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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Thank you! Let me know if there's anything you want in particular
  2. Soooo... the Rebels season 3 finale is a thing. AND WHAT A THING!!!
  3. Does anyone have a red phone box from the Nook Miles list? The game assigns you random colour items and mine is green. I can provide anything you want in return
  4. I actually found Ori to be pretty linear, sure there were lots of passages and upgrades to get to in various places but the actual critical path was a lot clearer than something like Hollow Knight or the usual Metroid games. Whether that's good or bad depends on your tastes I guess.
  5. You're absolutely right. They did. But that wasn't what we were arguing. They weren't outright encouraging people to do it, because it was kept in the background, never mentioned till the milestones were reached and never tiered until the following day when it was too late. Just like they weren't encouraging people to collect 900 Korok seeds, they just left them there if people felt compelled to.
  6. Here you go, 3:05 - CJ says that it's incredible that you've managed a net total of 100 points and that you'll get something in the mail tomorrow. And he obviously didn't say anything about it until you get to that point, nor does he say anything about further milestones. So yeah, this... Is outright wrong. They are actively encouraging people to turn in points for prizes, CJ says it over and over. Oh and if you hit milestones, you get a little bonus, so basically like Nook Miles. Ok? That's all we've been talking about. I've already said the event was poor and the gameplay should have been better. But Nintendo didn't advertise this whole event with a sign saying "Get 300 points and you'll get a gold trophy!!!!". They advertised it as "fish, win prizes, sell them for Bells". Pointless saying anymore, long past time to move on.
  7. I've already said that the event was poor, the gameplay needed to be something different and the repeated text boxes were idiotic. I'll say it for the twelve time, maybe you will understand, that the only point I'm trying to make is about them not actively encouraging you to get the gold trophy (because, you know, they never even say the words bronze, silver, or gold in the event, so that's yet another reason your argument falls apart) Silly me for misunderstanding "there is a reward tied to doing a crappy thing over and over" as "fishing = crappy".
  8. Arch = freebie Basket = bring him 1 of each egg Zipper toy = craft all Bunny day items Wand = craft the Zipper toy
  9. If you think fishing (kind of a big deal in Animal Crossing) is crappy, then maybe just don't do it? Simple. I'd hope that you might be able to see that them the character commenting when you reach 100 points (and not pushing you to aim any higher) is different than from the get go saying "If you get 300 points you will get something special". There's nuance to the situation. They're not encouraging people to do it, it's just there if they feel compelled. Because, maybe this will come as a shock to you, but crafting is a big deal in this game. And so crafting themed items on a holiday should kind of be expected.
  10. Crafting more things is literally the entire point of the game. And my point was in relation to drakon's weird FOMO comment. No idea what that was about. 12 days to get eggs and make stuff.
  11. Because they're not advertising it as "100 points gets you a trophy" or "300 gets you another trophy". They're telling you that points = fishing items. Simple. In July when there's another tournament on they're not going to encourage you to grind for trophies either, they're just going to say go fish, win some new merch, sell fish for lots of bells. Points carry over anyway, so the trophies are more like achievements. When you were playing in the tournament, did you honestly feel like the guy was pushing you to get 300 points? I certainly didn’t. It's not that similar a circumstance but it reminds me of BOTW with the 900 Korok seeds. They put them there if people wanted to get them, but they weren't actively encouraging people to collect all of them it. The reward they gave for it was meant to be a comment on the silliness of grinding for open-world collectibles.
  12. Time travelling reports online say that points carry over to future tournaments. The rewards for the tournaments are the fishing merch. Play as much, or as little as you want, they're not encouraging you to grind for 2 and a bit hours, they're just saying go fish and cash in for prizes.
  13. The reward is just a trophy though, gold, silver or bronze, it's like getting pointless achievements. "Oh hey you grinded some useless busywork that wasn't fun for a couple hours, have a gold trophy ping in the corner of your screen." They probably didn't say there's a reward for 300 points because it's being reported that your total carries over to the next event in Summer. The rewards for this tournament were mainly the prizes, something they made very clear (over and over).
  14. You mean where they gave everyone more than enough Bunny Day DIY recipes and a literal tidal wave of eggs so that they could craft everything available in the first 2 days of a 12 day build up?
  15. Nowhere did it spell out any kind of goal for you. The event was literally just hey, go catch some fish and turn them in for cool prizes. That's what the majority of people will do. Once you hit 100 points it tells you you get a special gift in the post but nowhere does it say "Your goal in this tournament is to get 300 points". It becomes even more obvious when if you do reach 300 it nets you doubles and triples of the same prizes over and over. Having a 100 point ceiling would take about 45 minutes, and that's with no bait. Not sure that's good enough for an all-day event. Now I totally agree that the actual gameplay being the same fishing that's in the base game was really lacklustre, and the speech boxes were idiotically long-winded, but no one should feel compelled to go for 300 points because it was never even hinted in the game that it was a thing.
  16. You can easily get 100 points in 45ish minutes, so approx 2 hours to get all 300, maybe a tad more. It's not that excessive. The annoyance is just the text boxes and having to sit through a dozen of them each time. If you catch an average of 7 fish in 3 minutes + 1 minute for speaking to the bloke, that's 9 points every 4 mins. Which means 2 hours 10 mins to get 300.
  17. Yeah if nothing else you make a fair few bells and plenty of Miles
  18. It's probably fine for casual gamers who just want to get a few extra items, but they need to take the hardcore like people on message board into account. Having to listen to Chip say the same 15 quotes every single time was just utterly ridiculous. At least they lowered the egg spawn rate
  19. 50 minutes would be cutting it close but doable. I think the trick is to not bother with bait, the crafting eats up more time than it's worth. You can get 8 or 9 fish on a good run each time and that's 10 points every 4 minutes.
  20. The egg thing isn't an issue. Two hours of fishing I must have caught about 2 eggs. 3 at most.
  21. Nintendo are obviously one of the best developers in the industry, but the fact that I had to ask that question says it all !
  22. If you rack up say 30 points, and then claim, does he give you multiple prizes at the same time?
  23. Thanks for the tip. I'm sure they're not worth not enjoying the game, for me at least. If New Leaf is anything to go by these fishing tourneys happen all the time, and if your total is carried over to the next one then I'll just get them that way, if not
  24. The game's supposed to be fun, and grinding to 300 is not what I call fun, so I'll be happy with about 100 points
  25. Looking forward to the High Republic stuff, surprised it's only 200 years in the past, but I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe so that a familiar face like Yoda or Maz Kanata can show up down the line. Really curious how this fits in with the feature films though, the first is (for now) still scheduled for 2022. I guess we'll see at Celebration, if it happens. They're in a tricky situation because if they make these new films too different it could be another Fantastic Beasts situation where no one ends up caring. I guess it's all about managing expectations, by Disney and the fans. If the next film opens up a new chapter for Star Wars it's not going to do sequel trilogy box office numbers, they'll do well to sell half as many tickets as Force Awakens did. But yeah, looking forward to the High Republic, I'll definitely be getting Charles Soule's book that kicks things off. Really enjoyed his Poe Dameron comic series and I've got Rise of Kylo Ren to read still. On a separate note, I just finished the season 3 episode of Rebels where Mon Mothma shows up, that final shot gave me goosebumps. Trying to limit myself to one episode an evening but it's tough not to binge through loads of them. A big part of what makes Star Wars special for me are the characters, that's why I hated the prequels but loved 4-9. It's why I loved Solo but was a tad mixed on Rogue One. Looking back now, Resistance's characters were pretty terrible, but the Rebels is just . Love them all.
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