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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I think having one thread, listing every game and asking people to pick their top 3 would work best. Assign points to each one and then tally them up. Would give a better indication than arbitrarily mixing games into three groups and asking people to just pick one.
  2. Might have to dust my PS4 off for this, haven't touched it in months. Really wish this was a new Wipeout game though instead of just a port.
  3. Zelda is consuming my life. I don't like to have multiple games on the go, so I still haven't started MK8, Snake Pass, Tumble Seed, Graceful Explosion Machine, Kamiko, Wonder Boy, Shovel Knight SoT, Puyo Puyo... arghhh...
  4. Luigi's Mansion 3, F-Zero, Kirby, 2D Mario, Captain Toad
  5. Metroid, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Pikmin 4...? (I forgot Fire Emblem Warriors in Q4 this year as well)
  6. Well obviously. I was speaking generally, not saying that every single person will like all of those games. Anyway, nice mix of genres too. Action/adventure, platformer, racer, fighter, shooter, JRPG.
  7. "You have to like games to be happy with a release schedule" surely not. Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Arms, Splatoon, Xenoblade etc all in the space of ten months, so yes, decent is putting it mildly.
  8. March: Zelda April: Mario Kart 8 May: Ultra Street Fighter 2 June: Arms July: Splatoon 2 August/September: Mario x Rabbids October: Fire Emblem Warriors November: Xenoblade 2 December: Mario Odyssey Pretty decent first 10 months to be fair, not including anything else they announce at E3...
  9. DLC 1 sounds great! Much better than I was expecting. Hero's Path is a brilliant idea, that's what I'm most looking forward to, being able to see any parts of world I may have missed checking out.
  10. I've somehow not played Rayman Legends yet even though I'm really hyped for it, really glad it's coming to Switch.
  11. I don't think we'll be seeing another Mario Kart for 3-4 years
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/nintendo-shipped-switch-consoles-by-plane-to-quickly-meet-high-demand-1493619178
  13. The Mount Wario music is even more amazing than I remembered. The track itself too, easily my favourite. I'd love it if Mario Kart 9 had nothing but single lap courses with a beginning and end. Granted it would be three times the amount of work to create, but nevertheless
  14. Already the highest selling game of 2017 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/2017/videogames?tag=viglink20241-20
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if in 5 or so years time Sony and/or Microsoft will also stream pre-recorded shows like Nintendo now does. Just a guess, but I think that's where things are headed. To be aired in a conference room, but pre-recorded.
  16. The Switch is fantastic, so it's no wonder it's flying off the shelves. Great news, but sucks for people trying to get one.
  17. I just thought it was a bit pointless to have this big live stage show, and then do more or less nothing but show trailers on the big screen. Don't get me wrong, it's obviously a great thing that their show was all about games, I just thought the delivery was verging on seeming dated. But to be clear, I have no real 'issue' with it, I'm just offering another view. Sure seeing a crowd applaud and cheer is fun, but so were Nintendo's Digital Events. So yeah, whichever really
  18. And the personality and charm of Nintendo's Robot Chicken animations in 2014 and the puppet show from 2015 could not be done with the same impact in a live stage show. There's pros and cons to both. I agree with serebii, last year's Sony show was just trailer trailer trailer trailer, sure there was audience reaction but the presentation seemed a bit pointless and dated.
  19. WTF?! This announcement is basically Nintendo in a nutshell. Don't think anyone could have predicted this
  20. I look forward/hope for lots of PSVR reveals at Sony's E3 show, I think it's time for them to show some proper support for their own £300+ product.
  21. @Ashley at the trolling review score. But in all seriousness... Mario Kart 8's soundtrack is incredible!
  22. Ronnie


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