Princess would be better.
  6. It's two and a half years since the original, by the time they finally finish with these stretch goals it'll be.. what, 3 and a half, 4 years? Then add another couple on top of that at least for the sequel. I just think their time is better spent making a sequel to one of the most popular games this decade rather than these add on campaigns. Hopefully work's already begun on it but I can't imagine they're a big enough dev team to be able to have multiple projects going at once.
  7. !!!! sigh, the wait continues....
  8. How am I exaggerating? Shovel Knight released two and a half years ago and by the time they finally get to work on sequel it won't be that much sooner than 2021 at this rate. Just please tell me there are no more add on campaigns and this is the last one planned? Surely that's it?? That's the trouble with certain stretch goals, they add on busy work for devs that could be better spent elsewhere.
  9. At this rate I'm looking forward to playing Shovel Knight 2 in 2021.
  10. I think today's footage is deliberately hazy given the area they're in, from an artistic point of view. The direct footage from E3 from Nintendo looked a fair bit more contrasty.
  11. Yes that's my only fear with this game, the art style is nice but the graphics themselves look ROUGH, ditto the frame rate. I'm sure it'll be fine in the final release though. I do however wish they'd just gone full cel-shaded visuals like Wind Waker.
  12. That sounds like a lost in translation moment to me but fair enough. Personally I dont care if Link is male or female. It makes no real difference, just give me a great game.
  13. Sexism? Link is a boy, always has been. He's a fleshed out (ish) character with a 30 year history. It's hardly sexist to keep his character male.
  14. I suspect they'll give us reasons to use other weapons in this game occasionally once you get the master sword
  15. Changing weapons is seamless, there's a quick select screen that plays over the gameplay. I suspect once you get the Master sword you won't be swapping out too often.
  16. The music in that trailer is beautiful, as is the rest of the game, I just really hope they fix the framerate issues. That's the only part that has me worried. Nice to see an NPC in the gameplay demo, great design.
  17. Stardew Valley seems like the perfect handheld game, so I'll definitely be getting it on Switch
  18. Excellent stuff as always. Nice to see him tweak his dungeon diagrams and I like the distinction between Find the Path and Follow the Path. Wind Waker quite clearly favouring the latter.
  19. Not too much here but it still sounds amazing...
  20. Geoff Keighley just tweeted this, looks like an exclusive Zelda segment at the Game Awards this Thursday
  21. Never mind, I stand corrected. I really doubt good reviews and a few new features were enough to make this the biggest Nintendo game in the UK ever. It's quite obviously mostly down to the Go effect.
  22. To be fair, @Sheikah did actually admit to being wrong, a month or so ago. Anyway, amazing sales numbers. Hopefully Mario Run > Mario Switch will have a similar effect.
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