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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. That's a good point, it really needed a better single player. I enjoyed the 3DS single player mode, but the Wii U one looked terrible from what I saw.
  2. Can they really do much better than Smash 4? Like Mario Kart 8 they seem to have perfected the gameplay.
  3. I would have thought the reward for doing all the shrines would be... the fun involved in doing all the shrines. In addition to whatever perk you get at the end of the game and all the additional items found during each Shrine, AND the extra hearts/stamina you get.
  4. I'm exactly the same as you. 16 or so hours, 4 heart containers, no dungeons, ten shrines and just having fun exploring. I'm sticking to one region at a time, at the moment on my third, two blocks east of the Plateau.
  5. I've been hitting the screenshot button literally every 10 seconds in this glorious game...
  6. Followed the story until the first (lovely) town, I don't understand how some people think this game doesn't feel like a Zelda title. Absolutely loving it, though the sidequests seem quite basic and easy so far.
  7. He was excellent, both in the Indie showcase and the NVC chat.
  8. Netflix and other services like it are coming to Switch, according to Reggie. Hopefully soon, for those that want it.
  9. Controller desync problem - not experienced it Poor wifi - my router is right next to it so can't judge Straps getting stuck - meh Docks scratching screens - annoying if it's as bad as that dubious pic makes out Dead pixels - has anyone here got one? Ruined screens - ? Every console has teething issues, the very nature of the hybrid console means it's likely to have more than others, but so far nothing about it has annoyed me.
  10. Take it everyone's noticed the Shrine music is based on the cave tune from ALTTP? Nice touch!
  11. I never suggested they gave a shit about E3, but unless this is their very first console launch ever, they should realise these things take time to grow a library.
  12. Currently playing one of the greatest games ever created, a 100+ hour Zelda game, with some Fast RMX, SnipperClips and Specter of Torment thrown in + 1, 2 Switch for when mates are over, Mario Kart next month, Arms after that, then Splatoon 2 and the dozen or so indie games from their showcase I'll be picking up. To say nothing of E3 reveals for Q3/Q4, Fire Emblem and and Mario Odyssey later in the year. No games.
  13. Very well put @Sheikah. Played a bit more just now. The area around the split in two mountain is just lovely, especially just beyond it. Had my first motion controlled Shrine (I hope people don't consider that a spoiler), I'd heard bad things about those type of puzzles in this game but I actually really enjoyed it. One of my favourites so far. I also managed to complete a side quest before being given it, d'oh!
  14. They'll care if the numbers stay high and it keeps selling. That's the real test.
  15. Anyone else spamming the Switch'd screenshot button in this game? I went through them all last night (so quick and easy) to get rid of the poor ones and still have 180 in about ten hours and one and a half regions!
  16. The beauty of this game is it doesn't hold your hand, and lets you do whatever you want. I might get a guide after a hundred hours but only to 100% it.
  17. I didn't even realise there was a bigger one! The mini-bosses out in the open are great though, the scale of them is just brilliant. On another note, I really love how the game doesn't fill your map with icons telling you where everything is. It's a great feeling filling it in yourself with icons. Being able to look through the scope and place waypoints on objects is a nifty feature too, useful to know how far something is or what region it's in.
  18. I'm not sure what you guys were expecting to find inside the dock when taken apart?
  19. I came across a Stone Tallus east of the Plateau, ran away from it as I wasn't equipped to take it down a second time. Ran up a hill, easily 100 metres away, it still threw a massive rock my way! Ran away further.
  20. Sounds good, just needs legs now, Mario Kart, Splatoon and Arms should hopefully see to that...
  21. Physically? They have a huge booth every year and their Treehouse segments have been a thing for the last few years. If you mean a live presentation then I don't think it makes a huge difference whether it's that or a pre-recorded video.
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