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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The Toad punching the ? block ...
  2. Personally I think I'm just so excited to be getting a big budget animated Mario feature film, with all the little nods and easter eggs in it, to be too fussed about a slightly off character model. That poster is so nice looking I'm pretty much all in at this point, even if it's only for the visuals and easter eggs than the actual story itself. Still, that could all change tomorrow night I suppose
  3. My first thought was 'yep, that looks like Mario' The head does seem rounder though, and the arms shorter (maybe?). Funny how we're so sensitive to these little changes after all these years. Also a polo neck! Dear lord. Cancel this film now!
  4. That poster is making me desperate for a new 3D Mario game. Maybe a cross between 3D World's obstacle course design and Odyssey's openness... somehow...
  5. Wow that’s a stunning poster. Mario looks fine to me. Though if we’re talking textures it is a little weird seeing the Mario World style hills have an actual grassy look to them! Excited to finally see what this is like.
  6. I really want to play it but I've not played a Monkey Island game before so I feel like a lot will be lost on me. I know they do a recap of previous events but still
  7. Hey Playstation, how about instead of another pointless remake of a five year old game, you give gamers some actual exclusives to play on their shiny new PS5. TWO YEARS into the lifespan and in terms of big games: - Returnal - Ratchet - Demon's Souls That's it. Maybe I'm the only one who's PS5 has been gathering dust for most of this year but man, it's been a shocking generation so far imo.
  8. Modern day Nintendo would rather foot the bill and cancel the film than have it do damage to their treasured mascot. It won't be bad, at the very least.
  9. I think it'll surprise people and be great
  10. Ronnie


    I also started playing this yesterday, and I've fallen in love. Incredible game, and I'm only maybe 3 or 4 hours in.
  11. I think Andor could be on its way to being the best live-action Star Wars tv series, at least on par with Mando. The first three episodes were fucking fantastic. No wonder they released them all at the same time. On-location shooting, great dialogue, amazing visuals, a layered and interesting storyline, great acting and chock full of details that'll keep Star Wars nerds busy for years. It's fairly different in tone to typical Star Wars, and whilst kids will obviously still enjoy it, it feels like it was made for a slightly older demographic, but still with touches of typical humour. Huge fan of Cyril Karn the inspector agent and of course the Andor family droid. Loved the way they weaved the flashbacks in with the story, perfect transitions. Need to watch a couple more times to take it all in, but I'm very impressed. I had a feeling this show would deliver and it looks to be doing that. No wonder Tony Gilroy seemed to be almost gloating about it in interviews. After two space western shows, and a prequel follow-up centred on a Jedi, to get this more down to earth story about regular people is refreshing and well-timed.
  12. Totally agree
  13. A core part of the gameplay-first design that makes it so special? I've never understood the few people who complain about it, the entire point of the game is about discovery and finding things in the wild. The gameplay is about adaptability and getting stronger. Did you also complain about Norman Reedus falling over and dropping everything in Death Stranding? Nice! You must be very proud
  14. If the people who bought digital versions will also be able to use the external disk drive, then cool.
  15. PSVR 1 Games Won’t Work On Your PSVR 2 Unbelievable. And yet at the same time, completely believable. It is staggering just how bad Playstation are with backwards compatibility. How does something like this happen? It certainly won't help an already struggling platform.
  16. I'm sure them raising the price of the console will help with that. Oh wait.
  17. For sure, but it depends to what extent they mix it up this time around ?
  18. How about this for theories and speculation, read it earlier: Breath of the Wild = Wind = Goddess of Courage and Wind Farore Tears of the Kingdom = Water = Goddess of Wisdom and Water Nayru Game three = Fire = Goddess of Power and Fire Din ??
  19. That's a great video thanks for sharing. Cool idea that the chunks of land found on the surface are how you'd get up to the sky, by using Link's new rewind power. After watching that I definitely think the 'tears' part of the title could relate to something in-game.
  20. This past year I've loved the recent 3D Kirby, and Metroid Dread and future-wise will pick up Splatoon 3 at some point + really excited for Mario + Rabbids, Pikmin 4 and obviously Zelda... but I do kind of feel like they're lacking in their action/adventure game category. Ok five of the above are + Bayonetta, but I dunno, it feels a lot of their Directs lately are RPG or Fire Emblem-heavy. Maybe that's just the impression I get because I'm not into FE/Xenoblade/most of what Square Enix puts out.
  21. The title was clearly chosen to relate/riff off of Breath of the Wild. It definitely doesn't stand alone. And it could easily relate to a gameplay mechanic, we just don't know yet. This looks pretty tear-like:
  22. Breath of the Wild hardly screamed gameplay mechanic either. 'Tears of the Kingdom' riffs off the original's title nicely. Lovely artwork, logo and box-art. The animations though, looked rough af, to the point where I'm a little surprised they put that out. Obviously it'll get cleaned up and I'm sure will look great at release, but still. On the plus side, the game somehow feels broader in scale than it did previously, maybe because of those opening images?
  23. Wow another Fire Emblem game eh. Directs these last couple of years feel like 75% FE or anime RPGs. This one especially was filled with the latter, it was getting ridiculous imo. Massively hyped for Pikmin 4 though, and obviously Tears of the Kingdom!
  24. They always give a time frame to manage expectations and they always, without fail, show stuff further out.
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