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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Nintendo emailed me to tell me that the DS redesign will be out soon, sadly i deleted the email.
  2. As much as i prefer wireless controllers, it would be annoying to have to charge two.
  3. Jon


    If you dont learn it before you start, it becomes very difficult to get it later on.
  4. It works fine as it is only the playstation, jut leave it like that.
  5. Jon


    Band: Fuck Knows Film: Lord of the rings series Song: Looking back over my shoulder Game: Final Fantasy 7 Drink: Irn Bru Book: Of mice and men Fav song of the moment: none Fav TV show: ER (classic) Fav sport: Football Fav Biscuit: Cookies Fav Footie Team: Celtic
  6. Your posting so much shit that you make marshmallow look good.
  7. Ive talked to craig before, he was the guy that said they would be emailing people on thursday.
  8. Jon


    This is true, no more money wasted on tab books, just work it out yourself.
  9. I think your being a bit dramatic, Australia are a good side and will win at least one game.
  10. When did i say not qualifying looks great? I never said that, I just hate the way the english are so cocky, obviously i would like to see scotland in there, but with our resources its not going to happen any time soon.
  11. England has by far the worst hooligansim in the game, turkey are bad, but i wouldnt say as bad as ebgland, as scots on the other hand are some of the best fans in the world, ho, ho :awesome:
  12. Ouch, that really hurt, id rather not be there then make a fool of oursleves as you do every competition, for a nation of 60 odd million you are crap. Though your fans are good at causing fights and almost getting you thrown out of tournaments, perhaps they will do it this time and save you the embarrasment of not winning again.
  13. How often do England thrash us? not very often, you have beaten us but not thrased us. My point is not about only the defeats, it s about how the english are so cocky and believe they are better than others, which is of course not true. You will do what you have done in every major tounament since 66, flatter to decieve as usual, never living up to what is expected of them.
  14. 75 characters for a post? your post count must have been very low there.
  15. You saying my xbox 360 might be second-hand? Damn you microsoft, Damn you!!!!!!!
  16. God you english people have memories like a fish, N IRELAND anyone, fact is being as cocky as you are, like most english will only see you fail AGAIN, you will never win the world cup and australia could quite easily beat you, and i would love it if they did.
  17. I think gameplay's sonic rush date is incrorrect, they have had the 25th for a while, when i got it from sega they said it was an 18th, most other sites also have it up as 18th
  18. Jon


    Its a band that Ashley likes, also i wouldnt pick up a tuner just yet, give yourself a chance to tune by ear, it doesnt take long and is pretty easy.
  19. yes................................................
  20. I hate them, especially that ugly minger of a singer.
  21. Jon


    I wouldnt go with a classical, nylon strings arent the best for embrace :P But encore are a good make for starter guitars, i would check argos see what they have.
  22. Even if it is 20, im still confident i will get one, i kept refreshing gameplay just after the announcement of when the 360 price until the pre orders opened, then i ordered straight away.
  23. According to my net connection and msn, it would be all day, buts that cause i always leave my pc on and never sign off msn. DarkZero reading the bajillions of press releases i get Gamespress Msn hm-fusion woosel listening to music playing football manager 2006 occasionally posting here
  24. just talked to on someone gameplay again, he said they will be sending out confirmation emails to the lucky people on thursday
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