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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Single player looks great! I really enjoyed the first one. The logo is different to what's on the box art, strange to see a last minute change like that. Also...
  2. Fantastic Direct! Loads of modes, a seemingly great online set-up and what looks like plenty of depth to the gameplay itself. They seem to be going all out on this new IP. Smart move to have testfire type thing too and thumbs up for the free pose-release content updates.
  3. That seems pretty likely. GoNNER just announced as releasing 1st of June btw
  4. More pleasantries. Speaking as if what you say is fact, again. The very reason I brought up your posting history. (Which, by the way is something you do yourself CONSTANTLY)
  5. You're a very unpleasant person to talk to on here. So argumentative and confrontational. I think Sony have things they can learn from Nintendo, my opinion, no need for your tone. I've already suggested a balance needs to be struck and suggesting that Sony didn't strike it last year doesn't deserve being called tragic.
  6. Ports aren't a priority doesn't mean no ports. Ports of huge critically acclaimed games like Stardew Valley and Overcooked are fine, but when it comes to smaller titles they're prioritising original titles like Graceful Explosion Machine and Snake Pass.
  7. I'm not impatient, thanks, that's why when a game is delayed I'm pleased devs are seemingly taking their time with it; I just don't enjoy Sony's conferences full of cheap hype. As I've said many times there's a balance to be struck, that's all and Sony ain't hitting it, IMO. You always speak as if what you say is fact. "No one cares about Switch" "PSVR will be huge" "PS4 Pro will fly off the shelves" "Pokemon Go won't sell more 3DSs". From all reports, Zelda only just made the March release date, so it most certainly wasn't pushed out to launch with a new console. When they revealed BOTW, they assumed they could have it done for release the following year. You'll be hard pressed to find a big AAA game that hasn't been delayed. In Zelda's case they released it when it was ready, unlike other publishers who release games to meet deadlines and fiscal year ends, and end up ruining the game/franchise because of it, see Andromeda. And you're right, sadly, given how well the announcement/release was received, the Fallout 4 situation is not normal.
  8. As I said, it makes business sense for Sony to do what they're doing. cack-handed? Give me Nintendo's approach to revealing games ANY DAY over Sony's. Nintendo show me what I'll be playing in the next 6-9 months. Sony's conference last year, in amongst all the ports and remasters, showed games way too far off to get excited by, at least IMO. Fallout 4 earned so much buzz and goodwill for the quick reveal > release window, I wish more games would do that.
  9. I know you need a mix, I said as much. My point was that Sony didn't provide a good enough mix last year. All their big games always seem to be announced for 2+ years later. As for "Zelda"
  10. I can't imagine anything worse than being teased about a game and then having to wait two or three years to play it. It makes good business sense, that's why Sony do it, but I suspect most gamers would prefer what happened with Fallout 4. I much prefer Nintendo's way of doing things, focus on the next 6-12 months and show a couple of games further out to wet the appetite. As opposed to Sony's "all these games are 1, 2, 3 years or more away, enjoy!" approach. There's a balance to be struck and I think Nintendo have gotten closest to striking it, excluding the last couple of years when the secrecy around the Switch hindered their ability to talk too far ahead. Sony used to do it well, but the last couple of years they seem to only be focusing on far off titles and temporary buzz to win them fans.
  11. Really? Looking at the big games at last year's Sony show: God of War - 2018 game, likely two years after reveal Days Gone - at the earliest released a year and a half after reveal Horizon Zero Dawn - revealed in 2015, released nearly two years later Detroit - Announced in 2015, likely release in 2018 Resident Evil 7: release within a year, great! Crash - remaster, out soon Wipeout - remaster, out soon Death Stranding - years away Spider Man - 1-2 years away Then there was the whole Shenmue, FF7 Remake and Last Guardian thing that got people so excited in 2015. Haven't heard a thing about Shenmue since, FF7 still isn't out and Last Guardian only took a decade and ended up being a bit meh. I agree with your broader point but completely disagree that others do it well and Nintendo don't, especially when you consider the Switch reveal has limited their ability to show far off games for the last year or two.
  12. On the flip side, I hope Sony have learned from Nintendo's last few shows to not put up hype trailers for games 3-4+ years away. Much prefer the shorter reveal > release scheduling Nintendo tend to do most of the time, or at least try to.
  13. I finished this last night, one of the most extraordinary and special games I've ever played. Full thoughts another time but for now I'd highly recommend Game Makers Toolkit's first video on it, Mark explains why BOTW isn't just another openworld game and how it stands out amongst other similar titles.
  14. That's incredible publicity for the Switch! Wow
  15. 180 hours in and I'm finally ready to storm Hyrule Castle. Still don't get how anyone can finish this in a weekend and get a decent experience out of it
  16. I know he likes to troll and it's foolish to take Reggie at his word all the time but he made it very obvious at the beginning of the year that we'd be hearing about a new Metroid in the next twelve months.
  17. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/News/2017/May/Let-s-a-go-Mario-tournaments-and-Nintendo-Switch-head-to-E3-2017--1224053.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=E32017%7CAnnouncement
  18. Ronnie


    Better late than never.
  19. Good advice. I'll never understand spending hundreds of pounds on our hobby but losing £5-10 reselling a dock on eBay being unacceptable.
  20. It's also making people say "I wish such and such was on Switch, I'd play it there". Lost count how many times I've heard that about Persona 5 as one example.
  21. A hugely positive article about the Switch from Polygon: The Nintendo Switch has become the system people love to love
  22. Best selling game in April despite being out for about three days.
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