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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Sell an organ, i hear you can make good money doin it.
  2. mIRC LOGS <Platty> i love you JonSt <Dieter\\Fuwwel> not at all JonSt <Dieter\\Fuwwel> I don't know where you got that <Platty> go find my pic we would make a nice gay couple <Dieter\\Fuwwel> Platty is the sexy receding hairline type :P <JonSt> im gonna do that platty * JonSt opens up paint * JonSt finds platty pic
  3. Right, according to platty, me and him make a very good gay couple :P Im not going to comment, so i will leave it to you fine people.
  4. I wasn't bitching, merely stating a point. Looks like i'll have to re order that remote i canceled, thought the remote that came with it was the same.
  5. italian, me? - nonononono, i am a proud scotsman *shouts freedom*
  6. It was a joke dude, hence the ":P" That 360 looks so out of place on the sofa.
  7. Im totally ready for the abuse you guys will dish out, and i am not talking about the tiles in my bathroom.
  8. Shit, i should remove it from my sig as well.
  9. Coo has gona all EMO on us
  10. I know you weren't, i was talking to you, dumbass.
  11. Jon


    Yea, if you can get a lend of one that always good, and as the king of men said, wathc guitar shop staff they have an awful habbit of all thinking they are jimi hendrix and that you are scum.
  12. Im getting free games, so fuck you :P
  13. Jon


    Hard to tell without a proper pic, but it looks ok, you could try the ones in the argos catalogue, they do some good starter deals, my acoustic was a fender i got in a pack for like £100, brilliant guitar for the price.
  14. I didn't mean to offend you, i just think another colour is needed.
  15. Well i'll have 6 games for launch, luckily i only have to pay for 4.
  16. Sweet Fuck All i have never won anything in a competition.
  17. Jon


    Im not being cocky here, but im a brilliant on guitar, ive played since i was 7, im also pretty good on drums and piano. as far as brands go, it really depends on what you want to spend, Martin and Takamine are two of the best acoustic brands, however they can be pretty expensive, if you need any more help just PM or MSN me, i know how difficult it can be to get started so it always helps to have someone on hand to help you.
  18. Jon


    It will be if you keep going off-topic, stick to the topic FOOL!!!
  19. Its nicely done but the colour orange is gay, perhap a better colour is needed.
  20. Jon


    You will be sorry boy, im only joking, im sure whatever happened is all gravy now.
  21. That is the american lineup on teamxbox, the one posted by chris is the euro one, Gamespress never lies, never!!!
  22. Im guessing it will be a slightly upgraded version and may feature a car on the boxart and the word burnout in the title.....just a guess mind.
  23. You gonna kick my ass punk I kid, i dont class downloading as stealing just helping the needy :P
  24. You already sucked before dude. JOKING please dont start RE vs DZ thing
  25. Fanboy................................
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