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Everything posted by Jon

  2. Cheers hank my son, the villain, likes celtic plays guitar 'nuff said 10/10
  3. I'll second that............
  4. 10/10, chris is teh shit, a legend
  5. 710, you post a lot. I fear what my rating is.
  6. JonSt is your friend, but even friends have disagreements man just watched saw, that is some fucked up shit.
  7. Cheers bud but you might find it hard to kick your own ass
  8. and some dickhead will constantly wind up that person. :wink:
  9. dude, you dont need to back yourself up, everyone else fucking uses it, so why shouldn't you.
  10. The word doesnt bother me used occasionaly, but used like this it does:
  11. That something to do with being scottish there, as i always though most scots had a good sense of humor.
  12. are you just trying to annoy me now, everyone seems to get the jist aprt from you, it was a joke.
  13. im not being serious, i dont even mind the word lol, just something to do, its not a cuase worth dying for.
  14. 2nd time punk, and i am very light at the moment, too much helium me thinks. Why cant you guys see it as a laugh, man you people must be seriously stressed.
  15. dudes its just a bit of fun, yeah the 4th comandment was a misunderstanding, all sorted now. You bitches need to lighten up.
  16. errn, no they dont its says not to post lol in a sentance without a joke and not to post lol in a sentance with a joke. please refrain from going off topic woman.
  17. People you may be noticing that the once great word of LOL has lost all its former glory. Once the holy grail of laughing desciption, it is now being whored out at the end of every sentence. With your help we can put a stop to this and restore LOL to its former glory. To back the campaign you must do the following: Place "PROUD MEMBER OF THE ANTI-LOL CAMPAIGN" in your sig and follow these commandments: 1. Thou shalt not place 'lol' in a sentence not containing a 'joke'. 2. Thou shalt not place 'lol' in a sentence containing a 'joke', as this ruins all ' comedy value' of the 'joke'. 3. Thou shalt not use the word 'lol' when confused. It only heightens your impression of stupidity and adds no conversational value. We honest, hardworking forum readers and posters are sick and tired of being confronted with lazy posters 'conveniently' forgetting to add a 'y' and a 'o' to 'you' With your help people we can restore the glory to LOL! Please do not take this seriously
  18. I hear of folks problems with msn like everyday now. For some reason ive never had a problem with it, *touchwood* that continues.
  19. me also, but i think they like to see my ripping six pack drenched :P
  20. off topic eh, what the fuck was that then. generally anywhere you can talk a lot is good, i think chicks like to talk a lot.
  21. That net post wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at the poster above that you quoted, apologies for the mix up.
  22. From what ive heard, its on the net
  23. I didnt like 1080 avalanche, hence the reason i gave it to jordan.
  24. Ive had success using the local theme park as entertainment, the girls love to see me all wet.....................on the wet slide.
  25. im afraid your name is not allowed. you know i love you really stranger
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