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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Great fucking news. he had a write nerve to say what he did, and now he has payed the price.
  2. I wouldnt count the note on gameplay as being the cut off point, there are people that ordered on the 18th that are not getting a console.
  3. I would agree with the majority and say need for speed, i would have though nintendogs has sold as much as it is going to, maybe a 360 game could be up there.
  4. Whats with the all knowing thing, and saying i run this place. When I have I ever said that?
  5. Who died and made you Mod/Admin, no one i believe, so either post something that is relavent or don't.
  6. He was well good when i saw him in glasgow, he had to go to hospital just after that show, had a problem with his ears
  7. Now people lets keep this thread on topic. I'd have to say my favourite band was REM, favourite singer would be Michael Stipe of REM.
  8. Ok boss, right at once.
  9. I have no problem with you, i have not snapped at all, and if your tired go to bed, normally helps. Haver you are a pretty funy guy calling me an arse, your one fucked up guy. and Ramar, yes greenday do suck, it was a joke, I of course do not own this place, there are a few people that i do not like and i will point that out if they annoy me. Of topic, you say bruce dickinson is your favourite singer, at least spell his name right. You people have to realise i mean no harm, i am sorry if i offended you, it was all light hearted fun.
  10. This show is so commercial now, its was average at best when it started, not it just takes up the ass.
  11. 1. Read the thread, you will find how it is possible. 2. As Snowing_Again says, stop bumping old threads.
  12. Do shut up, either say something useful or wrap up.
  13. Billy Joe Armstrong FTW
  14. Are we gonna get threads everytime some one likes the revolution, its not a plague it is alright to like it.
  15. in the past times i have ordered from them it has been two days for me.
  16. Is Xbox that hard to write, no not really, unlucky all those people that never got there is always next time, ill be sure to post pictures of mine.
  17. Your artist name, you dont own the copyright to it, he can use it if he wants, you can do fuck all about it. He has as much right to use it as you.
  18. Where i live has the biggest Asda in britain, they are getting a lot of 360's in, they even had psp's left after launch, anyone wanting a 360 should head up to aberdeen :P
  19. I might do that, get a few complete, get more, as i dont think its gonna be that hard to get hold of the software.
  20. I might cancel a couple, havent decided yet.
  21. I am getting Xbox 360 premium pack Play and Chage Kit Official Rgb cables Vga Cables Perfect Dark Zero LE Project Gotham Racing 3 Kameo Call of Duty 2 FIFA Condemned
  22. Anyone want my pre order, highest bidder!!! :P
  23. I also got the email Hard luck to anyone not getting one, dont worry though as i am
  24. Knowing me ill getm confirmed for one and then cancel my pre order, or i could put my pre order on ebay, £1 million for my preorder
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